

"What would happen if Gods and Goddesses don't care about humans anymore?" In 2030, Gods and humans are still side by side. Tragically, Gods had been thrown humans for unknown reasons. Thereafter, immoral acts occurred everywhere. Meanwhile, Tara had a miserable experience due to the absence of gods. Soon, someone told him about secrets from his past. Thenceforth, he decided his fate once and for all. Note: This web novel adds speculative fiction genre because of an unavailable option. So, in simple terms, this web novel has alternative timelines.

Hati_Skoll · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 19: Party by Unpleasant Newcomer

I remembered clearly. Remembering how I experienced bad luck. How could If not, I slipped at the moment when I wanted to hit her. Moreover, it's my golden chance after I'd given everything before.

Even so, I wanted to fight her again. Moreover, I wanted to reply to her rotten talk.

Wake up... Get up... Get... up...

However, it was useless. My body didn't want to obey me. No, if my body didn't want to obey, I just needed to force it. Even crawling if it's necessary to reply to the shitty woman's words.

I just... need... to force... it...

Suddenly, my eyes could open slowly. When I woke up, I started to wake up in an unusual place. Something like a place that only had a white background. Although it was kind of similar to the place that I had visited before. Just... like a meditation place.

Even so, the place turned dark. Dark as a subway tunnel. Not only that but from above came raindrops that wet me. Wet everything. Dark and quiet became the right combination to describe this place.

I, who didn't focus on what was going on, got a call. The call came from the other end of the tunnel. Even though I didn't want to go there, this body can't refuse it as if it was walking on its own. As a result, I moved to the end of the tunnel with a forced condition.

While I was walking toward that place, I saw a point of light from the end of the tunnel. The longer I walked in, the bigger light I saw it. Finally, I reached the end of the tunnel from this place along with the light that made my eyes almost blind.

However, the light got less and less. After a while, I could see clearly before me. It was the place where I'd meditated before. However, I was in front of a rock with three weapons that I had approached before.

From out of nowhere came a lot of voices. The voice called me. An inviting voice called me to pick them up.

Come on, pick me...

Just pick me...

You won't regret choosing me... that's how the sentence sounded.

Because of so many voices calling me, my head became dizzy. Dizzy with the many voices calling as if filled my head. My head felt like it was going to explode.

Shut up... shut up already... Only those words I talked while holding my head.

However, all I talked about before was useless. That voice still filled my head. The volume of the sounds grew louder as time went on.

I started to give up. It hurt because the voices are noisy. Pain because of headache started to get worse. It felt... I wanted to smash my head with a rock. I wanted to be free and relief from those pains.

Realizing that there was a rock in front of me, I started banging my head. I repeatedly banged my head to get the voices out of my head.

Blood started coming out of my head. It fell slowly like raindrops. I did it many times.

In fact, after doing that, other sounds started to appear. This time, it was the voices of my family and my previous experience that came into my head. As a result, I banged my head more and more.

After a while I had done this, I became exhausted. More and more blood fell. Even so, the disturbing voices still bothered me. Faced with this fact, I can only sleep on the ground.

I'm tired of all this bullshit. Tired of what I was doing right now. Tired of all weaknesses I had.

In the end... I didn't do anything... my parents, my weaknesses, even myself...

I wanted power. A power to avenge the grudge I had. A power to act for my will I had. A power to strengthen the heart I had...

I wanted those power to create everything I want it!

Instantly, the voices disappeared in an instant. Disappeared and vanished like a passing storm. From behind, came a voice,

<I acknowledged your tenacity. You could enter here for the second time. But it's not time yet!> A mysterious voice with a firm tone.

I wanted to reply to that mysterious voices. Really wanted to reply. But when I was about to reply, my voice suddenly became mute. Mute and made me can't speak. I can't even scream.

The mysterious voice said again to me,

<You didn't need to worry about that. I just muted your voice for a moment. This is important. So, listen carefully!>

I still can't accept this situation. I wanted to talk. It's like my freedom was taken away. Even so, the mysterious voice spoke again,

<This conversation isn't long. So, I wanted you to listen because this conversation is related to your parents.>

When I heard the last words, it tickled my curiosity. Forced, I listened to what the mysterious voice said.

<Great! We could talk right now.>

It started to say again,

<First, I would help you fight against the gods. In return, you just needed to follow my direction. Second, you would be able to use one of these three weapons if you arrived in those countries that own the weapons. Of course, you can use and make three of them become yours. Third, don't trust Nostradamus too much.>

I was surprised to hear some of those statements. Honestly, who is talking to me right now? Why does the mysterious voice want to help me? What do those statements mean? How could I believe those bullshit?

All of those questions popped up and started to fill in my mind.

The mysterious voice started to say back to me,

<It's time. I must go. Don't forget about what I just said before. Also, don't tell Nostradamus!> the mysterious voice said in a threatening tone.

Hearing that threat, I felt the goosebumps on my neck stand up. I felt the threat was real. However, the mysterious voice said again,

<As proof of my statements before, once you wake up, you and Nostradamus will be attacked by some mythological creatures. So, don't die for your revenge. Okay!>

After the mysterious voice finished speaking, the place started to shake. Shaking like an earthquake. This process is similar like I meditated the first time.

Sure enough, when I looked up, I was sucked in by the same hole. A black hole that was the same as what I'd been before in mediation.

Hovering in the same hole. Started flying up into a black hole. When I was in the black hole, there was a light in front of me. With fast speed, I began to approach the light. When I arrived, that's when my consciousness began to recover and started to wake up.


I started waking up from my faint. When I woke up, I was already in a room. After I observed for a while, I was in the bedroom of my house.

Even so, I could remember my previous dream vividly. Strange dream I had before

(What a freak dream. Is that the effect because of the fatigue I'd experienced before, huh??)

When I thought about that, my stomach grumbled. A sign that I'd starved enough. As a result, I headed to the kitchen to eat some of the available food.

I got to the kitchen. When I got there, I saw Nostradamus drinking a water. Our eyes both met. After that moment, she said,

"Hail and good to see thou'rt, O my dear prince of sleep!" she spoke with a sarcastic tone. "How's thy dream? Lovely dream about thy defeated before, huh?!"

"Cut off it!" I started to annoy. "I didn't think because of my faint. Let's just say, the fight between us had a draw!"

"Thou made a cute face when thou'd frustrated!" she started to giggle. "I love it!"

"Don't say a full of crap about it!" I sighed. "By the way, do you want some food?"

"Yes!" she said with a joyful tone. "Give me a noodle!"

"Woman always loved junky food, huh!"

I prepared some ingredients for cooking. After some time had passed, the meal was readied to eat. We started to eat the food that had been prepared.

However, not long after we ate, Nostradamus made a certain expression. Expression as if on alert condition. Then, she gave me non-verbal language through her hand…

<D-O_N-O-T_S-P-E-A-K_L-E-T_U-S_R-U-N_F-R-O-M_B-E-H-I-N-D_D-O-O-R!) I interpret her signals.

I followed her lead. Immediately, we walked to the back door of my home with caution. Slowly and surely, we were abled to reach the back door.

Then, we ran from the house to one place. As fast as we could, we were already at the place where trained before.

"Why must here?!" I started to complain. "It gave some of the people know us!"

"Who said it was a people?!" she started to explain. "Those things are creatures!"

Not long after Nostradamus said that, several creatures began to appear surprisingly. They are five beings stood before us. It was as if we became a target of stranger creatures.