

"What would happen if Gods and Goddesses don't care about humans anymore?" In 2030, Gods and humans are still side by side. Tragically, Gods had been thrown humans for unknown reasons. Thereafter, immoral acts occurred everywhere. Meanwhile, Tara had a miserable experience due to the absence of gods. Soon, someone told him about secrets from his past. Thenceforth, he decided his fate once and for all. Note: This web novel adds speculative fiction genre because of an unavailable option. So, in simple terms, this web novel has alternative timelines.

Hati_Skoll · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 16: Bloom in the dawn

"Hah!" I opened my mouth like a shocked person. "Wh-Wh-What?! Are you nuts?! Of course, you're a man aren't?!!"

"Hmm!" Nostradamus started to punch me in the face. "Fuck, thou bird brain! What's wrong if I was a woman, huh?!"

I started to shock again. Subconsciously, I rushed to check that. I checked the face until I punched the face of Nostradamus.

Nostradamus was annoyed because I punched its face. Nostradamus replied with an angry tone,

"Fuck it!" Nostradamus hissed and touched its nose because it started to bleed. "Thou'rt a donkey?!! Thou made my nose bleed like rain right now!" Nostradamus punched me again in the face.

"Take this, you trap-man!" I punched Nostradamus again. "This for your word before in lowest floor!"

In the end, we hit each other. On several occasions, Nostradamus hit several vital of mine. It made me feel immeasurable pain. Even so, I punched back Nostradamus with my strength which I didn't less it at all. In the end, we were laid on the floor.

"Hah!" I started to hiss because of the pain I had received. "I didnt believe... you're a woman... but... your strength... like a muscular man... are you... a real woman?!"

"If thou... said that again... I'll crush... thy balls... like castration punishment!" Nostradamus said with a deeper tone while hissing because of her pain.

"What a dangerous woman you are! If you said that... no one of any man will marry you!" I hissed because of the pain.

"I didn't want to receive your pity sympathy! Like sarcasm if I received that shit. Take that to yourself already!" She replied with an annoyed tone.

After a few moments of rest due to the injuries we received from each other, we started cleaning this place from the mess we made. Even so, the aura of hostility between us remained. As a result, we argued over little things while cleaning this mess.


At the night...

The night came here. Along with that, my body was tired because of cleaning up the mess we made. Moreover, some drops of blood were stuck on several walls. Not only mine who did that, but Nostradamus also helped. It made fewer times to work on it.

"Hah!" I sighed with a heavy breath. "Finally! It was cleared already!" Ending with a relieved tone.

Similarly with that, Nostradamus replied to my comment,

"What thou art!" she was annoyed with a heavy breath. "These activities... didn't make me tired! Thou'rt CHICKEN if thou already tired because of this shit. Where is the result of thy previous experience before?!" she started arguing like a grumpy hag.

I didn't reply to the grumpy woman's argument. Right now, I was enjoying the peace I'd wanted. The peace in my house...

"Hah!" I was relieved. "The peace... relax had I wanted!" with yawned while stretching my hands.

Suddenly, there was a thing that hit my face...


"Hey, old hag!" I angered. "Let me relax for several minutes, will ya!" I said while moving the book to another side.

"Relax? In this situation?!" she busted laugh again "What a bird brain thou'rt!"

I accidentally saw one of my bodies. When I looked, the body had a mark like being cut off by something. Realizing this, I asked Nostradamus,

"By the way... I wanted to ask something with you. But!" I started to show something to her. "What the heck is this?!"

"Oh!" she started to say with an uninterested tone. "It only wound thou had received from thy previous experience. Keep a chill about it!"

"My wound? From previous experience I made?? How??! Those things were dreamed only, didn't?!!"

"I only said this once for you. Those things were real wounds thou had received before. A real wound being given by thy enemies!"

"What??! If you said so," I said with the same reaction. "So, the dies I'd received before are real deal, no?!!"

"Indeed!" she said with a firm tone.

I was suddenly silent for a while. Nostradamus began to speak again,

"Luckily," she spoke while stretching her hands. "I learned about medical techniques and stuff. So, those problems were cleared already!!" while she gave me a thumbs up.

(I didnt believe that goddamn crap, honestly!) I muttered in disbelief thought.

"Hey!" she said with angry stuff. "I knew what thou'rt thinking, you bird brain!!" again, she punched my left shoulder.

"Hey! Stop bitch!" I hissed with an annoyed tone. "Goddamn! How did you know about that?! Are you reading my mind?! Are you a psychologist?!" I rubbed my shoulder subconsciously.

"Woman always knew two-step things ahead, didn't thou know?!" she replied optimistically.

"So that's why psychologists mostly are women, huh? I didn't shock by that. Wow!" I reacted with an apathetic tone.

"Wow! That's sexism which is wrapped by a compliment, ain't it?! What a great sense of humor thou'd!" she busted laughter suddenly.

"What an apathetic woman you're!" I sighed again. "Instead of that, why did you bring me back here? Is something that happens?"

She, who laughed at first, suddenly relief sighed for several seconds. Then, she spoke,

"Something had happened. I'd got prophecy for that. So, there is this!" she saw at me and imitated the pose of a magician. "Voila! Thou'd arrived in here!"

"Prophecy? What a prophecy thou'd get??"

"A prophecy didn't bring to speak until it's true already. Thou'd knew it, ain't?"

"Why?? I mean... if thou'd knew already, didn't make something easier?" I started curiously.

"There's something in circumstances where thou didn't want to reveal something, especially about the bad thing-" she yawned while stretching her hands-"Humans always stepped aside from that side and searched for the "good things" although it made them become the craziest creatures. Consider those statements!"

"Never thought in my mind... you spoke wisely like that. Did you eat something wrong?"

"Wise, huh? Wise is an embodiment of truth which is covered by the odious mud of reality!" She began to wake up from the sofa.

"What a strong statement you'd!" I started to crunch my bone neck because of tired. "So, what's next??"

She silenced for a moment. After that, she began to speak,

"Teaching thy bird brain. What's else?" She smiled at me.

She started teaching me several things, including magic and similar topics with that. She gave me some basic insights that I didn't know about magic and other things at first. Because of several kinds of stuff, she taught me until dawn time arrived.

"Hah! What a stressful lesson I'd been taught! I didn't know that magic was like you learned about science stuff! My brain was fucked up already!" I sighed in a stressful tone.

"I should be the one who complained about this, especially thy shallow understanding! Taught a toddler is easier than teaching thou'rt!"

"At least! I wanted you to give some novice explanations about those kinds of stuff!" I complained about her teaching stuff.

"Fine!" she sighed in an angry tone. "What the explanation thou want? Give. It. To. Me!" again with an angry tone. She started approaching my face.

"At least, gave me some spaces, would you?!"

She started to lose my collar and gave me some distance. After that, I started asking her,

"Frankly, I didn't understand what you were saying... especially about your last answers on the previous floor when I'd fought the salamanders. I still didn't figure it out. At least... I wanted you to give me some novice understandings or practices that made me understand it!! Would thou?!"

Surprisingly, a punch hit me in the face. As a result, I fell backwards a few steps. When I saw whose did, that being acted of Nostradamus. With a grunt of annoyance, she said,

"What a headache I'd!" she started to breathe in one-two checks. "Follow me!" She started walking somewhere. When she started to go, I followed and walked beside her.

While on the way, she suddenly asked while walking,

"What makes something happen?"

Hearing that question, I began replied it,

"Desire? Dream? Determination? Only three things made something happen. Isn't it?"

"Of course! Thy answered didn't wrong. However, all of that things had a basis. What's the basis of those things?"

"I didn't know. What is it??" I spoke while shaking my head left-right like a person who didn't knows the right answer.

At that moment, we arrived at an empty field. It didn't get the existence of human beings here. At the same time, from under her feet, a magic circle was created. The magic circle was filled with patterns that were unfamiliar to me. Not only that, light began to fill the circle. A beautiful sky-blue light had appeared.

I saw it and was shocked by that phenomenon. Now, Nostradamus began to say again,

"Imagine.. thou'rt in a shady tree. Slept on the green grass. With gentle breezes that surrounded thou'rt. Imagine... thou'rt in a kayak. Thou'rt fishing in the middle of a bright moon. Waited to catch thy prey..." Again, she stared at me.

From her right hand, a blue flame appeared. The fire was the size of a soccer ball. Not only one, but several fireballs appeared around her.

I only stood before her. However, even so, it wasn't the feeling of fear that resided in my heart. However, a feeling of astonishment bloomed in my heart. I couldn't remove my eyes from those phenomena.

Nostradamus started talking again,

"Those had been called... magic!" She smiled at me.