
Defenders Of Time

Defenders of Time is a story about people who can travel in time and keep the time line safe from some creatures called time monsters, but what if the danger came from the defenders them selves! ,this story talks about two strong defenders facing the revolution army and restoring the balance Note: this is my first novel I hope you'll enjoy it, and don't forget to give me some advices in the comments

WorldChanger0 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Bad Situation

In the dimly lit meeting room of the fifth dimension, Defender Gantlik stood before a group of assembled defenders, delivering a report in the absence of Captain Zector. The tension in the air was palpable, and Gantlik's words carried weight.

"As you can all see, we are missing one of our most crucial defenders here in the fifth dimension. Viole has vanished after his battle alongside Defender Tony against the body of Defender Stark," Gantlik announced. However, before he could continue, Tony interjected, his voice filled with frustration.

"Do we really need a detailed account? I was there, damn it!" Tony's outburst was swiftly halted as Defender Yor slapped his head, urging him to be silent.

"Don't interrupt him, Tony," Yor reprimanded. Tony attempted to regain his composure, but his anger lingered, his eyes fixed on the ground as he muttered an expletive.

"Regardless, the most crucial information is that Captain Zector has communicated with the high entities. It appears that Viole struck a deal with them to seal Stark's body on another planet, depriving it of sunlight. However, Tony, I need you to listen closely," Gantlik continued.

"What now?" Tony snapped.

"That seal has consumed half of Viole's lifespan, and we have no knowledge of when he will return to the fifth dimension," Gantlik revealed.

"Why would he...?"

"He has chosen to stay with Stark's body until its time remnants are fully depleted," Yor interjected.

"Fuck that! Shouldn't those high-flying bastards help us do our job instead of treating our lives like their dinner? And where the hell is Zector now?" Tony exclaimed, his frustration reaching its peak.

"He is in a meeting with the Elite Squad. Things have changed, Tony," Yor responded calmly.

Tony abruptly rose from his seat, a clear intention to leave the room apparent in his actions.

"That's pointless, Tony," Gantlik cautioned, his voice filled with concern.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Tony retorted.

"You know what Viole would say if he were here?" Gantlik's words hung in the air.

"Oh, so you're telling me he should stay with that lunatic until his body is destroyed?" Tony scoffed.

"Viole made his decision, and we must respect it, especially you," Yor asserted.

"Respect? Well, they never taught me that," Tony bitterly responded.

"Tony..." Gantlik's voice boomed, trying to reach out to him.

"I won't take orders from you, or anyone else, except for him," Tony declared defiantly.

"You know they don't hold you in the same regard as they do with Viole. Like he said, it's pointless," Roger chimed in, his words laced with sarcasm.

"Not you now..." Tony abruptly exited the meeting room, leaving behind a lingering sense of unrest.

Flashbacks are coming!!!

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