
Defenders Of Time

Defenders of Time is a story about people who can travel in time and keep the time line safe from some creatures called time monsters, but what if the danger came from the defenders them selves! ,this story talks about two strong defenders facing the revolution army and restoring the balance Note: this is my first novel I hope you'll enjoy it, and don't forget to give me some advices in the comments

WorldChanger0 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Out Of Control

Yor's frustration reached its peak as she spoke of Tony. "That fool! Why must he be so infuriating?" she exclaimed.

"He's not a fool; he's simply lost. His loyalty to Viole is unparalleled. No one, not even Captain Zector or anyone in the Fifth Dimension, can control him like Viole does. When Viole isn't around to give him orders, he becomes uncontrollable, like a raging dog," Gantlik explained.

"That only proves how much of an idiot he is. Is he truly going to speak with the high entities after everything that has happened? I bet he'll be kicked out by the guards before he even sets foot inside," Roger chimed in, his tone laced with cynicism.

"Call it what you will, but he has made his decision, even if he knows it won't change anything. He's going to do it," Gantlik stated.

Yor was visibly shaken and angry, her hands trembling as she contemplated the unfolding situation.

"You shouldn't let it get to you like this, Yor. Or is it the feeling of helplessness, knowing that you can't do anything in this mess, that's eating away at you?" Roger taunted.

"You just can't help yourself, can you?" Yor took a deep breath. "Don't even try to provoke me. I'm not like Tony. Oh! Speaking of Tony, why didn't you taunt him earlier? Were you afraid of getting your ass kicked when Viole isn't here to protect you?" Yor shot back.

"You're no fun," Roger retorted.

A heavy silence hung in the room as everyone contemplated the situation individually. Then, Defender Wally burst into the room, his disheveled appearance causing a stir.

"Hey, guys! Viole... disappeared? Explain, now!" Wally exclaimed, shock etched across his face.

All eyes turned to Wally, and his ruined suit became the subject of laughter.

"What's so funny?!" Wally demanded to know.

"Your...your suit..." Roger managed to say between bouts of laughter.

"Let's not dwell on my suit right now, okay?" Wally snapped back at Roger.

Wally looked at the other defenders with a mix of sadness and longing, as if he were missing something vital.

"You know, sometimes I start to feel things I didn't before. I think I just wanted things to go back to how they used to be, but now... Am I really fighting against Catlin?" Wally questioned himself aloud.

"Guys, weren't we supposed to fight time monsters and not each other? Should we really be killing the other defenders and humans out there? Can't we find a way to coexist...?" Wally's train of thought was interrupted by Roger.

"Let me teach you something about what Defenders of Time should do. We don't just fight time monsters; we also protect the timeline. Those humans you're talking about have been ruining it for a long time. And your little friend Catlin has messed it all up by forming a revolutionary army with other scumbags like her. Now they're planning to attack the Fifth Dimension, which is also our duty to protect," Roger explained, his tone dripping with disdain.

"Stop it now, Roger!" Yor interjected.

"Don't call these fuckers 'defenders.' The real defenders do their jobs without complaint. Or was it not enough trouble for you to get caught by those bitches? Look, we're in a dire situation now because of you," Roger spat.

Enraged, Yor grabbed Roger and forcefully slammed his head onto the table. "Didn't I tell you to stop?!" she seethed.

"And didn't you tell me that I can't get under your skin?" Roger retorted.

Gantlik chuckled softly, but his amusement quickly faded when Yor turned her menacing gaze towards him. Gantlik offered a feeble apology, "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Dammit! Can't you control that damn tongue of yours?" Yor snapped.

"No, Defender Yor, he's telling the truth. I've already caused enough trouble, and we shouldn't waste time questioning why or how. Our duty as defenders is clear—we must simply do our jobs. It's what we were born for," Wally interjected with a stern expression.

"See?" Roger said smugly.

"See what? That you can talk to everyone like that? That's one of the reasons many of the Comun defenders joined the revolutionary army. They're not like us!" Yor retorted.

"Are you blaming me as the sole cause of all this? It's not my fault they feel that way," Roger replied before storming out of the room.

"Wally, have a seat," Gantlik instructed.

Wally complied, taking a seat.

"Now, let me explain what happened to Viole," Gantlik began.