
Defenders Of Time

Defenders of Time is a story about people who can travel in time and keep the time line safe from some creatures called time monsters, but what if the danger came from the defenders them selves! ,this story talks about two strong defenders facing the revolution army and restoring the balance Note: this is my first novel I hope you'll enjoy it, and don't forget to give me some advices in the comments

WorldChanger0 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

A Raging Dog

Tony wandered aimlessly through the vast expanse of the fifth dimension, his steps carrying him without a clear destination. Unaware of Viole's absence, he roamed lost in his own thoughts. Suddenly, another defender crossed paths with Tony and reached out to touch him.

"Something wrong?!" Tony's voice emerged, laden with an unsettling quietness.

"Hmm...? Tony, is that you? You look horrible!" the defender replied, studying Tony with a piercing gaze.

"Quit instigating conflicts with fellow defenders whenever you're annoyed. It's truly pathetic," the defender admonished.

These words only fueled Tony's anger, amplifying the fury he already harbored. The mention of the word "pathetic" seemed to trigger a painful recollection he wished to forget.

"Seems like you're in need of a free massage, you shorty fu--" Tony's words trailed off as he poised his hand to strike.

A soft voice emerged from the surroundings, interrupting the tense atmosphere. "Defender Tony." It was a woman's voice. Tony slowly lowered his hand, his gaze shifting to the person who had spoken his name—defender Yor.

"Captain Zector requires our presence. Will you follow me?" defender Yor asked, a wide smile adorning her face. Tony appeared somewhat subdued now. "Go, the Captain needs you. And don't fret too much about him. You know exactly whom I'm referring to, don't you?"

For some reason, Tony remained silent, his response withheld. He departed, guided by Yor's words. "You're not the only one worried about Viole and the fate of the fifth dimension. We are living through a tumultuous time, especially with you causing disruptions here and there." After taking a deep breath, the defender muttered to himself, "Wait, did he just call me 'shorty'? But I'm 172 centimeters tall... I'm not that short! Damn it, man! Where was I even headed? That conversation with Tony completely threw me off track."

It's been a long time guys, a lot of things happend this past months, all what I can say that I came back with new chapters, I hope you'll enjoy them.

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