
Deceived by the Delta

After the events of "Betrayed by the Beta," Alpha Dave and his twin sister Daisy face the daunting task of reorganizing a pack that has endured months of mistreatment. Amid this challenge, they must also support their friends Jack and Cassie in capturing a looming threat that could bring them all to their knees. Additionally, they help Jason and Tara come to terms with a difficult past and assist Brian in guiding Mark through his intense need to prove his worth, which could have serious consequences.

Damsell · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 11 - Sharing the news

Daisy - 

I pull up to the pack house at Rival River minutes later, having driven a little too fast around the twists and turns the roads make us take to get to each other and I am jumping out of the car before I realise I haven't undone my belt. The force of being held into the car by the belt stops me and I hasten to undo it, frustrated when I can't get the damn button to click and release me.

Finally free from the damn car, I race through the pack house, up the stairs and slide to a halt outside the Alpha suite. I don't bother to knock, they know I am coming, I throw the door open calling out to Jack and looking around the spacious sitting area with the small kitchenette in the corner.

Jack appears in the doorway leading to their room and I stride over to him quickly, peaking around his broad chest into the room and spotting Cassie sitting in the middle of the bed staring at nothing in particular.

No words are spoken, but Jack and I make eye contact and then I am sliding between him and the door frame and sitting carefully on the bed next to my best friend. I see Jack leave the room out of the corner of my eye, despair apparent in the way he is carrying himself.

I am almost sure that his reaction is due to Cassie's reaction to the news, Jack is 24, has been longing for his mate for 7 years and I know for a fact he wants pups, the sooner the better in his opinion, so I imagine the news was incredible for him, but seeing his mate so obviously upset about the news is probably ripping him in two.

"Cassie?" I speak softly so as not to startle her, "What happened?"

Cassie - 

"I'm….I'm Pregnant," Daisy didn't react at all, nothing, not even a flinch, so I looked up at her face and was surprised to see a huge grin spreading.

"Well I for one am not surprised," She said her grin growing comically large, "The way you two have been acting, how far along are you? Oh My Goddess, this is so exciting, a pup, I get to be an Auntie, FINALLY," She was bouncing up and down making the mattress rock beneath me, clapping her hands and laughing as she spoke. I red bright red at her comment but decided to try my best to ignore it, I mean she had a point, Jack and I could hardly keep our hands to ourselves in public let alone when we were alone, just the two of us.

"Daisy," I squealed, swatting at her leg.

"Whoops, sorry, did the bouncing make you nauseous?" She turned serious quickly at my shout.

"No, I feel fine, well physically anyway, but I can't be pregnant, it's too soon, I'm still young," I buried my face in the palms of my hand as I said that last bit, not really believing it, but feeling that it should be mentioned. 

"Bullshit!" It was Daisy's turn to swat my leg, "you are old enough to have a mate, you are old enough for a pup, and besides, you are so much wiser than your years, Cassie, come on, is this really such a bad thing? You love pups, I've seen that wistful look in your eyes as we walk past the playground" I thought that over in my mind a few times and Daisy waited quietly for me to react to her words.

"You're right, I am happy about this, it was just a shock, that's all, I just needed a minute to digest the information. I was hoping for more time with Jack before this happened, but I am starting to feel a bubble of excitement right here" I pressed my hand to my stomach as I spoke, "I don't know how far along I am though, I didn't hear anything that Felix said to me after the word pregnant" I face palm, then my head snaps up and I scan the room for my mate. I use our bond to determine that he has gone back to his office, I can sense how far from me he is, but for some reason I can't sense how he is feeling, he must be blocking me, my heart sinks. Is he mad at me for falling pregnant so quickly? 

"Jack, he, I don't know, I can't sense his emotions, I don't know how he feels about this, I, um, I need to go to him," I jump off the bed, happiness bubbling inside me. 

"Go, I can't stay anyway, I'm heading to Forest Haven for Dave, he needs some information they have and he can't leave the pack right now" Daisy is already half off the bed before she finishes speaking.

"Oh, Goddess, how long will you be gone?" I ask, feeling guilty that my initial reaction seems to have caused a ripple effect. 

"A couple of weeks at most, don't worry I will be back, you will be sick of me before that pup comes along," She grins at me and bounces from the room, seconds later I hear the door close and I know I am alone.

Jack? I mind linked him.

Yes Love?

Can I come to you?

Hold on, I'm on my way, you stay there…. Did Daisy leave?

Yeah she has to go to Forest Haven and I need you, please hurry.

I'm coming now love.

I thought about what I could say to Jack to make this OK while I waited for him to come back to our suite. I didn't know how he felt about the news, we had never discussed pups or the future before, I always figured we had plenty of time for that. I guess now is the time to find out. I hope he is happy about the news, but I'm not sure if he will be, otherwise why would he be blocking his emotions from me?

Before I had time to really think about anything the door to our suite burst open and Jack came into view. He stopped in the doorway to our sleeping quarters and just looked at me, worry clearly etched on his face. I know my reaction to the news caused that worry and for that I am beyond angry with myself, how could I do this to him? After all I have put him through already the least I could do was react like an adult when shocking news comes my way. Guilt floods through the bond as my anger peaks at myself.

"Jack," I say, my eyes filling with tears as his guilt clashes with mine threatening to rip me in two.

"Cassie, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry lo..," he starts to speak but I lift up a hand to stop him and he breaks off mid word.

"Jack, come here?" he steps towards the bed where I am now kneeling, when he reaches the edge I throw myself into his arms, peppering his face with kisses, "I'm so sorry Jack, when I heard the news, I just kind of clocked out, the shock, it took over, I couldn't push past it, I love you, I'm so sorry for how I reacted." I manage to get this out between kisses and when I finish jack places his hands on my face and guides my lips to his.

"You don't need to be sorry, I am the one who is sorry, I should have thought about it and taken precautions, I should have known you weren't ready" I'm shaking my head by the time he finishes his sentence.