
Deceived by the Delta

After the events of "Betrayed by the Beta," Alpha Dave and his twin sister Daisy face the daunting task of reorganizing a pack that has endured months of mistreatment. Amid this challenge, they must also support their friends Jack and Cassie in capturing a looming threat that could bring them all to their knees. Additionally, they help Jason and Tara come to terms with a difficult past and assist Brian in guiding Mark through his intense need to prove his worth, which could have serious consequences.

Damsell · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 10 - Departure

Daisy - 

So Dave has me packing for this mission, that's all we seem to do lately, plan missions. I am heading to Forest Haven Pack.

He is sending me to this pack for two reasons, the first and main reason being that there are some questions regarding finances that were moved between their pack and ours, and the second reason is that they had a similar situation to our current issues with Ace in the past and he is hoping that someone there will remember what happened and be able to advise us on what our next steps should be.

Forest Haven knows that I am coming, they are expecting me in a days time, so I don't have much time to pack up and get going. But I do take the time to call my best friend and let her know my plans.

The phone rings out when I try to call Cassie, but I'm not worried. She is often busy with her Luna duties and always calls me back quite quickly, so I leave my phone on the bed and continue to fill my bag with the items I am likely to need for a quick visit. Hopefully I will be back home within a fortnight with all the information Dave needs. I hope I can pull this off for him, I know he wants to go himself but he is needed here, I am as well really, but someone has to go.

I am just packing the last of my toiletries into the bag when my phone vibrates on the bed. I dash over to it and grab for it, missing my target and sending it bouncing across the bed. I jump on it and fumble to get it up the right way before I answer.

"I'm here, I'm here," I huff into the phone, "Thanks for calling back so quickly, I don't have much time, I just wanted to let you know that I am heading out to another pack for a few days but I will have my phone and hopefully won't be too long," I'm rushing out my words before I realise that Cassie didn't even greet me, I check the screen to make sure I did in fact answer the call and didn't accidentally hang up on her. Seeing that I am indeed on the call with her I put the phone back to my ear and start again, more slowly. "Cassie? Hi, you there?" nothing, silence, "Cassie? You're scaring me, say something?" I can't help the feeling of my stomach sinking when I continue to hear nothing on the other end, and then my torment is both eased and worsened all in a fraction of a second, a sound comes through the phone, Cassie's voice, "Daisy?" it is a whisper and though hearing her voice brings me relief that she is there, the scratching whispering sound of my name uttered the way it was, had dread washing over me once more. 

"Cassie? What's wrong hun? Talk to me, you're OK aren't you? Where is Jack? Is he with you?" I'm firing questions at her, attempting to keep my voice calm and reassuring while I wait desperately for her to speak again.

"Daisy?" comes the strong calm voice of Jack through the phone.

"Jack, yes it's me, what's wrong? Why is Cassie not speaking?" I'm worried, but grateful to have someone actually speaking to me.

"We have just received some, um, rather shocking news and it seems to have sent Cassie into shock, she isn't really reacting to anything, I am getting quite worried now, do you think you could stop by?" He responds, his voice is still calm, but it is the calm I have heard from him when he is forcing himself not to panic, I can hear the worry beneath the calm.

"I have to go to Forest Haven, but let me talk to Dave, I'm sure he won't mind me stopping in for 5 minutes… wait, what's the news?" I babble, zipping my bag and hefting it onto my shoulder before marching out of my room towards Dave's office, still holding the phone to my ear.

"It's good news, well I think it is, I don't know, it's terrible timing, and I'm not sure she's ready, but it has happened and there isn't much we can do about it…."

Jack is babbling now, so instead of pushing for a definitive answer I say my goodbyes, tell him I will be there as soon as possible and run the rest of the way to Dave's office while hanging up the phone.

I manage to stop myself just before I hit the door and taking a slow deep breath I knock firmly on the wood. Dave bids me to enter and I open the door once more. I try to not be the whirlwind he accuses me of being, and make my way to his desk, I don't take a seat as I don't intend to be here long.

"Dave, I need to see Cassie, would it be ok for me to stop over there before I make my way to Forest Haven?"

"Sure, I don't see the problem with that, you don't really need to leave until tonight anyway, so head over there and once you are done there you can go on to Forest Haven from there, it isn't an issue" I sigh and slump down into the seat as he finishes speaking, "is everything OK?" he asked me.

"I don't know," I answer honestly, "I called Cassie, to let her know I was going to be away a while, but she didn't answer, then she called me back but she didn't speak except to say my name, and the way she said it, I don't know, it wasn't right, and then Jack came on the phone, said she had had some news and she was in shock, he sounded worried and asked me to pop over there." I let it all out in a rush of air.

"Well," Dave says, thoughtfully, "I don't see what you can do that her own mate can't, but I can understand that some things need a woman's touch, maybe you can help, go on, leave as soon as you are packed and Call me when you are on the road. Send my good wishes to Jack and Cassie, I hope it isn't anything serious."

"I'm packed, I'm going to head there now, I will call you after and fill you in" Dave nods his head to me and grabbing my bag again I fly out of his office and to the garage where a car is waiting for me. Jumping in the car I realise that, although I managed to enter his office like a 'normal person' as he would say, I did leave rather abruptly and may have disrupted his paperwork, Again! Chuckling to myself, imagining him balling me out, I strap myself in and pull out of the garage, rushing to get to my best friend and find out what this news is.