

A seed of darkness that will never bloom. Death the guardian of death and life. The prince of all guardians. The most powerful guy but also very cold. Who will be able to stand against him? He is Death, he was born to be feared.

Nonjabulo · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 7

"This is so lame." Sun hissed as we walked inside a scary dark room with dead bodies of people. "They is no one still alive here, come on, let's look somewhere else." I insisted then Sun followed behind. "I don't get him,his so annoying." She mumbled but I heard her. "Hey, what's bothering you? Don't worry I'm good with secrets." I joked but she didn't laugh. "I wouldn't tell you anything about me now let's continue, the sooner we finish this the better." She hissed then I kept quiet for a while. "Is this about Death?" I asked calmly as she made a wall explode. "I said shut up!" She yelled furiously. "Just leave me alone,I don't get why he won't pay attention to me. I mean, I'm rich, cute and strong!" She cracked the ground.

"You are a great person I'm sure Death will realise that soon enough." I encouraged her then she calmed down but didn't thank me. We kept walking in and out of scary suspicious rooms but we didn't really find any innocent people. "Only one room left for us to search, come on." I said then grabbed Sun's hand but she pulled it. "Don't hold my hand I can find my way around." She hissed as we continued walking forward.

Me and Ice went looking for information. "Are you scared?" Ice asked me as we walked. "A little bit but since Death trained me too, I... I know I'll be fine." I replied then suddenly Ice looked mad. "Death? He's a really mean guy yet a lot of girls like him." He mumbled then turned to me. "I think he's suspicious." He said then I jumped in. "I don't think so." I said softly.

"Come on,we need to harry up and get information." I informed. "We've been searching and nothing, I think we should go find Cloud, we do have a map." He smiled but I shook my head then walked forward. "That would make Death very unhappy, at least let's finish searching then maybe we can do that after wards." I said then we walked forward but met five scary man while walking in a strange place. They stood like they were waiting for us. I felt very scared, Ice acted brave and grabbed my hand then told me to stay close.

"I've never seen those faces before." One of them informed the others. We didn't say anything and just walked passed them but they didn't expect that. "So what are you guards doing here? You know you're not allowed to snoop around in this area." Another one of the five exclaimed. "We are just passing by, sorry." Ice replied as we walked passed them then one man with a knife stood up. "Proof it, proof you're real guards." He said then broke the knife into small pieces. "How did he do that?" I asked while hiding behind Ice.

"Maybe his a guardian of strength." Ice replied then froze the man. "What the hell did you just do?!" One yelled furiously then the others also stood up. "You should show more respect for the guards who guard this place." Ice said, still playing character. "Guards or not you're dying right here and now." The man yelled then attacked us without using any magic. "Pathetic." Ice whispered...

...In just small seconds they were all dead. It was incredible but maybe if they fought with their powers the fight would have lasted longer. "That was incredible Ice, you were amazing." I exclaimed happily. "This might be a clue... write this down somewhere." He replied. "Okay but why?" I asked then took out a small notebook I always carry around with me. "The way they fought seemed suspicious to me, that could be how we get our information. Come on we still have a lot of people to study." Ice said then we walked forward.

Finally. I walked forward towards the security system box. "Time to shut this thing down." I said happily then quickly destroyed the box as all the cameras shut down. I took a picture of the damaged box then left the room. "I think I'll call Death." The moment I dropped my phone to the ground accidentally and reached to get it, something went over my head and destroy the wall like it was nothing. "Oh I missed." Someone cried from behind as I quickly turned around and took a picture...

I walked in a dark hallway lit by candlelight. The room were the head stood was not far anymore. I felt myself longing to chop his head, to make him feel the same pain he made others feel. I walked with those thoughts in my head but got distracted when I saw a strange girl with gray hair sitting down and lining on the way. She stood up when I walked closer towards her. "Oh wow, I assume you are Death?" She said. "To meet you in the flesh, it's such an honor." She grinned while her red eyes stared right into mine. "A fake like you can't fool me, so drop the nice act." I replied then she made a small evil laugh then changed her tone completely.

"Name is Colourless." She laughed then all the candlelight went off. " You know, you're wasting your time and power,why would you risk your life to save people you don't even know, people who might not even appreciate your work. Such a waste." She cried. "Just die." I said. "It was just a question, you can't kill someone for asking you a question." She exclaimed then I left her alone and passed her. "Join us." She whispered softly as I turned around then she grinned at me. "You should join the numbers." She said then disappeared and after that I heard foot steps coming my way. "Death!" Someone yelled. "Death, our time is up I could have called you but my phone doesn't work anymore. They know we're here." Cloud informed. "Are you okay? You're injured." I asked. "It's not a big deal right now." She replied. "You're covered with blood." I said then healed her wound. "Thanks Death." She smiled then we walked forward together.

"This is it, beyond this door." I said then opened it...