

A seed of darkness that will never bloom. Death the guardian of death and life. The prince of all guardians. The most powerful guy but also very cold. Who will be able to stand against him? He is Death, he was born to be feared.

Nonjabulo · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 8

"This is it, beyond this door." I said then opened it...

...We went inside the room and met the leader of the Black Lizard group. The inside was dark and spooky, kind of what you would expect. "He's not here." I said with disappointment then Cloud found a secret passage door in the wall. "I don't think finding him is going to be easy." She said after finding the door. We walked down the passage then the entrance closed. "Well, well, well." A deep voice reached us followed by foot steps. "I don't see anyone." Cloud looked around then I whispered to her. "Try to find another exit and don't interrupt my fight." She only nodded then left. A man came out of the shadows and walked towards me. "So is it a fight you and your little friends want?" He laughed. "Pathetic trash, do you really think you'll win this war." He said then chains appeared out of nowhere.

"Only one way to find out." I grinned then his chains attacked me from all directions. "You have too much confidence." He said as I dodged all his attacks and walked closer towards him.

The moment I got close enough to him, I grabbed his neck and slowly killed him. "We will win. Now die." I said then he died and I let go of his lifeless body. "Cloud, did you find a way out?" I asked then she came from above. "Not really but I was video taping the whole fight even though it wasn't really a fight." She replied. "So you haven't found an exit." I said then she destroyed a wall and smiled. "I have now." She said then I got a recorded message from the detectives. "You're out of time, the explosion will happen in five minutes." That's what the message said then I forwarded it to the others. "Come on let's go, we have to get out of here." I informed then we left.

We managed to all get out of the hide out before the explosion. "Sorry man, we weren't able to find any innocent people in there, only just dead bodies of people who have been murdered." Fire informed while I drove the car as we left the Woods. "But it was kind of weird when I checked the dead bodies, all the people had been murdered the same way and I don't think one person could have murdered so many people alone with the Black Lizard being a group and all." Fire added then Sun showed me a picture she took.

"We didn't get much luck on finding basic information on the numbers but we did take some small notes on the members." Ice jumped in. "What good will it do to take notes on the unimportant members?" I asked. "That's not a very nice thing to say,we risked our lives and tried our best." Water exclaimed then I sighed. "Whatever,read the notes."

"Okay." Water nodded and started reading. "In the Black Lizard group we encountered some members who only fight with their fist and despite that they were really strong. Second,we fought with a man wearing a mask who was holding pills in his hand but unfortunately didn't get a chance to use them,he fought with his powers but said really mean things that made Ice use all his abilities to prove he was strong."

"Foolish Ice, you shouldn't have lost your cool, with just that little fight were you reveal your abilities, they can study them and use that knowledge against you." I said then Ice defended himself. "You have no idea how mean he was,he even insulted me and Water."

"I had a fight with a red hair women before I got to the security system box. She seemed really powerful and was able to read my moves but suddenly when fighting she became so weak and drained." Cloud explained. "So to be honest you would have died if whatever made her strong didn't stop?" I asked. "Maybe." She whispered then Ice jumped in. "I knew I should have gone with Cloud, she almost died."

"But she didn't." I quickly replied then turned to Water. "You and Ice encountered a lot of opponents."

"Yes, the third one kept on targeting me but Ice protected me." She smiled warmly. "What about you? You haven't said anything about your battle with any of the opponents you faced. You would have been nothing without Ice and even if he died you would have just watched him from a distance. You're pathetic." I said then she started crying. "Don't say that to her. She was taking notes." Ice yelled furiously.

"I informed all of you before we went on this job that it's not a force to fight just cause you're one of the strongest guardians that was asked by the king. I guess I just wasted my time training you." I replied. "I'm sorry, I will work hard and do better next time." Water cried as I eyed at her with an annoyed expression. "It's fine." I sighed softly.

We were in the road for quite a while but then I entered a small relaxing place or whatever it's called. "I'll only pay for the food, you can explore the place though." I said then got out the car. "Wow this place is fancy but I thought we were going straight to the hotel?" Sun asked. "If you're not interested you can stay in the car." I said then they all got out. "Cloud come over here." I called. "Why?" Sun exclaimed then Cloud stopped. "Non of your business." I said and dragged Cloud to a corner. "What is it Death? You know, you're drawing attention to me." She said as I rolled my eyes and gave her money. "Even though you're hiding the blood with the coat, I want you to go take a bath and buy new clothes here. Don't tell anyone." I said then she smiled. "Thanks but what will I do with the bloody clothes?" She asked. "That's your problem not mine but you have to get rid of them." I said then created a small bottle. "Take this,pour it on the bloody clothes when you're done, including the coat." I informed then she nodded and left.