

A seed of darkness that will never bloom. Death the guardian of death and life. The prince of all guardians. The most powerful guy but also very cold. Who will be able to stand against him? He is Death, he was born to be feared.

Nonjabulo · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 6

At six o'clock sharp, we all left the hotel. It was a foggy morning as I drove the car and we went to the Woods of the West. "Could you please slow down the speed, your going to get us killed." Sun exclaimed. "You know, waking up this early in the morning is not my thing."

"We didn't ask you." I replied harshly. "And I wasn't talking to you either." She said. "No fighting,we should all be working together right now and figuring out how we'll fight the Black Lizard group." Water interrupted. "Yeah Death I think you should tell us about the plan." Ice added. "I'll tell you when we stop to get breakfast." I replied. "Man, how can you see in this fog." Fire exclaimed. "You know we're gonna need to keep in touch so we should exchange numbers." Sun suggested. "Yeah, Sun is right." Water agreed as Sun glared at her. "Maybe later." I replied.

"So how long is it going to take us to get to the Woods anyway?" Sun asked. "Not too long and looking at how fast Death is going we'll be there sooner rather than later." Fire responded.

So we were in the road for a while then when we got near the Woods, I stopped at a simple restaurant and ordered breakfast. "Thanks for buying us breakfast Death." Cloud said while we waited for the order. "It's fine, it's not like we can fight with an empty stomach." I replied. "Well, you said you'll explain to us about the plan." Sun muttered.

"Our main focus isn't just killing the leader or destroying the group,we also need to get information. When we get inside we'll search separately. In order to be safe though, we'll search as partners." I said then the wether came with our orders.

After eating I paid the bill then we continued with our journey.

In the end we finally got to the Woods of the West. "Where are you going to leave the car?" Water asked. "Doesn't matter where I leave it." I replied then parked the car in the middle of the Woods as we got out and went to meet with one of the detectives who would get us inside. "You don't have a lot of time, so try to harry. If the other murderers would find out you're not members, you would probably end up dead." The man we met informed us then we exchanged numbers and he gave us the uniforms of the guards who guard the hideout. "You'll need a map of the place." He said then gave us a copy map of the place. "Thanks we owe you." I said then he gave us the key that opens the door.

I held the key in my hand then a door appeared out of nowhere. "Let's do this." Fire exclaimed as I opened the door using the key...

"Where are we?" Water asked calmly. It was a very dark place. "Sun light the way." I ordered. "Not even a please." She hissed. "Do you want to be bagged?" Fire sighed.

"Shut up you common boy, I wasn't even talking to you." Sun hissed. "Fine I'll do it myself." Fire informed then made fire appear at the tip of his fingers and walked in front. "What is this place, just where are we?" Ice questioned as we walked forward through the hallway. Suddenly we saw a door while we kept walking. "Cloud you should hack the security system or destroy it. Sun and Fire, you need to check weather there are any innocent people here. Ice and Water, your job will be getting information about the numbers if you can. I'll go after the head." I informed then created three other copies of the map. "Use the map to find your way around. We'll keep in touch." I added then Ice took hold of Cloud's hand. "I'll go with Cloud, you can't really expect her to go alone." He said.

"It's fine, I don't need a guide." Cloud said then pulled her hand. "Any questions?" I asked. "Don't worry, we've got this." Fire exclaimed then I opened the door and we went to the other side...

I covered my face with the coat of the guards and ran looking at the map. It showed me everything. At some places I would turn invisible and avoid any conversations or eye contact with anyone. I kept going forward then stopped in some hallway were I came across a red hair woman who forced me into a conversation. "Hey there, what's your name?" She asked grinning at me. "It's not important, I am just a guard after all,they is nothing special about me." I replied calmly. "I'm a guardian of Sight and my eyes never lie." She said. "That's impressive but I must be going, I need to go guard somewhere. It is my job." I smiled warmly still covering my face then tried to end the conversation and proceed with my job. I knew I had to harry and shut down the security system before the murderers found out we were intruding but if this woman would not move then she would make my job more harder. "You're not a guard,are you?"The woman's words made me feel uncomfortable. "What a funny question for you to ask, do you want me to prove it?" I asked destroying all the cameras in one blink.

"My eyes never lie and you're not a guard." She said seriously. "Well too bad you had to find out. Sorry but I can't let you get in my way." I replied then finally revealed my face as my eyes stared into hers. "The name is Cloud." I said without hesitation then she grinned...

... It took me a while to kill that red hair but I was able to pull it off, even though she injured my arm while we fought but at least I won. I quickly tried to stop my arm from bleeding. I had to move forward or else the guards would find me standing by the the dead body and assume I'm the one who killed the woman. Finally the bleeding stopped but it still hurt. I also had to change my clothes if I didn't want to get caught but I didn't pay much attention to that and took my coat then covered the wound and bloody clothes then continued but walked a little slower than before...