
Death Of A Rose

Rose was a loving child to her mother but didn't seem to exist to her father. Along the line in high school, she met a wolf in sheep's clothing called Prince who was born with a silver spoon. He won her heart with his charm and wealth because anyone who dated him was a queen. Prince and Rose's relationship was kept secret from their parents. Only their friends, colleagues, and some teachers knew about their affair. She lost her virginity to him and got pregnant afterward. She was scared of telling her parents and also being a subject of ridicule so she obliged with Prince's advice of aborting the pregnancy. She ended up aborting so many pregnancies for him that the doctor warned her not to go ahead with the last abortion as it might terminate her womb. On Prince's birthday, he had his way with her and impregnated her. She was in a state of a dilemma but still adhered to Prince's advice on aborting the final pregnancy. She lost her womb and the true nature of Prince surfaced as he broke up with her and abandoned her. He cut contact with her but karma caught up with him. He lost peace and stopped attending lectures as he was afraid to face his parents who were aware of his crime. He decided to conceal his whereabouts. His new place was lodging in a remote hotel where he was caught and exposed. His parents who have been looking for him for a long time found him with the help of a hotel receptionist who dialed the police number to expose his whereabouts. He finally met his parents and was instructed to go and apologize to Rose's parents for their loss because she actually committed suicide when guilt and shame were overwhelming for her. However, Rose had backups along the line who vowed to punish her lover who seemed untouchable due to his influence to cover up several crimes. Will they succeed or will Prince win this battle?

Roland Ogomigo · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

The Weight of Guilt

Prince's steps were heavy with guilt and frustration as he walked along the sidewalk. He was shattered by the incident at Rose’s house, and the insults hurled at him on the bus fueled the fire that burned inside him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of the feeling that Rose's death was his fault.

He walked as his mind replayed that fateful day. He was haunted by the memory of Rose's dead body, and her parents' accusations echoed through his mind. He thought that their anger was well-founded, but how could he make up for taking away Rose? He was filled with regret and struggled to cope with his guilt.

Prince was lost in his thoughts when he found himself in the park nearby. The park was serene, with flowers in bloom and leaves rustling gently. He sat down on a bench and hoped that the calmness of the surrounding area would soothe his troubled thoughts.

He was staring at a nearby rose bush when a single, red flower caught his eye. Its petals seemed delicate yet vibrant and exuded a feeling of resilience. Prince was drawn to the flower as if he were looking for answers.

He gently reached out to pluck the rose and held it in his arms. The rose's scent filled the air and for a brief moment, he was captivated. He realized that the rose was a symbol of love and life, but also loss and pain. He was reminded of Rose's vibrant spirit, infectious laugh, and love.

Prince's eyes filled with tears as he said, "I am so sorry, Rose." I didn't mean for this to happen. He felt his heart pounding with guilt and his voice was trembling.

A gust of wind caused the rose petals in the park to dance and flutter. As if nature herself was responding to Prince's plea for forgiveness, the rose petals began to flutter and dance in the air. Prince saw it as a message, a sign he couldn't change the past but could make amends to Rose and honor her memory.

With a new-found resolve, Prince made an oath to himself. He would devote his life to helping others and making a positive difference in the world. He would use his wealth and privilege to help those in need and create a legacy that was worthy of Rose.

Prince felt liberated as he let go of the rose, letting it be carried by the wind. He knew the road to redemption was long and difficult, but he was prepared to take it on. Rose's death was a part that would always be with him, but it wasn't going to define him.

Prince took a deep breath and wiped his tears as he rose from the bench. Prince felt lighter, even though the weight was still on his shoulders. He walked out of the park with a new sense of purpose and was ready to begin his journey of self-discovery and healing.

It would not be an easy road ahead, and his mistakes from the past would remain. Prince was determined to make sense of the tragedy, and honor Rose by living with compassion, kindness, and love.

Prince knew that even the smallest light can bring redemption in the darkness.