
Death Of A Rose

Rose was a loving child to her mother but didn't seem to exist to her father. Along the line in high school, she met a wolf in sheep's clothing called Prince who was born with a silver spoon. He won her heart with his charm and wealth because anyone who dated him was a queen. Prince and Rose's relationship was kept secret from their parents. Only their friends, colleagues, and some teachers knew about their affair. She lost her virginity to him and got pregnant afterward. She was scared of telling her parents and also being a subject of ridicule so she obliged with Prince's advice of aborting the pregnancy. She ended up aborting so many pregnancies for him that the doctor warned her not to go ahead with the last abortion as it might terminate her womb. On Prince's birthday, he had his way with her and impregnated her. She was in a state of a dilemma but still adhered to Prince's advice on aborting the final pregnancy. She lost her womb and the true nature of Prince surfaced as he broke up with her and abandoned her. He cut contact with her but karma caught up with him. He lost peace and stopped attending lectures as he was afraid to face his parents who were aware of his crime. He decided to conceal his whereabouts. His new place was lodging in a remote hotel where he was caught and exposed. His parents who have been looking for him for a long time found him with the help of a hotel receptionist who dialed the police number to expose his whereabouts. He finally met his parents and was instructed to go and apologize to Rose's parents for their loss because she actually committed suicide when guilt and shame were overwhelming for her. However, Rose had backups along the line who vowed to punish her lover who seemed untouchable due to his influence to cover up several crimes. Will they succeed or will Prince win this battle?

Roland Ogomigo · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Rose's parents gave him deaf ears because the more he apologized, the angrier they got. It was hard for them to behold his presence as it made them imagine his guts for still apologizing after causing the demise of their daughter. Rose's father, Mr. Gabriel almost strangled him to death but was held back by his wife.

Prince was scared for his life. He never knew Rose's father could be savage. He also tried his best to escape Mr. Gabriel's firm grip that wanted to choke him to death. It was a slim chance for Prince as Mrs. Gabriel bit her husband's arm so deeply that it birthed blood afterward, then he quickly released his grip from Prince's throat.

Prince could finally breathe properly as he revived slowly and stepped farther away from his attacker.

"So you injured me because of this bastard." Mr. Gabriel was fuming at his wife as he saw his victim narrowly escape his grip.

"Do you want to be a murderer? Are you aware his parents are wealthy? If anything happens to their son, you will suffer greatly." Mrs. Gabriel countered angrily.

"Don't you get it, his presence irritates me. Let him go back to his mansion and never show me his filthy face again unless my anger will cook him alive." Mr. Gabriel's eyes got redder.

The scenario was very chaotic as his wife's pacification couldn't hold him much longer. His voice was louder and people around could hear it.

"Get out of my house, you beast in human form. Do you want to implicate me? How can a father give birth to an animal like you? Your family must be highly irresponsible for raising a spoiled brat like you. You've brought pain and reproach to my household and so shall it be for your generation. If you don't leave here within seconds, I'll commit murder. Idiot."

Mr. James darted to his room like someone looking for any weapon possible to attack the intruder. At that instant, Prince knew he had to take his leave.

"I knew coming here was a mistake." He thought as he boarded a bus to take him back home. While waiting on the road to stop any bus, some girls who knew him mocked him for not using his car. Even when he got on the bus, some passengers who knew him were indirectly insulting him for the crime he committed.

Prince wasn't the kind of guy that enjoys using an earpiece to listen to music, but he always had one in handy especially when driving and receiving a call. So the best way for him to avoid those opportunistic hurters was to utilize his earpiece, play music from his phone, and increase the music to the highest volume.

It was first painful to his delicate eardrum as he was reminded on his phone to not increase his music volume to a certain limit to avoid hearing impairment. He obliged to the instruction but when those hurters discovered he was using an earpiece to ignore their insults, they also raised their voice.

Their words could make one do either of these two things. One was to stoop so low to insult them too or fight them if need be. The second and wisest option was to ignore them since their insults were thrown at him indirectly, so he needed not take the situation directly also.

Prince had to finally increase his music volume to the highest degree that was so audible for those on the bus to hear. At that point, Prince could only hear his music and just wanted to alight from the bus and report to his parents about his escapade.

The bus conductor requested transport fare from Prince by tapping him since he was aware that Prince was lost in the music. Prince looked at the conductor, paid him, and insisted that he kept the change.

The bus conductor was excited because the money he got was worthwhile. It was like paying $10 out of $100 and giving $90 to the receiver.

"Thank you so much, sir." The bus conductor appreciated it. His ear was glad and his heart rejoiced to meet benevolence unexpectedly.

"Show off." One of the female passengers remarked with disgust. Prince didn't care because it was better to avoid trouble than to end it.

"I'll be dropping at the next bus stop. Thank you." Prince reminded the bus conductor who nodded his head in confirmation.

Finally, the journey was over and Prince alighted from the bus. He sighed and unplugged his

earpiece from his phone. The whole noise the loud music gave him subsided slowly. It was like having a headache. He wasn't used to it.

"Those idiots think I'll give them cheap attention. Asshole, they'll fight harder than that to

achieve that. I know my class and I don't stoop so low to offline trolls. Come to think of it.....

What's their business with mine? Why do people enjoy meddling in people's affairs to justify themselves? Why do they enjoy making themselves feel less to uplift their position? Crazy fucking world." Prince complained in soliloquy.

He hated society, hated his life, his decisions, and everything in general. "So this is how I'll be living these days using my earpiece to avoid those lowlifes. Shit." His eyes were red with frustration.