
Death Of A Rose

Rose was a loving child to her mother but didn't seem to exist to her father. Along the line in high school, she met a wolf in sheep's clothing called Prince who was born with a silver spoon. He won her heart with his charm and wealth because anyone who dated him was a queen. Prince and Rose's relationship was kept secret from their parents. Only their friends, colleagues, and some teachers knew about their affair. She lost her virginity to him and got pregnant afterward. She was scared of telling her parents and also being a subject of ridicule so she obliged with Prince's advice of aborting the pregnancy. She ended up aborting so many pregnancies for him that the doctor warned her not to go ahead with the last abortion as it might terminate her womb. On Prince's birthday, he had his way with her and impregnated her. She was in a state of a dilemma but still adhered to Prince's advice on aborting the final pregnancy. She lost her womb and the true nature of Prince surfaced as he broke up with her and abandoned her. He cut contact with her but karma caught up with him. He lost peace and stopped attending lectures as he was afraid to face his parents who were aware of his crime. He decided to conceal his whereabouts. His new place was lodging in a remote hotel where he was caught and exposed. His parents who have been looking for him for a long time found him with the help of a hotel receptionist who dialed the police number to expose his whereabouts. He finally met his parents and was instructed to go and apologize to Rose's parents for their loss because she actually committed suicide when guilt and shame were overwhelming for her. However, Rose had backups along the line who vowed to punish her lover who seemed untouchable due to his influence to cover up several crimes. Will they succeed or will Prince win this battle?

Roland Ogomigo · Urban
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30 Chs

A Night At The Crossroads

Prince was at a crossroads. The guilt he felt lingered despite his newly found determination to make amends for Rose and honor her memory. His guilt gnawed away at him, reminding him of his mistakes and their irreversible effects. He was desperate for a moment of peace and found it in the dimly-lit corners of his local bar.

The low hum and smell of alcohol enveloped him as he entered. Prince sat at the counter and scanned the room to distract himself from his troubling thoughts. He noticed a group chatting and laughing at a table nearby.

Prince approached them out of curiosity, hoping their levity would provide him with a temporary respite from his guilt-ridden thoughts. He sat down and welcomed them with a voice that was tinged by fatigue.

"Mind that I join you?" He asked, trying his best to conceal the turmoil that was brewing below the surface.

They welcomed him with smiles and acceptance gestures. Mark, Sarah, and Alex introduced themselves to Prince and assured him that he would be more than welcome in their company. They had a familiarity about them as if they'd known each other for many years.

Prince began to share his story as the night progressed, his voice filled with regret and vulnerability. He admitted the hurt he caused, his guilt, and the desperate need for advice. They listened intently with expressions of empathy and understanding.

Mark, an experienced and wise man, was the first to speak. "Prince we all make mistakes. What defines us is how we move forward. "You can't change your past, but you learn from it. Use it as a catalyst to grow."

Sarah, who is a kind-hearted soul, spoke up, with a gentle but firm voice. "Guilt is a powerful motivator but can also consume you if you allow it. Remember, Prince: you are only human. "Give yourself the chance to forgive and heal."

Alex, an optimist with a twinkle in his eye, said, "You can make a difference, and honor Rose's legacy through your actions." Accept this opportunity and use it to guide you toward a better future.

Prince felt their words deeply in his heart. They reminded Prince that forgiveness, both from others and himself, was a vital step on the path to redemption. Gradually, the weight of guilt started to lift and was replaced with a renewed sense of hope.

The atmosphere of the bar changed from one of sadness to one of laughter and camaraderie as the night progressed. Each person's burdens seemed to lift momentarily and were replaced by a sense of support and connection.

Prince understood that he was not alone in his struggle. Prince realized that he wasn't alone in his struggles. Together, they developed a bond - a collective understanding of the human experience as well as the resilience needed to move forward.

Prince took a momentous decision. He would follow the advice of these new friends and let go of the guilt that had consumed his life for so many years. He would honor Rose’s memory through acts of kindness, charity and by living a free life from self-condemnation.

Prince expressed his gratitude for the wisdom and support of his new friends as the evening came to an end. The two exchanged contact details, promising to remain in touch and continue their healing journeys together.

Prince felt hope in his heart as he left the bar. Prince's road to redemption still lay ahead, and the obstacles were not over. But he was now armed with a newfound resilience and determination. His new friends' advice and camaraderie had given him a renewed spirit. They reminded him that his mistakes were not the only thing that defined him.

Prince applied the lessons he learned from that fateful bar night in the days following. Prince immersed himself in acts of kindness and charitable giving, hoping to have a positive effect on the lives of those around him. He donated time and money to different causes. He volunteered at local shelters and lent a hand where he could.

Prince began to feel a little bit of healing with each act of kindness. By focusing on others' well-being, Prince was able to slowly alleviate the guilt that had plagued his life for so many years. As he committed himself to a lifetime of compassion and service, the weight on his shoulders began to lift.

Prince had moments of doubt as he continued on his journey. Prince's memories of Rose and the pain that he caused her family would surface, threatening him to fall back into the depths of guilt. In these difficult times, he sought out the support and guidance of his new friends.

Mark, Sarah, and Alex were pillars in Prince's world. They told him to be gentle and to admit his mistakes without letting them define him. They stressed the importance of forgiveness from both others and within. Prince was able to overcome his fear of the past and move forward with their unwavering support.

Prince's redemption journey became a lifetime commitment as the months turned into years. In Rose's honor, he established a foundation dedicated to promoting the education and empowerment of underprivileged youth. In his efforts, he hoped to help those in need while honoring Rose's memory.

Prince will never forget the lessons he learned that night in the bar or the friends who provided him with comfort and guidance in his darkest moments. They were a constant inspiration and source of support as Prince navigated his healing journey.

Prince learned that redemption did not mean erasing his past or forgetting what he had done. It was about turning his mistakes into catalysts of growth and using them as stepping stones to becoming a more mature version of himself. Rose's passing had taught him to value life and cherish every moment. The death of Rose sparked a passion in him to do good and make sure that her memory lives on.

Prince's mission continued, guided by his past and fueled by his sense of purpose. Prince understood that guilt was a permanent part of his life, but he did not allow it to consume him. He channeled the remorse he felt into actions that brought hope, healing, and love to others.

Prince, as he walked down the path of redemption with Rose, cherished her memory, a reminder of both the transformative power of forgiveness and the enduring human spirit.