
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 30: The Night Watcher

Today was a special day.

To begin with, Felix found a glittering Caesar gold coin on his way back from Saint Erde Cathedral to Elizabeth Manor. Finding money unexpectedly was always a reason for joy, and it certainly lifted his spirits after being startled by "The Beacon Ranger" - Aurelia.

Furthermore, in the "Land of Judgment" - Saint Elouan, he met a most unexpected individual, an old man. In reality, Felix had never seen this elder before, but an intuitive connection from deep within told him instantly that the figure, hunched over and entirely cloaked in a black robe, was an evil Gamma mage, and one with wisdom borne of countless years.

Gamma mages pledge their faith to the Shadow Queen, Christie. They possess the "Rod of the Reaper," using it in a near blasphemous way to cheat death and extend their lifetimes. To the eyes of a Gamma mage, the aura of their kin is unmistakable, for their power comes from the same source.

"The current emperor of the Titans Empire, Jupiter Titans, strangled his brother to death right where you stand," came a raspy voice, reminiscent of soft metals scraping together. Felix hadn't noticed when the old man had moved so close.

The elder's face remained hidden in shadows, obscured by the darkness. All Felix could discern clearly were the eyes, which looked like dazzling gemstones. And it wasn't just a descriptor; to Felix, those eyes seemed crafted from genuine jewels, akin to the legendary Purple Zenith Stars extracted from meteors! Such pale violet eyes were documented in the Holy Records as symbols of evil and taboo.

"Saint Elouan - the Land of Judgment."

"If you meet someone who disregards royal authority, he'll tell you that one of the most tragic emperors in the empire's history - Titans VII, was hanged here by his own brother."

"If someone dares to tell you that the current emperor, Jupiter Titans, strangled his brother, Conas Titans, right here, then bow your noble head before him, for you must learn humility."

Felix lowered his head, choosing to remain silent in a display of respect. The topic the elder touched upon wasn't something he felt qualified to discuss. Felix believed that he should present himself as cautious and discreet, thinking it might help him live longer.

"You bear the mark of 'The Night Watcher.' Only that madwoman could provide a Gamma mage with such abundant holy energy," the old man said, his jewel-like violet eyes shimmering with interest. He continued in that same grating metallic tone, "Young one, how about becoming my test subject? I can elevate you to the 'Golden Realm' overnight, making you legendary!"

Without hesitation, Felix shook his head. As a Gamma mage, he knew all too well the tragic fate of those who became subjects of such experiments. The price for power obtained in this manner was soul-crushing.

The old man wasn't surprised by Felix's refusal. He continued to observe him with an intrigued expression. "From what I know, that old maiden, mad for three centuries, is thirstier than all the women in the capital combined! I'm amazed she hasn't devoured you. It's truly baffling!"

Felix chose to remain silent regarding this claim. While Lady Ireland always showed fondness towards him, she was certainly not a desperate, resentful woman. This old man must be slandering her. Yes, it's slander!

"Alright, young one. Deliver a message to the Night Watcher for me." The elder didn't wait for a response from the silent Felix and began walking slowly towards a tower to the north of the capital.

That was the tower of the Titans Empire's Guardian Mage. It was rumored that the "Epic Mage" who had supported the founding emperor of the Titans Empire, Aristotle Titans, had always been blessing this land.

The old man paused for a moment, then said in a low voice, "Tell her, I'll wait for her in hell."


"I'll wait for her in hell..."

On his way back, Felix pondered the meaning of this statement and wondered about the identity of the mysterious old man.

The highest achiever in Gamma Magic was the Shadow Queen Christie. Besides her, only a handful of spellcasters have achieved the "Poet-Historian" level in Gamma Magic.

Without exception, they either died challenging the gods or ventured beyond spatial barriers into unknown realms.

Felix estimated that there are definitely fewer than a hundred Gamma practitioners on the continent, as only geniuses or madmen could excel in this profession...

"The Night Watcher? The Watcher of God?"

Lady Ireland's power was undeniable, a fact Felix never doubted. But to say that Lady Ireland was "The Watcher of God" seemed preposterous to him!

The most trusted servant of God, the legendary "Night Watcher," a vampire? And this vampire practices the forbidden black magic "Blasphemy"? Damn it! Vampires are predators of the night! Nobility of darkness, second only to demons!

Felix felt it necessary to consult the church's "Secret Codex" and try to find the original version of "Redemption", as there have been records of a few demons receiving "God's Redemption".

Is Lady Ireland a vampire? A vampire practicing forbidden black magic "Blasphemy"? A vampire with the title "Night Watcher" but practicing the forbidden black magic "Blasphemy"?

Felix thought the world had gone mad! Damn it! His thoughts were scrambled, and he felt dizzy...


Antediluvian, referred to as the Ancient Ones among vampires, they are the legendary vampires possessing power rivaling gods, also intermediaries in the legendary "Thousand-Year Holy War".

They are typically composed of second and third generation vampires, living for over ten thousand years, experts in any form of negative magic.

Upon returning to the Marquis's mansion, Felix's first thought was of the Antediluvian. Because there had been a few incidents in history where Antediluvian-level vampires received "God's Redemption".

However, Felix quickly dismissed this thought, as Lady Ireland couldn't possibly have lived for ten thousand years, and the old man's words confirmed this.

That night, Felix unexpectedly suffered from insomnia.

Meanwhile, a plan to besiege "The Bloody Slayer" - Harald was quietly underway. People always have an inexplicable fascination with slaying dragons and gods.

Typically, those who act on this fascination find their souls wailing in the hands of the Grim Reaper...