
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 31: Saint Elouan

The unknown mountain range named Kahaka lies to the north of the imperial capital, stretching from the Titanian River all the way to a branch of the Maya Mountains. Here stands a peak called Kahera. However, its appearance has now drastically changed, overwhelmed by substantial negative elements that corrode any living thing within its vicinity.

The concentration and potency of the dark element have risen six levels, allowing even a magic apprentice to effortlessly cast a mid-tier "Corrosion Spell."

Three knights, not particularly tall in stature, clad in silver-white armor, radiate a holy glow. The front of their armor is intricately decorated with an incomplete cross made from mithril thread, while the back bears a faded holy mark of a fallen angel — the Sacred Coffin Knight!

In this world, there's only one type of angel brave enough to judge sins in hell: Saint Elouan.

Saint Elouan is not a person, but a title. The legendary first Saint Elouan was "Flame of God" — Uriel! Uriel isn't a widely known angel; his duty is to guard the stars, both a Seraphim and a Cherub. The angel who holds the holy fire and stands closest to the Lord in the eighth chapter of "Revelations" is Uriel.

Compared to angels like Michael and Raphael, Uriel is a terrifying angel of wrath. He controls the fires of hell and is responsible for opening the gates of hell during the final judgment.

This fearless angel, daring to judge sins in hell, isn't popular. For millennia, he faced criticism from the church because he didn't obey the orders of the saint, Iyeta.

This angel, not frequently mentioned in the Bible, once challenged "Sin of Pride" — Lucifer, during the "Twilight of the Gods". Lucifer, once the most radiant angel, second only to God, was the chief Seraphim.

Being an angel whose power ascends through faith, Uriel wasn't a match for the "Beloved Son of the Lord" — archangel Lucifer. He lost a wing to Lucifer's blade.

But the equally proud Seraphim, Uriel, wasn't willing to accept defeat. He killed a mighty demon, took its wing, and attached it to himself. Successfully merging the powers of darkness and light, he became a new kind of angel — Saint Elouan!

In the church's portrayal, Saint Elouan possesses a pair of demonic horns, with one half of his wings angelic, and the other half demonic.

The first Saint Elouan, Uriel, ultimately fell to Lucifer's sword. Merely fusing with the power of darkness wasn't enough to defeat the archangel with twelve wings, whose radiance is nearly on par with God. His head was severed by Lucifer and displayed at the gates of hell, guarded by a three-headed dog.

Lucifer did this because, during their battle, Uriel had cut off one of his most cherished wings.

From then on, this world witnessed the birth of a unique group of angels — the Saint Elouans, "Judges of Hell."


The church's Sacred Coffin Knights bear the incomplete cross and a fallen angel, Saint Elouan—Uriel, on their armor. This symbolizes "Courage," "Sacrifice," "Holy Light," and "Undying Faith."

Deploying three Sacred Coffin Knights was the church's last card. However, the rewards were immense. Whether they succeed or fail, Emperor Jupiter Titans would allow the church to proselytize within the Titans Empire.

This old fox, who had been at odds with the Saturn Empire for decades, set a trap the church couldn't avoid. Losing a Sacred Coffin Knight was an unimaginable loss for the church. Yet, if they could bring the Titans Empire under the Lord's light, both the papal office and the college of cardinals would receive the highest honor.

Thirty-six temple knights protected several elderly, white-haired priests, all devout monks, providing the greatest support to the Sacred Coffin Knights in the upcoming battle.

The highly concentrated negative elements repelled all positive energy and natural elements. In this realm filled with dark energy, isolating all other elements, non-dark spellcasters were just lambs waiting for slaughter.

In the distance, a group of extraordinary adventurers followed the Sacred Coffin Knights. Some overly confident thieves hid in the shadows, carefully trailing behind.

The elderly man, who had once met Felix, placed a crown made of thorns upon the head of a young priest with golden locks. As the leader, the Sacred Coffin Knight, drew out the Pope's staff—the Sword of the Prophet, the group took heavy steps into a realm shrouded in bloodshed.

This time, their challenge was not formidable heretics, nor was it deceitful demons. Instead, they faced Harald, a golden subspecies with a power rivaling that of gods and possessing the lineage of ancient monsters—the Bloody Executioner.


"The ultimate form of magic is—law, and the pinnacle of arcane is—order," Lady Ireland said softly, caressing Felix's beautiful brown hair. Her gaze was warm, reminiscent of spring sunlight. She leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on Felix's fair cheek, whispering, "And alchemy has forever been in search of—eternity."

Felix nestled his head into Lady Ireland's soft and warm bosom. The stunning vampire, who was surprisingly sane today, filled him with a touch of unease and an inexplicable fear. This anxiety gnawed at him, and he clung to the woman before him, holding tight, as if never wanting to let go.

"Such a clever little kitten..." Lady Ireland held Felix's head close, pressing it firmly against her pale and profound cleavage. With a seductive moan, she sighed, "My dear little Felix. Would you come to my room tonight? I have a special gift prepared for you."

Felix remained silent, pushing his head further into Lady Ireland's chest. This bewitching vampire, who had slowly claimed his heart and mind—who loved to sleep naked, secretly kiss him, and shout 'we're all mad' while pressing his head into her bosom—was leaving.

Though she didn't say it, Felix knew.

He knew he had no right to ask her to stay, for he felt too insignificant. He didn't ask, because he had realized that he had fallen for this mad woman.

The longing and affection in Lady Ireland's eyes, as well as the unwavering determination concealed within her blood-red pupils...

"This is my gift to you, my last lesson for you," Lady Ireland, abandoning her usually enchanting smile for the first time, spoke in a vulnerable tone, holding Felix close, "Here are the answers to my identity, and perhaps the path you may tread in the future..."

A violet crystal bottle filled with a dark-red liquid, a black magic book bearing the ancient word 'Sacrilege', and a yellowed parchment.

"The bottle contains the blood of 'The Sin of Envy' Cain. Drink it in your most desperate moment, and it will turn you into an Antediluvian..."

"If you become an Antediluvian, 'Sacrilege' will be the source of your power..."

"That parchment is the 'Dead Sea Scroll.' Open it when you decide to become a deity..."

Lady Ireland rested her head on Felix's shoulder, her enchanting face rubbing gently against his handsome cheek, like a kitten showing affection to its master...

"If you figure out my identity, I'll share everything with you..." As Lady Ireland kissed Felix with lips soft as rose petals, she slowly stood up and walked away.

Silently, Felix stroked the three items before him. Moisture welled up in his eyes as he realized why Lady Ireland was known as the 'Night Watcher' and understood why the Gamma Master said he'd wait for her in hell...

He understood, yet he lost...

A word roared and struggled in Felix's chest, like a wild beast wanting to tear through flesh and consume the soul.

—Saint Elouan!!!