
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 29: The Request of the "Light Ranger"

There were few whom Felix admired, and even fewer if they were women.

The Shadow Queen Christie was one, and the other was the "Light Ranger" - Aurelia. One was a goddess, elevated on a pedestal, and as a mere mortal, all Felix could do was look up to her. The other was a heroine, still the stuff of legends, but at least she was real and among them. The "Light Ranger" Aurelia was reputed as a phantom patrolling the territories of the Titans Empire, vanquishing all evil she laid eyes on.

Pure, righteous, and mighty!

The reason Felix revered the "Light Ranger" Aurelia was simple. He found it hard to believe that in a world rife with wickedness, deceit, and vested interests, there could exist a woman motivated purely by valor and justice. But legends are legends; most are often detached from reality.

After listening to her confession that spanned two magical hours, Felix was forced to believe that the violently inclined woman before him was indeed the legendary "Light Ranger" Aurelia.

And her legendary acts of guarding justice and dispelling evil? She did them merely for the gratitude and admiration of people.

A righteous woman with a penchant for killing.

That was how Felix defined her. No matter her motives, she was indeed performing acts of justice.

Over 95% of the knights in the Titans Empire, who were faithful to the ideals of justice and fairness, saw her as their dream woman.

As for Felix saying she had a fondness for killing, the reason was clear. In this violence-prone woman's confession, the beings who died by her hands numbered no less than eight thousand! A staggering figure—if she took a life daily, it would amount to over two decades!


"What do you want from me?"

Felix opened the confessional's wooden door, unwilling to believe that the legendary "Light Ranger" Aurelia came to Saint Erde Cathedral merely to confess her sins to a little-known priest like him, especially when she had no sins to confess to.

The woman's face remained indifferent, but not completely aloof. Standing up and looking down at Felix, who was a full two heads shorter than her, she remained silent for a moment. Then she pulled out a dark purple gem the size of a fist from her gray robe.

A Dragon Crystal!

Felix's pupils constricted sharply. He was certain the gem in her hand was a Dragon Crystal, and not just any, but an incredibly rare one from a second-generation sub-dragon with a purple lineage!

Looking down at Felix, the woman said in a husky, magnetic voice, "Sleep with me. This is your reward."

To her surprise, Felix shook his head immediately, declining.

A hint of anxiety appeared on her cold face. She then took out a thick stack of Caesar gold vouchers stamped with the Empire's seal, all in the largest denomination of ten thousand Caesar coins.

After a moment's hesitation, she took one back and pocketed it, then handed the stack worth almost a million Caesar coins to Felix, urgently saying, "Sleep with me. The Dragon Crystal, plus this."

Felix was dumbfounded!

A priceless rare Dragon Crystal, coupled with nearly a million Caesar coins, made Felix feel like the most expensive "toy boy" in history.

Placing the dark purple Dragon Crystal and the thick stack of Caesar coins on the table, Felix gestured for the seemingly 'mad' woman to sit. In the gentlest tone he could muster, he asked, "Can you tell me why you want to sleep with me?"

When things get weird, there's usually a catch!

Even though the woman before him seemed irrational, Felix didn't believe he was truly that valuable. The 'payment' before him was enough to make the current emperor of the Empire bow down and kiss her feet.

The legendary favor of "Light Ranger" Aurelia was a glory that couldn't be measured in coins.

Felix knew himself well. Although he was exceptionally good-looking, he wasn't so handsome that women would desperately beg him for intimacy.

Contrary to Felix's expectations, the elegant woman in front of him didn't come up with some clichéd reason like being poisoned and needing him to save her.

The somewhat whimsical "Light Ranger" Aurelia, her ears turning slightly red, eyes shifty, whispered shyly like a timid newlywed, "I want a child as beautiful as you..."

Felix: "..."

Well, Felix had to admit he was stunned by the woman's meteoric idea.

She truly was an enigma beyond normal comprehension.

Felix's silence made the woman grow anxious. She nervously fidgeted with her hands, patting herself down once more and pulling out the retracted Caesar voucher, her expression crestfallen. "These are the only valuable things I have," she lamented.

Felix gave a resigned shake of his head and a wry smile, pushing the dragon crystal and the Caesar voucher back towards the woman. He gently said, "It's not about the money."

"Then what's the issue? What compensation do you want? Anything, as long as I can provide it!" A look of hope lit up the woman's beautiful eyes. She eagerly gripped Felix's pale, slender fingers, holding on tightly.

Alright, Felix had to admit he was stumped by the woman in front of him. He sighed, shaking his head, "It's not about compensation at all."

His mind was a mess. Though he often considered himself wise, he now wasn't even sure how to communicate with the woman before him.

"So, you're refusing?" Disappointment clouded the woman's beautiful eyes, and her once radiant face dimmed. She didn't even give another glance to the items on the table and began to turn away with a dejected look.

"Wait a moment."

Felix felt an unexpected pang of sympathy and reached out, grabbing the woman's arm as she started to turn away.

He saw the woman before him as somewhat pitiable, even though she had countless accolades that would have people looking up to her for a lifetime. It was clear to Felix that she rarely interacted with others and didn't even know how to communicate in the ordinary way. A sense of sadness spread through him, eventually turning into pity.

The woman halted, turning back to coldly stare at Felix. She remained silent, simply waiting.

After composing his thoughts for a while, Felix finally spoke in his gentlest, kindest tone, "I can heal the scar you have here, ensuring it leaves no trace." He pointed to the narrow scar that stretched from her slender neck down to her chest and continued, "Perhaps we can become friends."

The woman bit her lip, her eyes showing inner conflict and hesitation. After what seemed like an eternity, she asked with great resolve, "If I become friends with you, will you sleep with me?"

Felix: "..."