
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 21: Holy Light VS Felix!

Inside the Redemption Room of Saint Erde Cathedral.

When Felix opened his eyes again, he was surprised to find the beautiful knight watching over him. He stood up, stretching his stiff limbs, then asked, "How long was I in meditation?"

"Seven days." Catherine seemed to dislike the aura of the holy light, taking a step back with a look of mild distaste as she glanced at a statue of Jesus.

Looking down at his now even more porcelain skin, Felix shrugged and said with a wry smile, "I hope this isn't the 'surprise' Lady Ireland mentioned."

"It's not." Catherine shook her head, continuing to eye Felix curiously. After a pause, she added, "It took me three days for my 'Elemental Transformation'. In this world, there are less than three beings with better lineage than mine."

"Is that so?" Felix said nonchalantly, stretching his limbs. Even with a superb constitution, one can't escape the discomfort of sitting still for a prolonged period. Felix felt a tingling sensation throughout his body, yearning for a good stretch.

Stretching out, a series of pops echoed from Felix's joints, followed by an exhilarating feeling, as if he were floating on air.

"The duration doesn't really matter. Perhaps I just have a knack for elemental fusion," Felix said, boldly taking Catherine's soft hand in his. Ignoring her blushing cheeks, he continued, "Let's head out. Has Lady Elizabeth arrived?"

"Lady Elizabeth is discussing doctrines with Priestess Ireland." Catherine's voice held a hint of embarrassment as she mentioned the 'doctrines', finding their discussion rather scandalous.

Felix, unaware of the implications, adjusted his loose robe and confidently led Catherine out by the hand.

After completing his 'Elemental Transformation', Felix realized how vast the difference was upon entering the 'Silver Realm'. If he had previously been a stream, now he felt like a lake. While there wasn't a significant increase in his magical power, his affinity for elements had greatly improved. Felix felt he could easily cast two instantaneous elemental spells above level 60. This meant he could potentially take down a Sword Master with a surprise attack!

To simplify, if a level 13 elemental spell like "Fireball" requires a base magic power of 5, it would consume 10 before entering the 'Silver Realm', but only 8 after entering.

Every time a spell is cast, not all magic power is utilized efficiently. Some is wasted while establishing a magic network, and more is used up during the summoning of the spell's elements. Novice casters might even need to expend several times the base magic power to cast a spell.

An average apprentice mage typically has a base magic power of 20. But unless they're extremely talented, casting one "Fireball" would deplete all their power.

Elemental affinity determines how efficiently magic power is used. The higher the affinity, the less magic power is wasted. There are many factors that determine a caster's magical talent.

"Do you know? Over these seven days, Lady Ireland cast 'Divine Light - Redemption' six times!" Catherine stopped and looked at Felix, who was clearly puzzled. Angrily, she continued, "The combined holy light energy from these six castings is enough to unleash a high-tier forbidden curse – the 'Grand Resurrection'!"

Felix was stunned. He hesitated for a moment before hesitantly asking, "So, you're saying that I... I absorbed all that holy light energy?"

Catherine nodded, her face a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

Felix touched his face and then hesitantly his crotch, feeling relieved after ensuring everything was normal. "When I was merging with the holy light energy, it felt like soaking in a hot spring, so I unintentionally stayed a bit longer."

Catherine pulled her hand away from Felix's grip, pouting slightly, "During my 'Elemental Transformation', I was in pain for three days and nights..."

Felix: "..."


The emergence of the "Golden Subspecies" Nile Python disrupted a majority of the trade routes leading to the Imperial Capital. As a result, prices in the royal city soared. Unable to afford food, several uprisings broke out among the impoverished citizens, but they were swiftly and brutally suppressed.

Several deaths occurred over the week, all near a mountain range by the Titanian River. The "Bloody Strangler" Harald seemed to confine his activities to this area, as if guarding something precious.

Both the Papal Hall and the Archdeaconry dispatched devoutly faithful Holy Knights and monks. Even the Holy Mother Monastery sent a high-ranking priest specializing in "Canons." For the Church, aiding the Titans royal family presented a golden opportunity to spread their faith. By killing the "Bloody Strangler" Harald, the Church's glory could shine throughout the entire Titans Empire!

The Emperor of the Titans Empire also offered a hefty reward. Anyone who slew the "Bloody Strangler" Harald would receive the hereditary title of Count, a million Caesar gold coins, and a city in the fertile region of Atlantia as their domain!

In the Empire, noble titles could be either lifelong or hereditary. The Fairmuth family took a full 150 years to earn their hereditary count title, underlining its prestige. To deal with Harald, the royal family of the Titans was indeed pulling out all the stops.

For adventurers, the allure of a hereditary count title and a city was far more enticing than a princess's hand. The continent's top adventurers were soon on the move.

But for Felix, this had no bearing. He couldn't even defeat a dragon, let alone challenge a creature with the lineage of ancient monsters, the "Golden Subspecies." Even if he wanted to join in for the spectacle, he felt underpowered.

Felix's main study was the Gamma Book. His major secondary skill was dark magic, followed by the arcane "Elemental Seal." After utilizing holy light energy for his "Elemental Transformation," Felix was dismayed to find that his body began to reject any form of negative energy. This meant that all his previous magical talents were reset to zero!

Regarding this, Lady Ireland simply smiled faintly. But the gleam in her eyes clearly held a triumphant excitement. She lovingly caressed Felix's long hair, throwing a provocative smile at Lady Elizabeth, "My poor little Felix! Given this situation, you'll have to undergo the 'Baptism' and learn the arts of Holy Magic with me..."