
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 22: Priest—Felix!

Three days later, at the break of dawn, much had transpired.

Firstly, Felix demonstrated unmatched talent in learning the magic of Holy Light. His body's affinity for holy energy was even comparable to some of the Church's "Holy Children" with angelic bloodlines. Each time this was brought up, Lady Ireland would proudly puff out her exceptionally full chest, casting defiant glances at a visibly irate Lady Elizabeth.

To gauge Felix's aptitude in Holy Light magic, Lady Ireland even activated half of the massive energy array, "Holy Cross—Purification," located in the confession room beneath the Saint Erde Cathedral.

But the test results astounded everyone. After his "Elemental Transformation," Felix's affinity for holy energy showcased a unique innate advantage. Even with a magical power that barely matched a low-level mage, he could now effortlessly cast two 36th-level Holy spells, "Heal" and "Purify."

To put it in context, a low-level mage generally has a magical capacity of about 80. The base magical energy required to cast a 36th-level Holy spell "Heal" is 75. A devout high-ranking priest might need approximately 100 units of magical energy to cast it.

But Felix only needed 80 and could add a 36th-level auxiliary spell "Purify" to boot. In simpler terms, Felix's exceptional affinity to holy energy created a "magnetism"-like effect. In areas abundant with holy energy, he wouldn't even need to expend his magic; the holy light would naturally gather around him.

Upon concluding this, Lady Ireland, seemingly envious, playfully pinched Felix's soft cheek. Then, her eyes glistening with mischief, she giggled while glancing at the cross atop Saint Erde Cathedral. Having set these events in motion, she felt a profound sense of accomplishment. Proudly, she presented her full, firm bosom, dismissing any notion of it sagging—it was all blatant slander!

Another notable event was Felix's "Baptism," marking his initiation as a priest with deep and unwavering faith. Felix, though, seemed rather nonchalant about it. According to Lady Ireland, being a nun with devout faith meant her "disciple," Felix, would naturally share that faith.

When choosing his divine allegiance, Felix took a brief glance at the bearded, crucified Jesus and, without hesitation, devoted his faith to the Holy Mother Mary, whose immaculate heart was exposed.

The Church of the Holy Mother did not ordain male priests. The same held true for Saint Erde Cathedral. However, with Lady Ireland's insistent demeanor, Felix reluctantly donned the ample white robe meant for female priests. Lady Elizabeth smiled gracefully, covering her amused lips, while the beautiful female knight turned her head, giggling incessantly. As for the infuriatingly beautiful vampire, she lay atop the altar, laughing uncontrollably.

Surprisingly, Felix wasn't angered. He patiently waited for the women to have their fun before nonchalantly removing the female priest's robe. In truth, he was deeply grateful to these women, especially the unpredictable, boundary-pushing alluring vampire.

In Felix's heart, all that Lady Ireland had done drastically shifted his destiny. From a shadowy, blood-thirsty Gamma mage, he transformed into a priest walking under divine light. Once an average youth, save for his mental prowess, he became a believer with unparalleled affinity for holy energy, even surpassing the "Holy Children."

Felix wasn't stubborn. For him, the power to control his destiny mattered more than whether it was rooted in light or darkness.

With his exceptional affinity for holy light, a reputable identity, and potentially leveraging the Church's secular influence, his current status was worlds apart from his prior status as a lowly illegitimate child. Before he knew it, Lady Ireland had taken up the most significant space in his heart previously occupied by Lady Elizabeth—overflowing, indeed.

When he couldn't help being molested, he would even touch Lady Ireland's huge chest with a little red face. At this time, the beautiful vampire would always have a narrow smile on his face and moan if not...

In addition, Felix made a major discovery during this time. Mrs. Ireland has a damn habit!

She likes to sleep naked...