
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 20: God is a Crazy Old Man

Inside the spacious and brightly lit church, two rows of snow-white candles were lit. At the center, a nonagram formation, known as "Divine Grace Shines Everywhere," was assembled using faintly bluish stones. This was the Redemption Room of Saint Erde Cathedral, a direct jurisdiction of Notre Dame Cathedral.

Neither the Pope nor the Bishop could interfere here. This place was prepared by the Church of Notre Dame for the nuns about to enter the "Silver Domain." Only the most devout nuns were permitted to experience the "Radiance of God."

In reality, Felix was slightly tricked by the cunning Lady Ireland.

As soon as he groaned in fear from the absurd words of the enchanting vampire, the cunning woman couldn't help but burst into giggles. She wrapped her arms around Felix's neck, shaking with laughter, "Hehe! My dear Felix, the way you looked just now was hilarious! Haha, so amusing!"

On hearing that, Felix was so enraged he wished he could sink his teeth deep into her full bosom. But sadly, given his current strength, such an idea was mere wishful thinking.

"I really love how you look now. Can you keep it? Please? My little Felix!"

Lady Ireland, having had her fill of laughter, opened her arms to embrace Felix. Her ample bosom pressed softly against his chest, her ruby-red lips leaning close to his ear, exhaling a fragrant breath with just a hint of touch.

In their recent moments of intimacy, Lady Ireland might not have discovered Felix's true weakness, but she seemed to be on the right track.

Imagine the feeling of a mature, stunning lady embracing you and acting coy? An incredibly full bosom pressing intently against your chest?

If you can grasp the essence of that feeling, you'd understand why Felix gave in so easily.

For Felix himself, the idea of transferring to another body was distasteful. Hence, he followed in the footsteps of Lady Ireland to Saint Erde Cathedral, stepping into the Redemption Room engraved with the costly mana array, "Divine Grace Shines Everywhere."

"Lady, to my knowledge, 'Divine Grace Shines Everywhere' draws from the light element. If I use the power of the holy light for an 'Elemental Transformation', would it…?" Felix was quite interested in this cathedral full of beautiful nuns. At least their innocent faces and slightly shy expressions brought a thrill to him.

But what truly astonished him was that the head priestess of Saint Erde Cathedral turned out to be this ravishing vampire before him! Upon learning this, he couldn't help but wonder if those pure-hearted nuns outside were her cultivated food supply.

"Little one, when you see from my vantage point, you'll understand that the distance between light and dark isn't as vast as you imagine," Lady Ireland sighed, gesturing for Felix to stand in the center of the "Divine Grace Shines Everywhere" array. She spread her arms and chanted, "Holy light shines across the world; divine grace loves all!"

"Divine Light - Redemption!"

Felix's eyes widened in sheer astonishment! He had always assumed Lady Ireland was a faux nun. After all, in his mind, a vampire proficient in dark magic like "Blasphemy" couldn't possibly be a devout believer!

Yet, what he was witnessing completely shattered that notion. Not only was Lady Ireland wielding holy magic, but she was also casting a high-level holy spell – "Divine Light - Redemption" – which required unshakable faith to perform!

All Felix could think now was: This world is insane! Even vampires can cast holy magic!

"Don't be so surprised, little one. God is an old madman! He loves his faithful little mad ones," said Lady Ireland, appearing somewhat drained after casting "Divine Light - Redemption." She gently caressed Felix's face, smiling, "It's time, my dear. Time for your 'Elemental Transformation.' The holy light here is abundant. Absorb as much as you can. When you awaken, you'll find a pleasant surprise."

With grace, Lady Ireland exited the Redemption Room. Under the gentle radiance of the holy light, her elegant silhouette exuded an aura of sanctity.

Suppressing his shock and curiosity, Felix sat cross-legged at the nexus of the nine-pointed star formation "Divine Grace Shines Everywhere." The "Mammon's Redemption" artifact, under his magical control, levitated and spun rapidly around him. Its motion had a peculiar pattern, guiding the circling holy energy.

As Felix's magic intertwined with the abundant external holy light, "Mammon's Redemption" came to a stop before him. Beneath him, a hexagram formed of holy light energy, "Elemental Fusion," appeared.

Laying "Mammon's Redemption" on his lap, Felix slowly closed his eyes, immersing himself in deep meditation. "Elemental Transformation" was a lengthy process. Every powerful being who stepped into the "Silver Realm" needed to plant a "seed" within themselves. The deeper this "seed" took root, the sturdier it would grow, eventually turning into a towering tree.

Felix was fortunate to have a devoted guide in Lady Ireland. In her wisdom, she even cast a level-75 holy spell, "Divine Light - Redemption," to help him harness elemental power.

One's starting point often influences the end. Felix was lucky that a beautiful woman had laid a brick beneath his feet. Sometimes, the height of just one brick is enough to let you peer over a wall and glimpse the captivating scene of a beauty bathing in sheer veils within a courtyard.


The next day, at dawn.

A furious Lady Elizabeth, with the flair of a graceful knight, stormed into Saint Erde Cathedral. The moment she laid eyes on Lady Ireland, who was lazily sprawled on the altar while nonchalantly flipping through "The Teachings," her rage intensified.

"You've stolen my little kitty!" Lady Elizabeth fumed as she took a seat, her anger palpable. It felt to her as if something she cherished had been snatched away. She wished she could scribble some abstract graffiti on the face of the woman before her!

"If it were truly your little kitty, nobody could've taken it," Lady Ireland replied without even glancing at Elizabeth. Bored, she closed "The Teachings," and, holding her voluptuous breasts, sighed, "Oh my, they're getting bigger. Such a hassle."

On hearing this, Lady Elizabeth was so infuriated she nearly choked. Rolling her eyes, she retorted, "After over three hundred years, they should've sagged by now!"

At this, Lady Ireland couldn't maintain her composure any longer. Jumping up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, she shot back, "At least they're even! Unlike someone's lopsided behind..."

"You old witch! I'll take you down!" Lady Elizabeth shouted.

Women's sharp-tongued arguments evidently lack a touch of grace. No matter how noble their status, they aren't immune to these squabbles.