
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 16: "Mammon's Redemption"

The fiery glow of the candles illuminated the dim room. The ravishing vampire sat silently in a shadowy corner, a mysterious smile gracing her face. Between her pale fingers, she held a dark red card intricately engraved with the "Composite Star Array". An almost imperceptible streak of blood-red light occasionally traversed the card.

"You didn't grant him the first embrace?" Lady Elizabeth's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she cast a faint, displeased gaze at the alluring vampire before her.

Lady Ireland smirked coldly. With a flick of her fingers holding the "Dark Moon Card", the card glided along a peculiar trajectory, half-burying itself into the solid wall. The captivating vampire flashed a teasing smile, saying playfully, "Dear Elizabeth, I promised to teach him magic, but I never agreed to give him the first embrace."


"My debt to the Venus family is now paid in full! Don't try to provoke me further, or I won't mind sampling if the blood of the capital's rumored 'Blood Rose' is truly sweet." Lady Ireland extended her agile tongue, reminiscently licking her luscious red lips. She cast a fleeting glance at Catherine, who stood sternly behind Lady Elizabeth, and taunted, "Of course, you can also see if your canary from 'Hell' can stop me!"


"Catherine, stand down!" Lady Elizabeth's ample bosom heaved rapidly as she timely intervened to stop the beautiful knight from drawing her greatsword. Taking a deep breath to quell her rising anger, Lady Elizabeth offered a faint smile. Her alluring face radiated the grace of an earthly queen, "So, dear Lady Ireland, might you enlighten me as to your reasons for this?"

"Reasons?" The gorgeous vampire frowned briefly, then with a hint of jealousy in her eyes, coldly addressed Lady Elizabeth, "The potential of your cute little kitty far exceeds your expectations! Turning him into a vampire would only send him to the Church's crucifix! If you truly wish to realize your ambitions, I can offer you a shortcut."

"What shortcut?" Lady Elizabeth lifted the enamel crystal in her hand, using the refracted glow from the dark red wine to mask the peculiar gleam in her eyes. After a moment's hesitation, she softly inquired.

"Fall in love with him, and make him fall in love with you!"

A radiant glow suddenly burst from Lady Ireland's eyes, as if the astounding four hundred and eighty-plus magic runes had reappeared before her. The ravishing vampire licked her rosy lips, murmuring in an almost moan-like fashion, "He's a madman! And he might just become the most terrifying madman in this world."

"He belongs to you now, but he will be mine in the future. Treasure these moments," Lady Ireland said as she slowly rose. With a demeanor that almost seemed saintly, she looked down at the pensive Lady Elizabeth and gracefully remarked, "Well, I should go and mentor my lovely little kitty. As a devout nun, perhaps I should bring him into the 'Lord's embrace'."

"My lady!..."

"Catherine." Lady Elizabeth lifted her gaze, her beguiling face seeming to shimmer with an unseen light. She gracefully stood, gazing resolutely at Lady Ireland's retreating figure, asserting, "He is mine now, and he will remain mine."

The alluring vampire halted in her steps, turning to face the brimming confidence of Lady Elizabeth. With a playful arch of her fine eyebrow and an amused expression on her captivating face, she said lightly, "I hope in three months, you still possess this confidence. No matter who he chooses, I can never be the one who loses, right?"

Lady Elizabeth clenched her hands tightly, then let go. She walked gracefully, proudly supported her plump chest, and said contemptuously: "He won't be interested in an old woman who has lived for more than 300 years!"

"What if the old woman in your mouth has a more charming appearance than you, a fuller chest than you, and a stiff butt than you?"

"And furthermore, she's remained a virgin for three hundred years~" The stunning vampire, having gained a psychological edge over her opponent, left with an air of absolute pride. As she walked away, she didn't forget to twist the knife into Lady Elizabeth's already shaken confidence. "There isn't a man who could resist the allure of an Antediluvian, right? My dear little Elizabeth? Oh! Even if he's just a boy!"

Lady Ireland departed with a delicate, bell-like laugh, her enchanting silhouette moving in a way that made one's blood rush.

Lady Elizabeth nearly gritted all her silver teeth to dust. She touched her own petite and exquisitely perfect peach-shaped bottom, then glanced at Lady Ireland's undeniably voluptuous curves and spat out a word with venom: "Succubus!" ......

"In the name of Felix! Judicator who betrays the Holy Light! Decay and corruption... swallow and obliterate... the judgment from the [Hell]!"

"Black Cross — Judgment!"

Surging elements, the unending flow of magic — Felix had never felt power so vividly. In this moment, he felt like with a mere gesture, he could pierce the heavens!

With a gentle wave of his hand, the [Black Cross — Judgment], formed from pure dark energy, began to dissipate. Felix affectionately caressed the humble-looking dry vine wand in his hand. Only now did he dare to believe that the unassuming gift Lady Ireland gave him was truly the legendary one of the Seven Deadly Sins — the Staff of Wealth, known as [Mammon's Redemption]!

The power of light derives from virtue, while that of darkness comes from desire.

The eight tenets of knighthood: Humility, Honor, Bravery, Sacrifice, Compassion, Spirituality, Honesty, and Justice.

The seven sins of the fallen: Pride (Lucifer), Greed (Mammon), Lust (Asmontis), Wrath (Satan), Gluttony (Beelzebul), Sloth (Berial), and Envy (Cain).

The Staff [Mammon's Redemption], also popularly known as one of the Seven Deadly Sins [Greed], earned its title due to the top-tier alchemical spell etched onto it — the Midas Touch! This supreme material inversion spell can be activated once every three days. By offering a hundred beings as a [Blood Sacrifice], it can transform any material into gold!

Thousands of years ago, the hellish monarchs, unwilling to submit to the [Son], created seven sub-godly artifacts and scattered them across various dimensions. Named after the seven sins, they represent the seven human desires.

When the seven sub-godly artifacts come together, they would form a fractured godly aspect, breaking the spatial barrier, allowing the hellish monarchs a perfect descent.

Sadly, over the course of millennia, no one has ever collected all seven. Those without power can't traverse dimensions, while those with power look down on these artifacts. The hellish monarchs have probably forgotten about these impulsively created items.


"Do you like my gift, little one?" A slightly husky yet seductive female voice whispered into Felix's ear. The elusive Lady Ireland had silently appeared beside him, her intoxicating floral fragrance making him slightly dazed.

Felix looked at the mysterious woman, now draped in a linen-colored robe, and bowed respectfully, murmuring, "Master."

Any master who would gift him one of the Seven Deadly Sins, [Greed], upon their first meeting deserved his utmost respect and submission.

"Don't be nervous, little one. I am a devout nun, am I not?" Lady Ireland's alluring face broke into a captivating smile. She caressed Felix's head, drawing him into the soft embrace of her ample bosom.

"I prefer you to call me 'My Lady', little one."

The incredibly soft sensation nearly made Felix moan in a mix of pain and pleasure. All he could muster was a murmured, "Yes, esteemed Lady Ireland..."