
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 15: Vampire

"You're the young one, aren't you?" A woman suddenly appeared, wearing a linen-colored robe. She removed her hood, revealing deep crimson eyes that examined Felix with great interest. Gracefully, she introduced herself, "I am the private magic instructor hired by Lady Elizabeth. You may call me Lady Ireland."

"Such an intriguing little fellow you are. Your adorable look earlier almost made me... lose my composure," said the seductive woman with long lavender hair, playfully lifting Felix's chin.

Felix's pupils dilated in horror. One word flooded his mind: Vampire!

Among the "Silver Species", the most common are the "Eternal Ones". And without a doubt, the most famous of the "Eternal Ones" are vampires. As a dark race that can proliferate without procreation, vampires have always faced brutal suppression by the church.

Yet, even so, this dark race continues to resiliently exist in shadowed corners, while other dark creatures like werewolves and dark wizards gradually faded from the pages of history.

A vampire bold enough to walk in the sunlight either has grown weary of life or doesn't care about the "Rod of God". Whichever it is, neither seemed to be good news for Felix at the moment.

Titans is a military empire. Even though successive emperors of the Titans Empire have strived to suppress the church, forcing them to abandon their proselytizing efforts in Titans' territories, the devout monks still overcome numerous challenges. With blood and holy light as their price, they have rooted the "Divine Grace" deep into the soil of the Titans Empire. The most potent among God's servants are not the pope, nor the bishops, nor the tribunal heads, and certainly not the commanders of the Blood Crusade. It's those who choose to offer their souls to the "Lord", forsaking all pleasures and even their bodies, holding unwavering faith - the devout monks!

While the church's influence in the Titans Empire is weak, and still suppressed by royal power, it doesn't mean that the religious zealots, brainwashed by the "Holy Light", would tolerate a vampire walking openly on the streets. If they found out, they would surely nail her to a pure silver cross, burn her body with roaring flames, and when she finally turns to ash, pray for her soul to receive the "Lord's salvation".


"Interesting little fellow. Don't be surprised; your expression tells me you've realized who I am, haven't you? I'm quite curious as to how you managed to discern my identity."

The vampire who introduced herself as Lady Ireland looked at Felix with a playful glint in her eyes. Her captivating face frequently flashed a mischievous smile. Her deep crimson eyes were fixed intently on Felix's pale neck, and her agile tongue occasionally licked her deep red lips. Her hungry expression looked as though she was on the brink of succumbing to her desire and taking a bite.

Felix felt unnerved under the gaze of this enchanting female vampire. He knew that if she harbored ill intentions towards him, escaping would be a futile effort. So, he lowered his head, speaking softly, "Aside from the Shelby race, only vampires of count status and above have dark red eyes. And among them, only those proficient in the forbidden dark magic 'Desecration' possess a secondary hidden pupil..."

Regretting his words immediately after speaking them, Felix realized he had mentioned something utterly taboo.

"Hehe, such a clever lad! I'm surprised someone your age has such in-depth knowledge about dark magic," the alluring vampire Lady Ireland laughed softly. Though her crimson eyes briefly flashed with a cold glint, she leaned down, whispering seductively into Felix's ear, "I know nothing of this 'Desecration', and you've seen no second pupil, right, my sweet boy?"

"Lady Ireland, please do not intimidate my little kitty," a graceful female voice echoed from afar. To Felix, it sounded like music to his ears. He'd bet anything that at this very moment, in his heart, Lady Elizabeth seemed like an angel sent to save him!

"Lady Elizabeth, worry not, I'm merely jesting with our student. I am a devoted nun, am I not?" Lady Ireland's alluring demeanor faded, revealing a pale yet elegant face with a hint of a gentle smile. Under the sunlight, she radiated a peculiar aura of purity.

Felix was shocked. A nun? She, a vampire, was a nun? A devoted one at that?

This world has gone mad!

"Fear not, my dear Felix. Lady Ireland was once a devout believer, and she remains a devoted nun. She won't harm you," Lady Elizabeth, misinterpreting the horror on Felix's face for fear, tenderly embraced him. Her warm hand caressed his beautiful brown hair. Her alluring face now exuded maternal warmth and affection.

Felix's mouth twitched involuntarily. A vampire proficient in the forbidden magic 'Desecration' was a devout nun? That was absurd! Just reading about 'Desecration' would have gotten anyone "purified" by the religious tribunal hundreds of times.

"My dear Felix, are you pleased with the private magic tutor I've hired for you?" Lady Elizabeth gently asked, holding Felix, whose height reached just her shoulders.

Felix really wanted to say no, but under Lady Ireland's amused and threatening gaze, he obediently nodded.

The luncheon concluded in an oddly tense atmosphere. Lady Elizabeth smiled silently, while Felix kept his head down, eating and occasionally stealing glances at his mysterious vampire tutor. What surprised him was that Catherine seemed quite familiar with the beautiful vampire. This revelation made him contemplate some connections.

A knightess bearing the aura of "Hell" and a vampire proficient in forbidden magic "Desecration"...

Felix couldn't help but look up.

Could it be that Lady Elizabeth...?


Inside Felix's room.

"Alright, young one. Since you've managed to discern my identity, the magic you've been practicing certainly isn't of the orthodox kind. Let me guess what your main discipline is!"

"Dark magic? Necromancy? Or perhaps the most sinister Gamma Magic?!" Lady Ireland lounged on the sofa. After shedding her linen robe, she was surprisingly wearing a pure white nun's outfit, and not just any – it was the priestly garment of the devout followers from the Grand Cathedral of the Holy Mother!

Felix stared at the stunning vampire, taking in her tall stature and ample bust. After a moment of silence, he undid his tailcoat, revealing his left arm, etched with peculiar magic runes.

The dense array of runes took Lady Ireland's breath away. She covered her small cherry lips, her eyes widening in shock at the nearly four hundred and eighty plus rune marks on Felix's left hand. Each mark had been etched with a dagger, then burned into the skin with dark gold casting materials before the wounds could heal. Such a self-harming practice was something only the mad Shadow Alchemists would dare to undertake!

"What a mad little fellow..."

"I find myself growing fonder of you by the minute!" A gleam sparked in Lady Ireland's dark red eyes. She abruptly pulled a stunned Felix into her embrace, planted a fierce kiss on his handsome face, and excitedly proposed, "Now that we're aware of each other's secrets, why don't you become my childe?"

Like a startled rabbit, Felix leaped out of the enchanting vampire's embrace, standing a good distance away, seemingly fearful that she might suddenly lunge at him and take a bite.


"A wicked vampire who believes in God and a heretical Gamma mage with an innocent appearance. My sweet boy, don't you think we're a perfect match?" Lady Ireland, with her chin propped up by her hand and her gleaming eyes fixed on a terrified Felix, mused aloud.