
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 17: From Today On, You Belong to Me!

"You must remember!" A rare serious expression graced Lady Ireland's face as she gently brushed Felix's beautiful brown hair, warning intently, "When using [Mammon's Redemption], you must restrain your desires. Any one of the Seven Deadly Sins can cloud one's judgment, leading them to the abyss of desire. While you have extraordinary talent, until you enter the [Silver Realm], try not to use its power except for deep meditation. Understand?"

"Understood." Felix nodded, releasing the staff he held, placing it back into its narrow sycamore box. He had ample knowledge about the Seven Deadly Sins and knew the consequences of over-relying on their power. A Gamma mage relies solely on his own power, with the Shadow Queen Christie as their guide!

"What a good boy." Lady Ireland gave Felix's handsome face a peck, giggling as she watched his cheeks flush.

"My Lady," Felix hesitated, observing the alluring vampire before him, with her seductive face, full bust, slender waist, and curvaceous hips. "Currently, I roughly have Gamma Magic level 3, Alchemy level 3, Dark Magic level 3, Arcane level 2, and Elemental Magic level 2. Although I'm familiar with the Book of the Undead, I haven't chosen to cultivate it. Esteemed Lady Ireland, what should I do next? To step into the [Silver Realm], I need guiding magic to modify my body, but a Gamma mage can't perform a perfect soul transfer until the [Golden Realm]."

Gamma mages are strong due to their extensive knowledge and magic. In fact, before entering the [Golden Realm], their strength lags behind other magic professions since they invest much time in live experiments and biological modifications. Over 95% of Gamma mages choose to study dark magic or the Book of the Undead for self-defense before advancing. Those like Felix, with innate exceptional spiritual power, tend to study several types of magic. He's been constrained by time and a lack of resources for experiments, which has been a significant issue.

Lady Ireland pondered briefly before replying, "I have a secluded estate downstream of the Titanian River, about three magic hours from the imperial capital. There's an underground laboratory I once used. If you need to conduct magic experiments, you can go there. I'll try to get an advanced tutorial on Gamma Magic soon. In the meantime, study the Dark Magic branch [Curse] and the Arcane mainline [Elemental Seal] with me."

Gamma mages have always been scarce because not everyone can tolerate this bloody branch of magic. Modifying one's body requires more than just enduring pain — one needs immense resolve and the guts to defy death. The pain of a blade slicing the skin is just the beginning, and one needs to forget this pain, focusing entirely on crafting the perfect magical tattoo. Any error in etching these onto the body might lead to death!

Felix bowed slightly, a gesture of gratitude towards the captivating vampire before him.

"Young one, I'm curious. With your talent, you could excel in any discipline. Why did you choose the path of a blood-stained Gamma mage?" Lady Ireland inquired, the questioning gaze from her deep red eyes also hinting at a concealed excitement and desire. Vampires have an innate fascination with blood.

Lifting his head, Felix locked eyes with her. He paused for a long moment before he began, his voice tinged with melancholy, "When I was very young, my mother passed away under mysterious circumstances. She was incredibly beautiful and kind. But to the world, she was just a lowly half-elf slave. She gave birth to me — a mixed-blood bastard with no standing."

His handsome face twisted with rage, "I despise Count Visak! I despise Fairmuth!" Clenching his fists, his eyes filled with loathing, he continued, "From my earliest memories, I've known my fate. To be a gift, a token of Fairmuth's goodwill, to some wealthy and influential widow, or perhaps some noble with unique... tastes."

"Do you understand how that feels, my Lady?" Felix's voice wavered with emotion, his gaze piercing.

"I am not a gift!" Felix's hands dripped with blood as his nails dug into his flesh from the intensity of his emotions. "All I yearn for is power, the strength to control my destiny. Time is not on my side, resources are limited, and I have so little..."

His eyes blazing with determination, he declared, "Except for life, I have nothing!"

Tearing his clothes to reveal his arm, he pointed to the myriad of magical tattoos etched into his skin, "Do you know what this is, my Lady? It's the [Death's Touch]! I carved 367 of these markings in one night, nearly dying from blood loss."

Throughout Felix's impassioned declaration, Lady Ireland silently watched, her face a study of deep contemplation. She leaned in, embracing the emotionally drained boy, her face gently rubbing against his until his fervor subsided. Pulling away, she looked deeply into his eyes.

"You know, I think I've fallen for you," the alluring vampire teased, bursting into laughter. Before he could react, she leaned in, pressing her lips onto his in a deep, lingering French kiss. Pulling back, she teased, licking her red lips, "We're both mad."

"From today, you won't be empty-handed because you have me. In this world, aside from me, no one else will control your destiny," Lady Ireland declared, her tone regal, "From today on, you belong to me."