

The tale of an unfortunate omega who got rejected by his mate but at the brink of death he was reclaimed and the love, attention , and affection he was getting after being claimed by his mate seemed like the calm before the storm Did things finally change for the better or would his alpha go back to how everything was and treated him like scum beneath his shoes again? An Omega who held onto hope. Hope. Tsk. Such a small word with huge consequences. On her deathbed his mother told him to never let go of hope and so he kept hoping, kept waiting and watching for things to change. Finding his Alpha tangles in bed again with the same person who had caused him so much pain and misery he couldn't bear the pain any longer and left. For two years, two long torturous years, it seemed like he never existed and truth be told his Alpha was almost going crazy until that fateful morning he returned to the pack, armed to the tooth and not alone. Now fully trained in the brutal Alpha facility. His omega is full of surprises and forgiveness is NOT one of them! Don’t forget to vote or leave a comment. All similarities to people and places are all coincidental. Happy reading!

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
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92 Chs

A Rip In Time?! 2{69}

As I stepped out of my room a faint whisper came again

'Keep it open, Iyubov', keep showing us'

Wonder what that was about.

I had my AirPods on at the highest volume right now. I needed to clear my head from all these dreams I've been having lately and what better way to do that than exercise? A short jog which to humans would be a very long distance later, I was about walking into the gym when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Excuse me, hi" a girl, probably around my age or slightly older said to me with a friendly smile on her face.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"Straight to the point I see. Well my sisters and I were wondering if we could grab lunch later with you? If you don't mind."

"Your sisters?"

"Come on out idiots! Sorry, they were kinda afraid you'd say no and didn't want to be too embarrassed"

I usually don't interact with people a lot and I'm extra careful of strangers but I don't sense any negative vibe from her at all. She had this soft glow to her like a light spirit.

"Sorry but I already have plans for lunch"

"Oh it's alright. Can I at least get your instagram handle? They've been bugging me about you for the past two weeks. That might help shut them up" she looked at me with a hopeful expression and I couldn't say no. Well, I could but I don't want to.

"I don't have an instagram account but how about I give you my contact so you can text me on WhatsApp or iMessage?"

"That would be lovely, thank you. Come on don't make him think I'm crazy. I have his number now" a loud squeal followed her words and then two girls stepped out from the corner of the building dressed in gym shorts and tank tops with little smurfs on the shorts. Cute!

"Ugh, h..hi I'm Maria and this is my sister Maryann. Nice to meet you"

"Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Michaela Mattews but you can call me mike and we're triplets" the first girl introduced herself extending her hand forward which I took with my gloved one.

"Like you my eye" the third girl said before she turned crimson with a heavy blush.

"Ugh I mean I ugh.. I like your eyes"

'I told you she has a crush on him' I heard mike said in her head.

'I don't have a crush on him okay? He's just.. really pretty and his hair is really beautiful and he has pretty skin and he's tall! And he smells wonderful too but that doesn't mean I have a crush on him.' Maryann argues back.

'Yeah right. Are you trying to convince us or yourself? You're all red from embarrassing yourself in front of him and you jumbled your words, you also spoke softly and you're fidgeting which clearly means you like him but you're too nervous around him. You're the loudest, boldest Winx I know yet you seem to loose your tongue and you say you don't like him? Sureeee we believe you.'

'Stop it guys, we've been quite for some time, he'll think we're freaks!'

'Aren't you a freaky lunatic?'

'Mar stop'

If only they knew I could hear them loud and clear. This was also the main reason why I decided they were safe to be around them. Nobody knew of this ability of mine yet and it comes in handy a lot unless I'm around my men. Their dirty thoughts can be quite bothersome, especially the ones about me.

"How rude of me. I'm Vasili. Vasili Dionysius, pleasure to meet you."

'the pleasure is definitely Martha's' Maryann snorted in her head

'Hey! It's not my fault he's such an eye candy. I wonder if he has any tattoos. Come to think of it, he always covers as much skin as possible whenever we see him and that kinda makes me sad, I'm sure he's got rippling muscles. Oh I wonder how good he is in b...'

"I'll be on my way now if that's all. I'm on a tight schedule today" see why I said it's not always good? I definitely don't want to listen to the rest of her thoughts.

"Yeah, thanks again for your number. I'll text you later, bye."

'When he said tight back there I couldn't help but imagine him pounding into me and scrunching his face cause I'm so TIGHT!'

'Mary can you stop? I don't want to hear your lewd fantasies. Sheesh!' they kept bickering in their heads as they walked away. Seems like they're done for today. Well I know they're not humans since they can link.

Usual day at the gym with a few guys hitting on me. I swear if I didn't hate people soo much I probably would have a handsome hunk for a boyfriend by now.

I took a cab back to pack borders and the driver just looked at me like I'd lost my brains but didn't say anything. He didn't need to though. I could hear his thoughts loud and clear.

Shit it's almost noon! The luna will kill me if I'm late for tea time. The things I do for this woman.

'Vasili dearest, where the fuck are you?' I heard in my head.

'I'm almost there ma'am. I went to the gym and got caught up in..something.'

'Does that something happen to be a guy???'

'NO! Just some girls asking for my contact'

'Tsk bummer, thought you would've gotten laid! You're such a boring virgin!'

'Ughh I gotta go, bye' and I cut the link before she could say anything to embarrass me further.

I felt lazy so I made this one short. Sorry.

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