

The tale of an unfortunate omega who got rejected by his mate but at the brink of death he was reclaimed and the love, attention , and affection he was getting after being claimed by his mate seemed like the calm before the storm Did things finally change for the better or would his alpha go back to how everything was and treated him like scum beneath his shoes again? An Omega who held onto hope. Hope. Tsk. Such a small word with huge consequences. On her deathbed his mother told him to never let go of hope and so he kept hoping, kept waiting and watching for things to change. Finding his Alpha tangles in bed again with the same person who had caused him so much pain and misery he couldn't bear the pain any longer and left. For two years, two long torturous years, it seemed like he never existed and truth be told his Alpha was almost going crazy until that fateful morning he returned to the pack, armed to the tooth and not alone. Now fully trained in the brutal Alpha facility. His omega is full of surprises and forgiveness is NOT one of them! Don’t forget to vote or leave a comment. All similarities to people and places are all coincidental. Happy reading!

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
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92 Chs

A Rip In Time?! (NSFW){68}



I could feel the fingers twisting and pinching my nipples before my vision became hazy with lust.

Open mouthed kisses were left on my neck before soft moist lips latched and sucked on the spot where my mark was supposed to go. I couldn't focus. Not with everything that was happening to me at the moment.

I heard him mumble some words but they were unclear to me and then I heard a ripping sound. There goes another shirt.

"Since you thought it was a good idea to be a naughty little vixen all day, teasing your Daddy and I. Making it hard for us to focus on meetings and almost loosing one of our biggest clients so far, How about we teach you a lesson? Hm?" A deep voice seductively said.

"And what was that you did back there earlier at dinner? Flirting with that German bodyguard? Hm? Seems like you've forgotten who you belong to" came another voice laced heavy with a Russian accent.

That voice is the same one I keep hearing in these dreams I've been having for a while but the first voice that spoke this time is different. It's...hotter!

I looked at the direction of the first voice and I couldn't believe my eyes. How the fuck did I manage to catch the attention of these men? The first man looked like a sex god. His skin was glossy with sweat adding a slight shine to his glowing light-brow skin, his black hair in a messy bun with a streak of white on the right side, his eyes are easily the deepest green I have ever seen, straight slender nose, thin eyebrows, short eyelashes and a pair of thin lips sporting a small smirk and my greedy eyes wandered further going down his strong neck with a very visible Adam's apple to his tattoo covered chest, a small dip signifying his navel and a very sexy V-line disappearing into the waistline of the dark blue chinos hung low on his hips. 'Fuck me' I screamed in my head.

"I plan on doing that all night long, дорогой возлюбленный[1]" that deep Russian accent said from behind me. Did I say that out loud?

I only noticed now that I was sitting on his lap and something hard was poking my ass through the silk shorts I had on.

"I'll go get the special cuffs. You both go wait for me in the oasis room." That deep voice said again before disappearing into a walk-in closet.

A pinch on my nipples had me throwing my head backwards and an embarrassing moan slipped past my lips.

"So sensitive, Iyubov'[2]" the man behind me said with a chuckle that had my breath hitching in my throat.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder before he started walking. I didn't even protest being carried this way because fuck me. His broad shoulders and strong back narrowed to a firm looking ass covered by black combat shorts. With every move his back muscles flexed and I felt my mouth watering.

I heard him say something and then walked into a dimly lit room. Deep corazon coloured walls and sex toys covered most of the walls. There was a huge bed with two holes in the headboard. He laid me gently down and swiftly turned around, walked to the left side of the room and slid his index and middle finger across it twice and it opened up a small compartment. He took out a red whip and a remote control right before the door to the room opened and that sex god walked in.

He closed the door behind him and walked to me. Silently, he lifted me off the bed like I weighed lighter than a feather and took me farther into the room. The Russian came along and presses a button on that remote and two poles and a soft looking high chair of some kind emerged from the ground. He took me forward and placed me on the ground in front of the chair, walked around and secured my hands with dark purple cuffs which made me bend over the chair and had my ass sticking out. He walked behind me again and stood there with the Russian. Next came a blindfold and I heard the sound of clothes ripping before cold air hit my naked ass. Why am I not wearing underwear?

They cuffed both my ankles to the legs of this weird chair that spread them apart and strapped my waist to the chair.

"What's your safe word?"

"Silver, sir" I heard myself say.

"Good" the Russian said from behind me and latched onto my neck. Sucking, biting and licking while his hands played with my nipples.

His palms left my sensitive nipples and wandered down to my ass. Kneading them like dough. I could feel my slick flowing down my legs already.

"Tsk..tsk. We can't have you waste all that sweetness." He said before I felt something poke my wet hole. I slightly panicked thinking it was his dick. 'I'm still a virgin!' I wanted to scream but then I felt him kiss down my back and then his warm breath hitting my wet hole calmed me down.

I felt him push something small and round into my hole and then another and another with a small string hanging out and then a butt plug?

"We are spanking you as a punishment for being naughty today and we won't be touching you or letting you touch us for keeping us waiting for soo long. You're very good at hiding, Iyubov'. We need you to let us in. Let us find you baby." I heard the Russian say before a smack landed on my naked ass which made me yelp. That was too sudden.

What felt like an eternity of whipping but was only 12 later, my blindfold was taken off and I could see myself in the mirror in front of me.

My arms and legs spread apart and my body bent over the chair, a black leather collar on my neck, my skin flushed red with slick leaking down the sides of my legs. My mouth was open taking huge breaths in and exhaling slowly and my eyes looked misty. I..I looked..sex deprived and horny af!

They were both standing on either sides of me now.

"What is it you want? You have to say it or you won't get it" I heard the Russian say.

Trying to test out something I whispered in my mind 'touch me'

"That won't do love. You have to say it with those tempting lips of yours"

So that means I didn't speak out loud the other time.

"I want Daddy and Sir to touch me" came my weak reply.

"Have you forgotten we're going to also punish you for hiding from us for soo long? No touching babe"

'Wait! Are they going to leave me slicking like this? Why? We weren't even playing hide and seek in the first place. How was I to know I hid for too long? This is preposterous! This is not..' and my thoughts were cut off when he pressed something on his phone which I'm just now noticing and a vibration followed. My eyes widened when I realised it was those round beads he pushed into me earlier.

They were both staring at me through the mirror in front with lustful eyes as I squirmed around. Stupid waist strap! He tapped his phone again and the vibration increased slightly hitting and massaging my prostrate more. He tapped again and this time a loud moan escaped my lips as they stood watching me.

Three more taps and I had become a moaning mess. I don't know how much longer I can hold this but this tension building up was making it hard for me to breath now.

"Fuck!" I whispered after a loud moan. This was too much! I can't even breath properly!

He tapped once again and the vibrations increased. At this rate I might pass out!

"S..sir!" A choked sob escaped my lips.

"Hold it. Not yet. You can't cum yet babe. Remember this is a punishment? You only cum when I say so!"

"Please Daddy! I..I can't hold it anymore! Silver sir.. Sil..silver!" I cried out after another minute. I might pass out if this doesn't stop.

"Cum for me baby" he said as he pushed the butt plug slightly which only added the vibration pressure on my prostrate and a shudder passed through me before I burst. Spurting cum from my dick. After I had calmed down a minute later he turned off the beads, unstrapped my legs and hands and pulled out the butt plug. A splattering sound came next and my eyes widened at the amount of slick pouring out of my body.

The Russian brought over a wet towel and warm water, cleaned me up and carried my weak body to the bed and covered me with the duvet.

My eyes felt heavy and I was suddenly feeling soo tired.

"Let us find you, Iyubov'. Let us in. Open up, show us and come to us baby. We have waited long enough. Bring down the block. Sleep now, we'll be with you soon love" was the last thing I heard before I woke up.

One more dream like this and I might go insane. The most annoying thing was how their faces become blurred every time I wake up.

Sighing defeatedly I got up and changed my slick soaked sheets and took a long shower. Wouldn't want the Luna asking me if I've finally gotten my brains fucked like she always does. That woman is going to be the death of me I swear.

'Let us in' I heard in my head and I thought 'why not? Find me' I whispered back in my head and it felt like something clicked in my head before I walked out of my room.

[1] beloved

[2] love

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One power stone can go a long way.


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