

In Red City, two deaths occur and the Luna, Luciana is darn serious about finding out who’d done it. The ALL ALPHA, who's their supreme Alpha, sents a detective who's his beta to find out who is in charge of the deaths. More mysteries unfold in Red City and Luna Luciana cannot trust anyone.. including herself. WHO KILLED JULIETTA; HER OLDER SISTER? “Could it be the man standing in my front? Or...?”

Royal_Red1 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter Three: Derex

Chapter Three: Derex

"A grudge? Could it be a grudge that's fuels her anger towards me?"

Wendy looked at Derex. "It's rather personal sir. I rather not be the one to tell you." Wendy explained to him. "She's angry at all the men in this world, not just you."

Derex's eyes went to Luciana who seemed like she was stalking them. They were all walking together but Luciana kept distance. She had an emotionless face, she was clad in a red short dress that flowed only from the back, red heels and had an equally red straw hat that matched her dark red lipstick.

Her catwalk was the only bright thing about her personality.

"Luciana!" Derex called the cold-faced Queen.

"It's Luna before anything," Luciana had her arms folded and an ill-fitting look. She wasn't playing around with a weirdo investigator who barged into her town unceremoniously, even if he was sent by the All-Alpha himself.

Derex cheerfully went to meet her on their journey to the Spellbound Club.

"I'm here to help. There's no need being hostile around me."

"Leave," Luciana's cold voice pronounced and that did not carry even an ounce of respect along. Derex stared at her almost as though he'd get angry, but then he released a side smirk instead.

He released, "I see I can work with Wendy but it'd be a pain working with you."

The intensified glare Luciana offered him sent bullets, but this bullets seemed to hit a tough one capable of sending it back. Despite everything, the powerful Beta was unfazed.

Wendy stood some miles away from them, and as soon as Beta Derex's gaze alighted on her, he was able to meet girls lined up outside the club at night stretching their long fine attractive femine legs.

It seemed as though they were about to dance but Wendy explained they were his red carpet; literally, they stationed in both sides and were seemingly his gate.

"Nice welcome," he ogled at them. He replaced it with a more serious professional face later. "I'll try not to enjoy myself too much."

In large prints, the writing : SPELLBOUND CLUB was written on the top and the three made their way into the nice attention-stealing building.

Music played and Derex sat back piercing his eyes through all the living creatures present. He smiled, joyfully, but when eyes met Luciana, he noticed her scowl that wasn't welcoming, compelling his grin to vanish.

He looked at another place. He was here on business after all. Although he was enjoying the vibe of the place, he needed a lead.

Derex's eyes spotted a beautiful silver haired girl that stationed at the barplace alongside other girls and he thought to move.

He confidently walked towords them and their attention deviated.

He kept a professional face. "Hello, there," he greeted. Denna now knew he was referring to her.

"Oh, hello mister. How may I help you?" she spoke with a warm sigh.

Derex gave a slight chuckle at how she spoke and went ahead to have a seat on the stool. He was clad in a white long sleeve shirt and a tight-fitting monkey jacket that gave out his build.

He pointed towards the special drink signboard and she comprehended.

"Well I'll have that spell drink come up, any other other thing you want me to interest you in?" Her fellow bartender friendly pushed her.

"What?! Denna's the nicest." Denna strechted out her arm and used two fingers to walk on it.

This made the gentleman in her front chuckle.

Another girl equally dressed in her uniform—which was white short sleeve shirt that was crop and black swim suit designed underwear associated with a bow, dropped the drink in his front with a thud.

"I'm here on serious matters."

"Oh, I get that," Denna said. "I'm Denna."

"Derex," He strechted out his hand and he pressed a formal kiss on the back of her palm.

"What exactly do you want?" her femine voice asked.

Beta Derex looked around before going forward with a more quiet voice to ask, "What do you know about the two girls that died?"

"I wasn't really friends with them, you see. If there's anything else I can do to help you on your case. Don't mean to disappoint."

"Tell me about everyone," his eyes stared at Luna Luciana, whose gaze didn't leave him. "A quick profile." Derex sipped his drink.

Denna smiled. "Well.. my girls here have been bartending for three years and they're my tight pals. That fat man Gipson serves drinks to customers; though he's male, never caused any trouble; not on Wendy's watch. And then— our Luna. She is as you can see, brave, powerful and dosen't like your kind," Denna tucked her silver hair behind her ear in a seductive manner, "not to be rude mister."

Derex stared at the Luna who surprisingly had now positioned her head forward. He could only see the side of her face which was undeniably beautiful, her strict looking sharp jaw face that gave out who she was.

Luciana had light make up on but her dark emotions seemed to ecompass her face more.

"Why's that?" Derex inquired.

Denna continued, "Well her sister, poor Julietta, was killed by a man and soon mysteriously became an Alpha afterwards," Pale skin continued mixing drinks. "It was like an award for murder; something like that. She hates men that wants to outrule women." Denna strechted her body forward to go closer to Derex's ear, "You should be careful," her whisper carried air that was able to give his ear enough sensation.

He got startled, snapping his neck away from Luciana, who his attention was on the entire time.

"Well that's different," he drummed his fingers on the table and gulped down his drink. He tucked his black hair behind his ear.

He looked at the stage and noticed something was happening. His curiosity got the best of him and what was about to occur on stage interested him to the core.

It was Wendy, dressed in a peach coloured steamy outfit that screamed attention dancing on stage. Her body enticed everyone seated and this surprised him.

"Hmm.. I never knew Wendy danced." This was a happy surprise for him.

Wendy continued to show off her seductive moves on stage and trapped everyone's eyes; most especially Derex.

A dark cloud soon blocked his view and he tried to bend his neck inorder to see. However, this was impossible and he soon discovered the dark cloud was the lovely Luna.

She held her waist in his front. "Time to move, lover boy."

Derex's eyes split.