

In Red City, two deaths occur and the Luna, Luciana is darn serious about finding out who’d done it. The ALL ALPHA, who's their supreme Alpha, sents a detective who's his beta to find out who is in charge of the deaths. More mysteries unfold in Red City and Luna Luciana cannot trust anyone.. including herself. WHO KILLED JULIETTA; HER OLDER SISTER? “Could it be the man standing in my front? Or...?”

Royal_Red1 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Two: Luciana

Chapter Two: Luciana

"Is this feud still about Julietta? Your dead sister?"

Her eyes dilated in surprise. Surely, the Luna was not expecting to hear her sister's name.

"Thanks for being a caring friend," Luciana continued her catwalk into her room, "But that's none of your business." She shut the door behind her.


Julietta was Luciana's older sister who was young, dumb and in love. She use to be the girlfriend to Damon; who is now an Alpha. Luciana hates Alpha Damon, who is considered the second ranking strong Alpha after the All-Alpha himself.

She believed he killed her.

Luciana was just eight at the time and her big sister had hidden her from the bad werewolves that had had come for her. Luciana watched as her sister's throat was slit because of a reason unknown till date.

Although little Luciana didn't see him do it with her own eyes, she was certain Damon was there but couldn't do anything.

The Luna flopped on her bed tiredly, as the memory had drained her.


The loud wailing of a siren averted her attention from sleeping and the Luna rose once more.

She curiously looked through her ernomous window where the view was clear and spectacular. She smiled as it was an entourage of vehicles. She tied her robe. "Two cops in a day. The All-Alpha must seriously be interested in my town."

She stepped down, but people have already crowded the place before her; lost in the same curiosity as she.

This was from Denna, "Another one already," Her voice was quiet, femine and cold as though she spoke with a sigh.

Another woman said, "Hope we're okay."

"Show yourself!" This authoritative voice was from confident-Luciana, who was unfazed.

Out of the blue, a well-built masculine tall man clad in a priceless suit emerged from the clean vehicle. His hair was black, eyes ordinary, but presence absolutely extraordinary.

Luciana's eyes were ajar as she came in contact with his. The man stared into her blue eyes and she felt a strange aura for a second. She broke the stare and a leer was given by the highly esteemed gentlemen as he took confident strides towards her.

"I'm Derex," the man spoke. "Special advisor to the All-Alpha. Beta from the direct court." He lifted a corner of his lips for a smile.

Honestly, deep down, Luna Luciana was surprised.

Flash back: "I'm Derex," the man spoke. "Special advisor to the All-Alpha. Beta from the direct court." He lifted a corner of his lips for a smile.

Wendy took few steps forward and eyes showed surprise.

A weird wind whirled around.

The man looked confident. "Yes, I'm the Beta of all Betas. I believe there is a case of a missing Sir Redcliffe and also heard news of how you treated a cop sent here."

It took minutes, but Luciana got herself together and returned to being an unfazed Luna. "I'm in charge here. As you can see," she directed attention to her outstanding sense of fashion. "Maybe you heard right, maybe you didn't."

The highly strange gentleman walked slowly forward. "He was a family man. Had three children and was a clerk in an office. It'd be sad if he died in a place like this."

"Uh.. Sir, don't mind my madam's manners, your'e surely welcome to Red City," stated Wendy, easing a bit of the tension.

Luciana got angry and marched up to him. "So what're you do'in here? To arrest all of us?"

"No. I was sent here to find out who's been killing your people so you'll stop attacking innocent passerbys. And to invite you for a gala the All Alpha had prepared himself."

Luciana's eyes dilated as it was undoubtedly shocking.

"Please, feel home." Wendy proposed observing her Luna had nothing else to say.

'That's impossible.'

Luciana appeared angry and marched away from the scene, leaving her girls to handle the unwanted visitor.

Derex hissed. He then asked Wendy due to his observation, "I see there are less men in this territory," they ambled to a lodge. "why's that?"

"Oh, our Luna believes women should rule and for those men who aren't interested in being ruled by a woman, they were permitted to leave Red City."

"She sure is tough," Derex spoke, now reaching the front door of his lodge.

"She sure is," Wendy demonstrated with a bow for him to enter.

This man was sent directly by the Supreme Alpha so no harm needed to come his way. As much as a scratch on his skin, Red City will loose balance as hundreds of werewolves will mount the town.

Beta Derex made his way into the room and locked it behind him.

He was settling in for some days until his mission here was accomplished.

He removed his shoes, shirt and rested on the bed. After a few minutes of adoring the well decorated room, mostly having the colour red, he stood up and hit the showers.

Beta Derex let water run down his well-built physique and mind was filled with so much thoughts.

"I'm not supposed to be here in this unimportant place. Called unceremoniously for this, goddammit!"

He turned the shower off and dabbed his drenched hair with a towel. His belongings were later brought to him and he busied himself with hanging photos on the wall.

He was calculating something seriously, trying to match the faces of his suspects together.

"What is really happening this time around?" Derex soliloquized. His forehead wrinkled from thoughts and his was so into his imagination when he heard a knock on the door.

"Darn it!"

Beta Derex made his way to the door with his bare chest, and when he opened it, his frown switched with a smile as it was nice attractive Wendy.

She smiled widely and that sunny grin made him calm down.

"Sorry to bother you," Wendy said. "But it's our tradition in Red City to make sure all our visitors properly enjoy their night in this place; especially the men. I and my Luna specially welcome you to Spellbound St**p club!"

Wendy went closer to whisper with a raised palm, "A.k.a, my place."

The cop gave out a suprised reaction and a chuckle. His eyes were soon trapped on something else. He noticed Luciana was by a corner all along, dressed in a fashionable dress different from before.

"Oh, and our Luna sure will be with us wherever you go to keep a close eye. Don't mind her, she can be creepy sometimes."

Derex surely perceived a dark energy from her, but managed to concentrate on Wendy's warm reception. There was something certainly wrong with Luciana.