

Jamie Wesley never believed in love because of his childhood ,he was born with the perfect goodluck charm ,an handsome face ,he could get away with anything just by smiling. He became a professional dater,taking client on dates and giving them special experiences for just 7hours. Ava Hudson is an uptight lady ,she believed in working hard , she was abandoned at her orphanage at birth .She is a professional writer helping her clients craft their confession letters to the person they love . Although Wesley and Ava sell to their clients the idea of love,they are afraid to embark on the experience themselves . When Wesley and Ava meet each other, can they gather the courage to plunge into love.

Bollartayo · Urban
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Chapter Two_A new beginning

Ava,s Pov

I woke up to the deafening sound of my alarm clock which i always end up breaking because the stop buttons never works .

I have bought so many alarm clocks that the departmental store now considers me a customer and also gives me a discount whenever i purchase a new one.

My name is Ava Hudson,on my eighteenth birthday i left home for New york city ,i didn't fancy the idea of living in a small town all my life.

I never knew my biological parents for starters and i lived in the orphanage for sometime.

All my life i was eager to see the world to earn my place and make something out of my life.

Sister Catherine one of the nuns at the orphanage told me i was abandoned in front of a fire station as a baby ,when the firefighters saw me they called the police and child service so i ended up at St Jude's orphanage.

I never liked it in the orphanage for once it was too noisy and the sister were always up in your business giving you no room for privacy.

I was finally adopted by my parents when i was Twelve they couldn't have children so they opted for an adoption as first it was a big change ,for me.

I didn't have to line up for food or share a room with messy kids , i had the chance to go to a real school not been homeschooled by the nuns it was indeed a breath of fresh air.

I eventually grew to love and respect them, My mom Angela was the sweetest thing ,we had the same untamed black curl hair so people actually thought she was my birth mom and that gave me alot of joy she is a blessing in my life.

She was a writer too,whenever she wrote about fairy tale ,romance and happy endings, she made me love writing and reading and that was when my passion for writing was born.

I would copy out her books and pretend i was a writer too whenever we both read a new book we should sit all day and exchange stories she was my best friend.

I love writing ,it became my passion i worked in the newspaper club in school and was the chief editor of the year several times.

Leaving home wasn't easy ,it broke my parents hearts but they understood so i took off into the big city ,i lived off my suitcase for awhile in a shitty hostel while i looked for work all over town.

I applied to various publishing companies but never could land a job,it was so competitive and rather stressful on the another hand i couldn't keep living at that shitty motel .

So i decided to look for work elsewhere anything to keep me from starving,i saw a coffee shop that had a help sign up front .

So i applied and got the job i didn't have any experience of any kind but there is always room for more knowledge as Sister Catherine always said.

My fellow worker were really nice and i made friends pretty quick the pay was good i had time to myself to write whenever i wanted.

I moved in with Racheal after my first pay check she worked in the coffee shop too and we hit it off pretty quickly .

She was looking for a roommate because her old one got engaged and moved out so it was a win win situation.

I wasn't happy that i land my idea job but i kept applying and never lost focus.

During one of my shifts i noticed a customer writing seriously,looking at him he has been here for hours the table was untidy and filled with paper littered everywhere, itz seems like he is having problems conveying what he wanted to say.

Hello there, is there anyway i can assist you i asked him,

he smiled at me sadly except you can help me write out my feelings in the next thirty minutes then !no you can't.

I sat down amusing taking the pen and paper from him .

Tell me alittle bit about your feelings for this person i assume its your girl friend right i asked him

Yes her name is Kharissa we have been together for three years now and today is our anniversary .

She requested we both express our feelings this year in a love letter and am having a hard time doing that because, i am a more physical kind of person i want today to be prefect and i cant do that without making her happy he explained.

Okay mister uhh .... ,Emmanuel he answered My name is Emmanuel.

Alright Mr Emmanuel i will help you out just explain to me how you feel about Kharissa can you do that for me,yes he answered quickly i can try.

After an hour of romantic confession and declarations of love the letter was ready he was filled with appreciation and quickly dashed out of the shop to his date.

Watching him enthralled with his girlfriend was an assuming sight to behold i never believed in love neither do i plan in the future

Although i envied the kind of love Emmanuel has for his girlfriend and the way he envisioned her in my mind i had no doubt that she is a lovely woman,i still believe that kind of life isn't for me.

The following week Emmanuel rushed toward me as i was closing for they day. he thanked me for the letter and said kharissa was so happy she cried.

According to him he has never seen her so happy before and would like to pay me for my services ,i refused but he was a very stubborn man and i later gave in, anyways i needed the money.

He referred me to many of his friends and i was suprised so many people needed such services and they were ready to pay handsomely too.

It was amazing how surreal it felt ,i never actually thought i would be crafting love letters for people who couldn't express themselves when i had no experience in the matters of love nor did i believe in it but it was pretty cool ironically.

After a year i quit the coffee shop and with the money i saved from both jobs i opened a greeting card shop.

I sold different kind of cards for various occasions and still wrote letters for people who needed my help.

With the help of Racheal i opened a website.

Different kind of persons contacted me daily including men and women.

Not only did it pay well,it was fun too and had some kind of alluring effect on me like i did some sort of good by helping people achieve their love goals.

My website became quite popular all thanks to Racheal's marketing skills,people named me the "love doctor "and indeed life was good.