

Jamie Wesley never believed in love because of his childhood ,he was born with the perfect goodluck charm ,an handsome face ,he could get away with anything just by smiling. He became a professional dater,taking client on dates and giving them special experiences for just 7hours. Ava Hudson is an uptight lady ,she believed in working hard , she was abandoned at her orphanage at birth .She is a professional writer helping her clients craft their confession letters to the person they love . Although Wesley and Ava sell to their clients the idea of love,they are afraid to embark on the experience themselves . When Wesley and Ava meet each other, can they gather the courage to plunge into love.

Bollartayo · Urban
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Chapter One_Beautiful Man

Jamie's Pov

Ending a date has never been an easy task for me ,with my extremely good looks women always fall at my feet they always forget it's professional and lose themselves in the process asking for things i can't give them.

My last date ended with a beautiful woman begging me to have sex with her on the balcony of her hotel room,having intimate relationship with cilents is against company policy they all knew that but still tried regardless.

I have had my fair share of women in my life,although i have never been inlove before i didn't believe in happy ending with it an irony considering i sell the idea of love to my cilents.

My name is Jamie Wesley and i am a professional dater,I run a request company with my two best friends Avery and Liam,We have been friends since we were five years old.

My mom and i just moved to Newyork after she left her abusive marriage where i met them,I was born in Notting hill London.My mom opened a hair salon which grew in years and ever since we have been doing okay.

My mom is a very beautiful woman and i took after her in every way hence my good looks,she spoiled me rotten and i have never felt i needed a father figure in my life ,she attended all my games and has been very supportive.

My life at school wasn't any different either i was the star student i basically ruled the school, teachers were easily charmed by my god like looks and girls were always trying to gain my attention while the boys were envious.

My locker was always filled with love letters,chocolates,gifts and other adorable things that they could sneak in ,some young teachers participated too.

Valentine's day were usually the worst ,girls fought over who would present their gifts first while the shy ones quietly drop their at my desk before hand ,it was always a hassle and it didn't help that i was an unrepentant filrt.

Our Company came into being one day when a very sexy senior i slept with came looking around for me ,sighting her from afar i quickly hid inside the janitor office while Liam and Avery watched guard.

When she saw them she asked after me,trying to diss her off Avery told her the only way she was finding out where i was,was if she paid her.

Being the desperate girl she was the senior paid,dumbstruck Avery pointed to the janitor office and thus our company

"THE REQUEST" was created according to them since my good looks was such a bother while not become an expensive one .

So i go out on dates with various women for just Seven hours for a day,they fill out where they want to do and where they would love to visit .its my job to accompany them and make sure they have a great time having fun.

While a few women loves mystery so they request for a date without filling what they wanted those women were the hardest to please ,i try my best to impress them which i eventually do and i have never had an unsatisfied cilent neither do i ever plan to.

Presently,i have a date with a young rich doctor which isn't suprising since most of our cilents are rich good looking desperate women.

I walked into the coffee shop where i usually meet my cilents,it is owned by a friend of ours it wasn't difficult to locate her at all because i always go through a cilent profile before meeting them.

Leah was a very attractive woman,she wore a white custom made dress matched with purple heels and a purse,she was a brunette and had a slim figure and by her built it was obvious she worked out often.

She saw me checking her out and smiled politely at me.i scolded myself inwardly as i gained consciousness .

Hi,i am Jamie i said as i extended my hands toward her and i will be your companion for today.

Nice to meet you i am Leah she replied smiling.

Hope you didn't get to wait too long there was a bit of traffic i asked her.

Not really i just got here myself she said politely.

Alright let's be on our way then .

You didn't really state want you wanted i guess you opted for the mystery package i said as i smirked at her ,she just blushed furiously and looked away making me laugh.

I took her to a carnival,girls likes stuff like this so i assumed she would too cause looking at her file i assumed she rarely has time to visit places like this based on her status as a billionaire heiress ,and the cute smiles on her face made it clear that she was happy being here.

i have never been to a carnival before she squealed excitely, what ride should we try first she asked,whichever one you want i told her amusely.

Stop laughing at me i am just excited she scolded me.sorry doctor i have been bad i whispered to her,the look on her face shows how startled i made her.

I dragged her towards the ticket booth let's try out the ferris wheel i said while she regained from her shock.

We were sitted and belted in but her ears were still pink i tried hiding my amusement not to embarrass her any further. i had no idea why i flirted with her the thought of teasing just felt nice.

She refused to leave the carnival until  i offered her real food since we stuffed ourselves with junk all day,She wasn't a picky eater surprisly because most women i took out barely ate anything.

But Leah was different being with her wasn't difficult at all,it was still a job but it felt more fun and genuine i felt a connection to her that i couldn't yet fathom.

I smiled as i watched her wolfing down her steak,she caught me staring and started coughing slightly embarrassed,sorry working in the emergency ward gives me little or no time to eat so when i eventually do i eat in a hurry out of hunger or trying to quickly get back to work she explained.

It's okay you just look cute that's all ,but i am intrigued why would you stress yourself like that though,your family owned the hospital and you can easily request for lesser hours i asked her.

The way her eyes turned cold told me she wasn't comfortable with the conversation, so i didn't press further not like her personal life is any of my concern anyways curiosity got the best of me.

When i saw her profile the night before,i came excepting a spoiled girl but being with her all day changed my prespertive about her.

Initially when i saw her at the cafe i excepted her to be some wild woman with all that money people can go crazy.

Although she dressed modestly i still wasn't convinced because with my line of work i have come to realize that most wild women are innocent looking it was just a ruse to gain attention.

And see that she didn't state what she wanted i was excepting her to have jumped me by now or requesting i kiss her or worst go skinny dipping believe me some one has actually asked me that before.

Although kissing was allowed with an additional fee only few women didn't indulge in it but Leah was different she was so reserved and polite , after our date i drove her home the drive was quiet and awkward.

Dropping her off i tried apologizing, Leah am so sorry your personal life is not my business but she cut me off,i should be the one apologizing you were just being nice i know you didn't have to because i am just a client but it nice knowing you care she said sadly.

I have been married for two years now,it was an arranged my grand parents came up with the idea i refused at first but they were very persuasive and old so i wanted to please them.

So i accepted, we both agreed to meet and get to know each other,we went out on several dates after a while we got married i was happy,we actually fell inlove with eachother and things were great until he got his inheritance and everything changed.

He kept keeping lates night,i complained about it that was the first time he hit me and since then it's continued whenever i annoyed him,I learnt he lied about his feelings for me ,and inorder to get his inheritance he had to marry me i was just a pawn.

I took more shifts inorder to keep my self busy not to go crazy from all the heartbreak and disappointment i felt ,i overheard some nurse discussing about a professional dater one of them saw and how it helped her forget about her ex boyfriend who treated her poorly and broke her heart.

So i decided to give it a try and today now i know and believe that she wasn't exaggerating thank you Jamie you made my life bearable i had a nice time.

I was taken aback by her confession why didn't you leave him i asked her angrily,i don't want to cause a rift between the two families but seeing how you treated me today i know now i deserve better, i am going to see my parents tomorrow morning to tell them everything and discuss the divorce process she replied.

I happily hugged her and said coming from someone who experienced abuse i know how you feel nobody deserves to be treated that way,she looked at me with questioning eyes my father abused my mom and i,i told her.

I am sorry you had to experience that thank Goddess you turned out okay she said.

Immediately my alarm goes off indicating the end of our date,Leah descended from the car smiling happily at me as she walked into her building.

I sat there still shocked by her revelation i finally understood why i felt a connection to her she made me remember what my mom and i had to go through with my dad and why i never believed in love.

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