

Jamie Wesley never believed in love because of his childhood ,he was born with the perfect goodluck charm ,an handsome face ,he could get away with anything just by smiling. He became a professional dater,taking client on dates and giving them special experiences for just 7hours. Ava Hudson is an uptight lady ,she believed in working hard , she was abandoned at her orphanage at birth .She is a professional writer helping her clients craft their confession letters to the person they love . Although Wesley and Ava sell to their clients the idea of love,they are afraid to embark on the experience themselves . When Wesley and Ava meet each other, can they gather the courage to plunge into love.

Bollartayo · Urban
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Chapter Three_Angel face

Jamie's pov

Today is my day off so i thought i'll pay my dear old mom a visit, we don't see each other frequently enough and i know she is slightly mad about that.

As i stepped into her salon a homely feeling enveloped me, i spent most of my after school hours here .

Whenever i wasn't with friends, it was my second home.

Jamie am glad you came you never come to see me anymore don't you love your mother again ,yeah i definitely forgot how dramatic my mom was.

No mom i will always love you ,i am just busy How are you ?

I can see the redecorations went well i told her as i hugged her tightly breathing in her scent

Am fine just getting old daily,please get married on time and give me grand babies.

Not again mom i told you when the time is right.

Come on i made a reservation at a restaurant.

I know you had a lot of customers today i heard you barking orders on the phone when i called earlier.

Allow me to treat my queen to a nice evening i cajoled her.

Are u trying to seduce me son she said laughing out loud,you know you got that skill from me i was very good at flirting .

In my days men fell at me feet, my body was like that of a roman queen i could get any man i wanted you see ,they fell in and out of my bed.

Woah mom that's too much information i didn't need to know all that please ,i reprimanded her,as i dragged her out of her salon this wasn't the first time she bragged about her femininity.

As i drove us to the restaurant my mom kept playing with the radio.

Could you decide on a channel mom please i begged.

She hissed at me and turned towards the window mumbling curses at me ,until a children's rhyme came up on the radio.

She started dancing and singing along ..... Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Baby shark.

I just stared at her with amusement,You know you're an adult right and that's for kids i told her .

Leave me alone it's a fun song and if you think it's for kids give me grandchildren so i can sing it to them you dumbass she answered sharply.

I was surprised at her outburst and kept quiet.

That's right i knew that would shut you up she said proudly.

The restaurant was quite crowded though it wasn't a surprise since it was very popular ,it took months to get a table here i only got lucky because the chef was a client.

Good evening ,My name is Queen what can i get you this lovely evening a sexy young waitress asked me seductively,battering her fake lashes at me and bending over giving me a decent view of her huge breasts while completely ignoring my mom.

I will be getting a plate of can you please stop eye raping my son and a slice of where are the rest of your clothes, is this how y'all dress here my mom asked, glaring at the waitress angrily.

I couldn't contain my amusement as i laughed uncontrollably at the scene,few people who heard the conversation joined in the laughter as well.

The waitress feeling so embarrassed rushed away from our table,knocking down her colleague on the way accidentally spilling wine all over herself.

I felt bad for her,she is rather beautiful it was just unfortunate she crossed my mom's paths.

She can be quite stern when she wants to ,traits of being a single mom i guess she had to be both the good and bad parent all at once.

We were later attended to by someone else ,a young man around my age who left my mom enthralled with all the pleasantries and attention she was getting, it was uncomfortable at first but later on i let it go he was probably just being nice to her.

I dropped her home and we said our good byes, i love spending time with my mom although she can be a handful sometimes but we are all each other got.

As i drove home i kept thinking of Leah i wondered if her divorce pulled through, i don't have her personal number and i couldn't just barge into her work place .

She is a very busy woman and i didn't want to come off too strong i just hope she is alright, abusive relationships aren't easy to end especially when your abuser is someone you love.

The thought of her being with him made me incredibly annoyed and i felt like hiding something.

I made my way to Linda's house,Linda is a girl i usually hookup with she is easy to be with and we both understand what we want from each other sex and nothing more.

I sent her a quick text informing her that am on my way,she replied instantly that she is home

Her doors were already opened when i got there just like always,she knew how to please me and i liked that about her.

As i made way to her bedroom i inhaled the sweet fragrance of her perfume.

Linda family owns a perfume company in France while she runs the American branch here in New York.

She laid down sexily on her queen sized bed smirking shamelessly at me in just her lingerie , my crotch hardened at the sight.

Awwwww someone missed me she cooed.

Pulling herself up to a sitting position ,she tugged on my tie to lay my body over her's and laid a tender kiss on my lips and i smiled at her desire for me.

"Jamie", she said as she slowly tried to strip me off my clothes,"what if i said i missed you ,too"?

I held her hands from wandering i wasn't comfortable with people seeing my body,and she knew this but tries regardless .

She leaned forward and bit a sensitive spot behind my ear.

That ended all the resolve i had left i feasted on her on through the night ,she was torn between screaming and crying out in pleasure.

Something wicked in me wanted to punish her for teasing me and i got my compensation while she passed out.

Although i still felt numb inside i didn't feel like breaking anything anymore.

I left in the early hours of the morning i had a date tomorrow or better still today, and i haven't gone through the client's profile yet .

As i opened the file i was met with an angelic face,her smile seems distant like it didn't reach her eyes.

She didn't look like someone who was interesting enough to know about a professional dater talk more requesting for one,she looked like the boring type.

And for some weird reason i was looking forward to meeting this angel faced woman.