

Jamie Wesley never believed in love because of his childhood ,he was born with the perfect goodluck charm ,an handsome face ,he could get away with anything just by smiling. He became a professional dater,taking client on dates and giving them special experiences for just 7hours. Ava Hudson is an uptight lady ,she believed in working hard , she was abandoned at her orphanage at birth .She is a professional writer helping her clients craft their confession letters to the person they love . Although Wesley and Ava sell to their clients the idea of love,they are afraid to embark on the experience themselves . When Wesley and Ava meet each other, can they gather the courage to plunge into love.

Bollartayo · Urban
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Chapter Four_The client

Ava's pov

Racheal come out right now i need to use the bathroom am late for work i yelled at my best friend and flat mate.

Then you should have woken up early ,she replied smugly as she came out ,she snatched my coffee standing soaking wet in her towel.

You know the towel is used to dry the water on your body and they are not clothes right, i asked her.

I thought you were late for work she replied sarcastically .

I hurriedly took a shower and left for work

Hey Ava,Thank goodness you're here we have a situation ,Sandra my employee welcomed me.

What happened i asked her? A lady is here she is accusing you of.....

Finally the person i wanted to see ,some lady spoke as she intercepted Sandra .

How dare you,who do you think you are to have a say in my marriage she shouted at me .

I am sorry ma'am but i think you got the wrong person i don't know what you are talking about.

We have never met and i am certain i didn't say anything to discredit your marriage please calm down.

Calm down! you want me to calm down my husband ran away with his whore because of the ridiculous letter you wrote for him.

If you minded your own business without interfering with other people's lives my husband would have never left.

But,no you had to convince his side piece that he loved her more than me to the extent she ran away with him she cried angrily, as she tugged at my dress.

What is his name ? i asked carefully not to annoy her any further .

Solomon.....his name is "Solomon Anderson" she answered crestfallen.

I am deeply sorry ma'am i didn't know he was married he left that part out.

Words can't express how sorry i am ma'am , but i assure you this isn't the cause i opened my store for.

I would never help anyone break up their marriage both my parents are still together and i know how happy they are.

I help people write out their feelings after hearing their love stories it helps me connect to the people reading it.

I don't run a sham ma'am, your husband deceived me the same way he deceived you i can't lie and say i know how you feel because i don't.

But i know things are going to be okay you're young and beautiful it's going to hurt but eventually you will be okay he doesn't deserve you .

Thank you Ava,i am sorry i insulted and blamed you i was just bitter and sad .

It was stupid of me to think he would stay with me when we did the exact thing to his ex-girlfriend my friend ,we cheated behind her back .

When she fought out she was so heartbroken ,i wanted to call it all off but Solomon convinced me he loved me and we got married after a while,now he did the same thing to me.

Am sorry once again Ava, she said as she smiled sadly and she left .

I stared at her back in shock at her confession ,karma is really a bitch Sandra whispered .

"Hi,I forgot to tell you this morning i made a reservation at this new restaurant in town let's have lunch there please, meet me at the coffee shop where we worked " Racheal texted me

"Alright see you in an hour today has been crazy "

An hour later i drove to the coffee shop,she missed this place it felt like home for me .

Working here saved me from living on the street,i met Racheal and all my wonderful friends here and my dreams of becoming a writer was achieved in this same place.

I saw my old boss talking to a customer so i carefully tiptoed back and hugged him.

"Vanny is that you"?

How did you know it was me i asked jostling him slightly .

Kid you are the only person who hugs me this way how could i not know it's you he replied mirthfully.

What are you doing here i thought you would be always busy being the love doctor, he asked smirking at me.

In a matter of fact i am busy,but am meeting Racheal here we are supposed to get lunch i wonder what is keeping her.

Alright sweetie,am going to go back to work these accounts won't balance themselves.

But make sure you say goodbye when Racheal comes, he said as he handed me a cup of coffee.

Hmmmm! my favorite you remembered i cooed,

Of course i do it's a strange drink, who the hell drink an espresso with honey.

Me me me i do i laughed at him ,

"Only you Vanny,only you "he said walking into his office .

"Where are you?you know i hate waiting " i texted Racheal feeling annoyed.

That seat is occupied my friend is on her way i informed the person sitting opposite me without raising up my head.

"Friends "i never knew we were friends he replied, i don't mean you ,my friend she is on her way please kindly sit somewhere else i answered feeling languid.

He started laughing which made me look up,i was met with green vibrant orbs staring back at me in amusement .

His eyes were so beautiful i forgot what i wanted to say.

My name is Jamie Wesley,and i am a professional dater there's no need to get into details .

You are my date for today and seeing the look on your face right now you don't know anything about this .

So am guessing your friend set you up seeing that she isn't here right now he deadpanned .

Ohh i am so going to kill Racheal this is unbelievable,a professional dater what the hell was that.

You're the one to talk you write love letters for a living my brain reprimanded me immediately.

Uhhh Mr Wesley am so sorry for wasting your time,but i am in no need for a professional dater.

Your friend thinks you do ,otherwise she wouldn't have requested one for you .

She is just fooling around it's nothing serious it's probably a prank ,am sure you have other things to do just ignore me.

I really don't mind hanging out with you,we can't allow your friend's money go down the drain right.

What's the worst thing that could happen ?

It was difficult enough conversing with this man, now i have to go on a date with him.

He looks like a greek god i can't even look him in the eyes without blushing hard.

He has a bit of an English accent hidden in his speech you could only notice when you listen properly.

Alright what do we do first?i asked him

Your friend didn't really state what you liked so it's on me to try and impress you my lady .