

------------------~[ROSE'S POV]~---------------------

I sigh and glance at the phone for the uptenth time, but he didn't call back. I wait and wait, he still didn't call back. I bite my lip. I know that whatever makes him not to call back is the female I heard in the background. I grit my teeth. Who is she? Could she be his girlfriend? Or his fiance? He's already old enough to marry and have kids. I slap my forehead. Why do I even care?

I take a deep breath as multiple students begin to troop out of the lecture building and I look around for Brittany. I am severely hungry and need company to get to the cafeteria. "Hello dummy." I hear someone and turn to see Skylar smiling behind me. I sigh.

"What do you want, Skylar? Haven't you done enough?"

She scoffs. " Enough? I haven't even started." She walks closer to me. "I still have all the time in the world to make you feel what you did to me years back. "