

--------------~[CHRISTIAN'S POV]~----------------

I watch the little beautiful girl dash away from my sight and chuckle softly to myself. This is getting to the extreme. I am very sure that in a matter of time, i will definitely explode. Why do i keep telling her I am not interested in her? Why can't i be as open as I have been with the other girls I have met in my life? What the heck is keeping me from telling this attractive bitch how hard she affects me?. How her anger made me want to rip off her clothes and take her to bed.

"Shit." I slap myself hard. "What the fuck am I thinking?" I rub my hair exasperatedly and take a deep breath. I need her right now. Why does she have to run away every single time i am close to making my move? 'You are not making a move oh dear Christian Jake. You are chickening away!!!!' I hear my mind yelling at me.