
Deal with the devil.

Everyone around him was getting there powers as the earth was turned into a game like world. But what is this, why is his character screen all black, why are there strange symbols all over it and why is his title THE DEVIL. Follow our protagonist as he becomes the devil and then builds his empire helping hot chicks around the world, in exchange of eternal slavery.

Ash_Blake121 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Aria Nightfall

Ash sat back on the bed and he pulled a nervous Cora to him. He first kissed her on her plump lips, while he slowly removed her overalls. He slowly put her hands on her breasts which were hanging down almost to her knees. He lifted the heavy breasts in his palms, her nipples getting harder and harder and then Ash squeezed the hot tits and Cora moaned in his mouth. He couldn't wait anymore, he stopped the kissing and looked into her eyes.

"Can you use your mouth?' asked Ash. Cora nodded, breathing hard and her face red. She opened her wet lips and took him in his mouth. Ash closed his eyes and slowly helped her move up and down on his dick. Slowly and slowly as Cora got better and better at sucking his dick, the slurping sounds grew in the room and Ash was finally feeling satisfied. But then they heard footsteps coming towards the room. Cora looked up, panicked.

"What if it's the chief made, we can't let anyone find out," said Cora hurriedly.

"Here, get in here" Ash pushed her head back between his legs and threw the bedsheet over them.

The door banged open and it wasn't who he had expected at all. It was the woman who had followed Ash on earth and in the shadow realm and then later somehow had managed to talk to him inside his head somehow, Ash still doubted whether it was real or some delusion he was having after flying on the dragon. Ash again couldn't help but notice the woman's body, she was now wearing a robe with a hood, which she no doubt used to sneak in the base, but even under the thick robe, he could see her curves. His dick lurched at the sight of those big tits, and he felt Cora take him in her mouth again.

"What are you doing here?" both Ash and the woman asked each other at once.

"What? Forget what I am doing here? What are you? In fact, who the hell are you? Why the hell are you following me?" Ash asked his questions one after the other, he was in a state of intense pleasure from Cora's blowjob, while he was trying hard not to be distracted.

"I thought I told you to not come here, kids these days just don't listen to anything" sighed the woman. Ash was again angry at the way she was talking to him like he was a kid and she was his mother or something.

"You didn't answer my question?" asked Ash again with more anger.

"It doesn't matter what's my name. You must understand me, you can't join this war, or there will be worse problems than Salazar coming your way; I am trying to warn you," said the woman, with her hand on her chest.

"Why do you care about me? And what is this danger you keep talking about?" asked Ash frustrated.

"Idiot boy, listen to me, just take your girls and leave this place, stay on earth with your head down like you had been doing," said the woman raising her hands.

"I am not listening to anything you say if you won't even tell me your name," said Ash.

"Oh for god's sake can you come out from there?" said the woman suddenly.

"What are you talking about?" asked Ash, acting dumb.

"Don't try to lie to me, I can see her clearly from here" said the woman pointing at Cora under the blanket.

Ash sighed and tapped on her shoulder, and she sat up suddenly. Ash's dick popped out of her mouth, she sat up straight, and a long strand of saliva extended from her lips to his dick, which she wiped away and looked very lewd doing so; her big tits popped out from the sides of her overalls her nipples wet with sweat. Her hairs were ruffled and she had a drunk look in her eyes.

"So, is she your new slave now?" asked the woman as she came and stood beside him near the bed, looking at the horny Cora panting in front of them; she was sitting with her legs bent, one of her hands was on her breast squeezing them and with the other, she was rubbing in between her legs.

"Are you ok, Cora?" Ash asked, but Cora only answered with a moan, she looked like she was really drunk and looked much different than her previous chirpy and nervous self.

"Well, she is a minotaur after all?' said the woman shaking her head.

"What does that have to do with anything?" asked Ash.

"Didn't you know? I thought that's why you must have chosen her; they are pretty popular, especially women. They get drunk on bodily fluids," said the woman.

Ash looked up at the woman; she was standing a few inches away, but, her giant breasts were still reaching up to his face only a couple of inches away, it was then that Ash realized he was naked. He again pulled his shirt over his dick. The woman looked at him when he did that but she didn't give any reaction.

"She is not my slave," said Ash looking at Cora as she started fingering herself.

"She isn't? Where are your other slaves then? You should keep them with you for your protection, especially in a place like this" said the woman.

"I think I am about to lose them too," said Ash with sadness.

"So your alliance is over then, don't worry it happens to all, even I lost my slave in my first alliance," said the woman and placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"So you are a devil!" Ash jumped on the little bit of information the woman let slip and ignored her hand.

"Maybe," said the woman to Ash's frustration.

"So do you know any way I can keep my slaves?" asked Ash.

"No I don't..." started the woman, and then she stopped thinking something and then said quickly "If you promise to stay out of this war, I'll make sure you win the alliance and keep your slaves". She folded her arms and looked at him with a got you expression. Ash stared at her boobs as they were lifted on her folded hands.

"So you will help me get a stronger slave?" asked Ash.

"So someone has told you the only way left, yes I will help you get a strong slave," said the woman.

"I have to get the slave fast before the alliance is over" began Ash.

"Don't worry, you just give me your word, and I'll get you your slave immediately" said the woman.

Ash was about to reply, but then Cora suddenly moaned loud and then slumped on the bed after an intense orgasm.

"Looks like she is done, she will calm down now, tell you what, give me your word and I'll help you make her your slave too, then you will have four no actually six slaves," said the woman.

"How are you going to make her my slave and get another strong slave immediately?" asked Ash.

"Simple I'll give you my slave," said the woman.

"What? I don't need..." began Ash.

"It's a woman, I only have one slave and she is pretty strong and has been with me for a long time," said the woman.

"Why would you give me your only slave?" asked Ash. "Why are you doing all these things for me?".

"I... I can't tell you that yet but I only want what's best for you," said the woman.

"Mr. Ash?" Cora had gotten up and she was looking from Ash to the woman.

"Who is she?" asked Cora then she looked at her state and hurriedly covered herself.

"Oh my god, I am supposed to be in the kitchens by now, I am sorry Mr. Ash but I'll come back later," said Cora, and before Ash could say something she ran out.

"So are you ready to give me your word?" asked the woman.

"Just my word, what if I break it, why aren't you asking for a contract or something?" asked Ash.

"No, never make deals with another devil doesn't matter what they are about," said the woman.

"You can't even tell me your name when you are helping me so much?" asked Ash, he stood up, now that they were alone in the room. His dick sprang out and pointed right at the busty woman.

"Fine, but promise me you won't ask any more questions," said the woman, and she glanced at his dick and took a step back.

"Ok," said Ash and he moved two steps forward, his dick was almost touching her stomach now, she was tall so they were at eye-level now.

"Aria Nightfall" answered the woman and moved back another step again.

"I will give me your word immediately if you will become my slave," said Ash and moved forward and hugged her. He pressed his dick on her and felt her big soft tits pushed against his chest, he then grabbed her thick ass under the robe, she was wearing leather pants that were stretched tight against her ass.

"No," she pushed away with a little force, she looked up at him "For your safety, I would become your slave but I can't, don't worry I am sure my slave will make you happy," said the woman and she gave Ash a little hug.

"Now put this guy away already, I'll introduce you to her," said the woman slyly, she touched the head of the dick with the tip of her finger and flicked it and then turned away. Ash was out of his mind by all these teasing women he had seen, felt, and touched in one day, he wondered when will he finally get some release. But he still wore his pants back.