
Deal with the devil.

Everyone around him was getting there powers as the earth was turned into a game like world. But what is this, why is his character screen all black, why are there strange symbols all over it and why is his title THE DEVIL. Follow our protagonist as he becomes the devil and then builds his empire helping hot chicks around the world, in exchange of eternal slavery.

Ash_Blake121 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

The Wandering Devil

"So you will give me your word?" asked Aria to Ash after he pulled over his pants.

"Honestly, I still don't believe you will be able to help me," said Ash.

"Fine, Zara!" Aria sighed and called out loud in the empty room.

"What are you doing?" asked Ash.

"Calling, Zara, she'll be here soon now; she will make a contract with you," said Aria.

"You can do that?' asked Ash.

"Only if you are strong enough, and she can listen to me from anywhere," replied Aria.

"So, how strong is she exactly?" asked Ash, but before Aria could reply, a portal opened right beside Aria, and a woman stepped through it.

"You called me master," said the woman in her confident and cool voice; Zara had blood-red hair and piercing black eyes. She was wearing black leather pants and a leather jacket that was open in the front, and she was wearing a black lacy bra beneath with plenty amount of cleavage showing.

"Zara, sorry to call you here urgently like this," began Aria.

"Your wish is my command, Mother," said Zara.

"Mother?" asked Ash. Aria and Zara both looked the same age. Zara had the same powerful and graceful aura around her as Aria. When Ash spoke Zara looked at him; she turned her clear, piercing eyes on him, which made Ash straighten up; she didn't say anything but kept looking at him with contemplation.

"It's just a term in our world, the translation spell we have active must be misinterpreting it, it doesn't exactly mean the same" explained Aria hurriedly "Let me just talk to her in private, why don't you go outside and have dinner, when you'll come back we'll be here," said Aria.

"Fine, I guess," said Ash looking back for the last time at the hot ladies in his room.

Ash went out of the hut in which the guest rooms were, through the way he had come before. There were people outside sitting around in small camps around fires, they were eating, drinking, and preparing for the fight tomorrow, some were singing and spending the possibly last moment with their loved ones. He roamed around the camp looking at the faces of the various people, the atmosphere was not sad but rather a bit enjoyable. Ash felt like he was a wanderer who had traveled through worlds to see these people and be a part of their so different lives and their different culture. He liked the idea, of the wandering devil, not bound by any place or rules, for him the world was infinite and he wanted to see it as much as possible. Right now he had no slave, no responsibilities, if he left right now, no one would be affected much. Sarah and Willow will remain with Maya, maybe he might increase their chances against Salazar, but then there was Aria, who was the only one who had followed him through worlds, and seemed to want nothing from him rather help him. If no one else, she would definitely follow him, and he had no idea why. Then someone brought him out of his line of thoughts by tapping on his shoulders. Ash turned to see Akane standing beside him.

"Were you looking for me?" asked Akane with a small smile on her face.

"Did you finish your work?" asked Ash.

"Yes, I had to make sure about the dinner arrangements," replied Akane.

"Wait, are you the chief maid?" asked Ash.

"No, that's my sister, Ria, she deals with the people's food; I had to do with animal or mainly dragon food," answered Akane. "I was just going to your room when I saw you lingering around here like a ghost," said Akane.

"Didn't you want to stay here, with your friends or something?" asked Ash.

"No, they are all a little young for me, most of my friends died back in the previous war," said Akane "so I thought I'll spend the night with you since you also seemed to be alone".

"Yeah, I have that loner look down; I was pretty much alone for a long time after all; where are Maya and the others?" asked Ash.

"I suppose they are with Olivia, in her hut, she can't sleep properly the night before a big fight, she is probably going over and over her plan and making them revise it too" replied Akane.

"Wait, let me get one maid to bring over some food for us," said Akane and looked around for a maid. A woman dressed in the same clothes as Cora before came at Akane's gesture and left after Akane whispered something to her. "Let's go."

Ash followed Akane back, now the people he had crossed before seemed different, now that the dinner was almost over, things were getting heated up somewhere else, Ash was shocked when he saw a couple having sex on the ground beside the fire, soon the same scene could be seen everywhere.

"Things get pretty raunchy this time. Personally, I prefer a little bit of privacy for such moments," said Akane and pulled Ash in a different direction.

"Where are we going? Aren't we going back to my room?" asked Ash.

"No, I told you I know a spot," said Akane and pulled him among the trees, from there they moved slowly as they had to move through gaps between the vines and the trees. They came across a big tree with a much thicker trunk than the rust, it was almost as thick as a hut. Akane started climbing it and Ash followed close.

"It isn't exactly a secret spot, there might be some other people, but we'll still get quieter" whispered Akane and sure enough soon Ash started hearing moans as they moved upwards, he looked to the side and the dense vines around the trees and its branches had made small platforms where people could sit comfortably. As they reached where the moans were coming he saw two women both naked and entangled together. Ash and Akane moved upward and found a platform at the top, the moans were almost gone now, although Ash could see them from above and he took several glances since one of the women seemed to have a pretty curvy body.

But then the leaves above them moved to shed more light on the woman beside him, they moved closer and kissed, slowly and taking their times, Ash tasted the sweet flavor of her lips and tongue, even though he was pretty desperate for some action since before, but now in this peaceful spot he felt like taking his time, Ash moved to push Akane on her back but she pushed him down instead and settled over him. She started touching him under his shirt, slowly feeling every muscles, and then pulled the shirt over him, Ash also explored her body then her tight abs and the soft breasts and the perky nipples which tasted like honey. Then Akane lifted herself up slightly and they both removed the rest of their clothes, Ash was ready for her and she moved down slowly and gave a satisfied moan when he was completely inside her, in this position Ash could almost feel her heartbeat from there, he almost felt that her anatomy from inside might be different than humans. They stayed like that for a while then Akane braced her hands on his chest and started slapping her ass on his thigh hard, it felt amazing, Ash felt like he would burst at every downward thrust, she was using her powerful muscles to tighten up as much as possible and grind on his dick. After a few minutes, she started moving faster and then her body quivered and she slumped down on him. Ash let her catch her breath for a minute and then pushed her on her knees and then started pounding her thick ass making it bounce back and forth. Her moans grew loud and Ash saw the women down look up at them, he increased his pace and the power of his thrust, Akane was panting and slurring some words now, he couldn't understand what they were but it seemed like she was telling him to keep going and expressing her pleasure.

"Those women down there seemed to want to come up," said Ash.

"Ah, ah, they, they are sex-druids, if you, ah! , can handle them," moaned Akane; Ash gave her a tight slap on her ass and pulled back her hair, and pounded her hole hard as his answer. He looked down at the women, but they seemed to have heard him and were already climbing up. Akane got wetter and tighter as the two women came on the platform. The two women had blue skin and pink patterns on their skin like a drawing. They had multicolored eyes, which were different shades of blue and violet like a crystal. Both women as soon as they came on the platform came to Ash, they knelt on either side of him and pressed themselves to his sides, Ash felt their hot bodies and their hands explore his body, then they both grabbed one of his balls and Ash slowed down and looked at what they were doing, they stroked his dick slowly, and Ash felt a warm feeling spread through his abdomen to his legs, he saw as his dick started growing and his balls got bigger, it got thicker and grew veinier and then the same patterns appeared on his dick as there skins. Akane gasped as she felt herself getting stretched. The two women seemed to intensify their pleasure through some kind of magic and then they were both moving on their own and seemed in a trance. Ash's mind was in some other place, he couldn't think straight he felt like he was really drunk. The moans grew louder and louder reaching a point of climax and then Ash exploded. Both their orgasms seemed to last for more than a minute and then Ash came back from his high and saw the two women cleaning him up, he had come much more than usual.