
Deal with the devil.

Everyone around him was getting there powers as the earth was turned into a game like world. But what is this, why is his character screen all black, why are there strange symbols all over it and why is his title THE DEVIL. Follow our protagonist as he becomes the devil and then builds his empire helping hot chicks around the world, in exchange of eternal slavery.

Ash_Blake121 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


After the meeting was over, the crowd started moving out of the meeting room.

"Where are we going then?" asked Sarah. Sarah, Willow, Nadia, Donna, and Ash were standing in a corner, looking at the people passing by.

"You guys can stay in our rooms, but Ash, you will have to go in the spare rooms," said Nadia.

"I'll come with you, master," said Willow at once.

"No, no need, you guys rest up," said Ash.

"Yeah, don't worry, it's safe in the base," said Nadia. "I'll send someone to show you to your room; wait here; let's go, girls," said Nadia and left with the girls.

Ash would have liked to spend some time with one of the girls in a comfortable bed if possible; the atmosphere in the base indeed had him excited, not to mention the soon-coming war. After some time Ash felt a tap on his shoulders, and he turned to see Akane standing behind him.

"Maya sent me to talk to you," said Akane. Ash looked her over now that she was so close. She was wearing only a breastplate armor in the front; it looked like it was made of some kind of scales, probably dragon's. It was too little to contain her boobs; the white milky orbs were sitting on the armor rather than being covered by it. Ash, from his angle, could look down and see the top of her nipples; as she moved, her boobs jiggled freely inside the cups. Her torso was bare and lined with abs; then there was another triangular piece of armor covering her; it was held in place by thin strings that looked like they would break easily. Then her legs came out; she had thick thighs that looked hot as hell. He felt a painful throb in his dick; he had to do something about it, he was too excited, and now the girls were gone.

"What are you doing standing here?" she asked.

"I was waiting for someone to show me the spare rooms, Nadia said she would send me" he was answering her but looking at her exposed skin, he was too excited to care about manners and Akane didn't seem to care about his gaze.

"Come I'll show you, we can talk on the way too," she said and turned. Ash saw her tight and big ass come into view, both her cheeks were almost fully exposed. His dick again jerked at the sight. He followed her blindly. They walked for a while when Ash asked

"Are the guest rooms far?"

"Yeah, our quarters are on the other side, the guest rooms were added later so they are at the border of the base," she said. They finally reached another cluster of huts like before. Ash was glad to see that there were people here at least.

"These quarters aren't divided by genders, so both men and women stay here," she said and stopped at the entrance of a room.

"I'll send someone for some supplies, now let's get to the main point, Maya and I both are worried about Olivia's plan, I will be going with Olivia inside the castle to make sure that things go right, Maya also wanted to go but she can't now that Olivia has announced it to everyone so she asked me to ask you to accompany us too, I don't know what you are capable of, but Maya seems to trust you so I will take a chance too," said Akane " she also added that the alliance is over for now, as she needs her slaves by her side but she has requested to keep Willow and Sarah with her too," said Akane.

"Wait, look I am new at this whole politics that goes in masters and slaves, so can you explain to me what it means" asked Ash.

"Well, some masters, who have had good alliances in the past, and Maya tells me your alliance was good, was it?" she stopped and asked.

"Yeah I guess, it was short though" replied Ash.

"Well, there is a clear dominant master in an alliance, and Maya won that one," said Akane to Ash's surprise.

"What how? I fucked her slaves, I even fucked her" said Ash.

"Whatever sexual dominance you might have shown, that's not how you decide this, its about other things," said Akane.

"What other things?" asked Ash.

"There are many, I am sure you know some by now, but I think it was pretty obvious in your case, Maya had more slaves than you, her slaves were much stronger, she has them trained better, and I have heard that she told you how to siphon," said Akane.

"That's cheating; they never told me all the rules," said Ash.

"What does it matter anyway, it was your first alliance, and it happens all the time with beginners," said Akane "And to make sure there is no cheating, the ultimate decision is actually taken by vote".

"Who takes the vote?"

"The slaves"

"But that's bullshit obviously, she would win she has more slaves, and she can order them," said Ash.

"No, you can't order them about this, and they have to be honest no matter what, if the slaves start lying no one would form an alliance with their masters, and that's why they remain honest because, in reality, they are helping their masters" explained Akane.

"Wait a minute, so," asked Ash.

"Yes, Maya won by clear vote, all the slaves, including yours voted for her and in such case, she can take your slaves for her if she wants," said Akane. Willow had told Ash that the way things were run in the master-slave business was different, and so had Maya, Ash wasn't angry at Maya, but he was angry now that he had just lost Sarah and Willow to her. The way they were saying it, it looked like a common thing and happened to every beginner Master.

"So nothing can be done now, isn't there any other way?' asked Ash. Akane thought for a while but then said "Well there might be one way, the alliance isn't over until you say it too, and the ultimate flex for a master would be if he takes a slave during an alliance, and the more the stronger the slave is the better, once you'll take a new slave, the rest of them will be forced to vote again, and then you will win" said Akane.

"and then I can take all her slaves?" asked Ash excitedly.

"Not all; you can only take two," said Akane "but where are you going to get a slave here?" asked Akane.

"you are right; I only know one way of making slaves, the slave contract; what else is there? I have heard Nadia talking about others" asked Ash.

"Its all the same in the end, it's just a deal of some kind, it's not just you devils who can make deals; anyone who has something to offer can, most common is money obviously, if you can find someone here who is in enough debt to be ready to become your slave," said Akane.

"Do you know someone like that?" asked Ash.

"No, I don't know everyone here personally, and it's not something you announce to everybody," said Akane "Your only option would be to go to a slave market".

Ash could however see another option, he had never had much desire of having slaves, as he was from Earth the whole slave thing was obviously didn't sit right with his morals, even though he never treated them bad, but now that he thinks about it, the woman standing before him definitely made him feel like making her his slave. Akane and Olivia too, both were tough and had different levels of hotness, with the ease they were moving around almost naked, it was kind of exciting.

"Tell me, do you have any slaves?" he asked Akane.

"No, I don't, if you were thinking of buying them from me" she scoffed then looked at him seriously "and neither am I someone's slave nor do I wish to be, though many have tried, even though I look young, I am sure you can tell I am older, actually I was friends with the previous king, I was kind of the caretaker of the girls, well when I was young I was even more attractive then now, I have noticed your gaze, but you are too young for me and won't be able to handle me," said Akane. But her statement was only making him more horny.

"How about you give me a chance first?" asked Ash.

Akane shook her head "Take out your dick, let me see what we are working with; I don't want to waste my time," said Akane.

Ash felt weird taking off his pants for a showcase. Ash pulled out his dick and pointed it at Akane, jerking it off and getting it full length.

"Hmm it's definitely not the biggest I have seen, average at best, but I guess I can give it a try," said Akane, and Ash's dick lurched at her words "But I have some things to do first after I finish them I'll come here," said Akane and turned to leave.

"What? How long will you be gone? I can't wait" asked Ash.

"I am not sure, it might take an hour or three," said Akane and left the door open, Ash with his pants down. Ash hurried to close the door as he heard people outside. He noticed that there was no lock on the door.

He fell back on the bed, used his arms as a pillow, and looked up at the ceiling; he was still naked; he was too excited to calm down now, so he lay there with his pole rising straight and waited for Akane. He thought about the coming war to pass the time, if the other girls would stay with Maya's team they won't be facing Salazar directly so they will be out of any major danger. But he would be entering Salazar's castle through this portal Maya was talking about, he doesn't even know what Salazar looks like or what his abilities are.

Ash was thinking things over, but he was still hard as a rock, he then heard the door opening, and he looked up thinking Akane had returned. But it was another woman, she had something in her hand, she must be sent by Akane with some supplies, he had totally forgotten that she had told him that. The woman was completely taken aback by this; Ash, who was over-excited, couldn't help but look at the woman's body. She was wearing overalls and a loose shirt; she had big goat-like ears and little horns with dirty blonde hair. She had big green eyes and plump lips, her heavy breasts were stretching the thin shirt's materials, and her nipples were poking big holes in her shirt. She looked like a countryside farm girl from Earth, who had a thick body that a woman would kill for. She was frozen in place; Ash moved to cover himself; he sat upright and pulled his shirt over his dick.

"I am sorry I should have knocked," said the woman composing herself. She placed the spare clothes and food on the table. Ash gawked at her huge ass and his dick lurched.

"Miss Akane, told me to ask you If you needed anything else," the girl said after she had turned back.

"I am Ash, what's your name?" asked Ash.

"I am Cora," she said smiling, her smile was bright and she seemed too bright for this place "And I saw you before, you came with the captain and princess Maya".

"Yeah, how long have you been with the rebels?" asked Ash since the girl was as Ash checked level 22 and didn't seem like the kind of person you would find in a rebel hideout.

"Almost two months now, I can't help them in fighting and stuff as I am not good, we are much better at doing housework or on a farm, but I have always wanted to help the rebels and be part of them I admire them so much, so I try to help any way I can, I was really happy when Miss Akane found me today, I had never talked to her before, she seems so strong" Cora fangirled over Akane.

"Well, thank you for your work," said Ash.

"Oh, your bedsheet looks dirty, let me change it" said Cora looking at the bed.

"No, it's fine, I'll do it later" protested Ash, as he was still naked and hard but Cora seemed to have forgotten about it.

"No, don't worry, it will only take a second" but Cora moved forward, shaking her head. Ash was distracted by her shaking boobs and he let Cora pull him to stand up, she was again shocked when his dick came into view like a sword ready to poke.

Cora gulped and turned and started changing the bedsheet. Ash was too excited by the situation, Cora was bent over and shaking her ass only a few inches away from his dick. He started stroking his dick slowly, looking at her curves. Cora finished her work and looked back to see Ash staring at her ass and stroking his dick. She stared at his dick.

"Umm, I can help you with that too, If you want," said Cora slowly "It's just that we maids aren't allowed to do anything like that, the chief made has forbidden it, if she found out she will kick me from the rebels, but the other maids do it all the time under her nose, so you will have to keep it a secret," said Cora. Ash was too excited, he couldn't wait for Akane anymore.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," said Ashb0bvrbvinvrnv