
Deadly Secrets (DeaSec)

Mrs Elizabeth Palmer, a British immigrant who so happens to be the wife of Nathaniel Palmer, an international investigator. In many eyes, Elizabeth is seen as nothing but an ordinary housewife whose only there to tend to her husband. A big suburban house with a white picket fence, the Palmers may seem like your stereotypical couple. Oh, they are anything but that. They say there's always more than what meets the eye and I say that the Palmers are the perfect example of such phrase. Trust me when I say, they're not who you think they are.

jasmin_author · Urban
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10 Chs

Elizabeth - Coffee Shop

"Fair. If you want to be with that detective then go ahead, I already have a citizenship in US so I won't need to be married to you any further."

Why the fuck did I say that?

It is true that I technically don't need him anymore but that doesn't mean I want it all to end.

Sighing deeply, I grabbed the hotel shampoo and poured some in my hand before lathering my hair up.

The shower was absolute heaven. Such a shame it had to end, but Nathaniel was waiting for his turn in the shower so there was nothing much I could do.

I slipped on my silk pajamas and left the bathroom.

"You're turn" I told him, he was busy on his laptop, watching some video intensely.

"Nate?" I tried to get his attention but to no avail. Whatever he was watching must either be very entertaining or very important if his attention is not something I can get as of the moment.

I therefore took that as my cue to watch the video with him.

Turns out he wasn't watching a video, it was a cctv footage of...me?

Wait, no. That's not me, at least to him it wasn't.

But there I was, my hair was covering my face but the video was colorless so you couldn't really tell what the hair color was.

And thank god for that.

The one thing I hated about being a redhead is how easily I can get identified by it. There's only 1% of redheads in the world and I was one of them.

"Who's she?" I asked him. That question alone finally got his attention and he finally noticed me sitting beside him.

"Our suspect, from the Leon Schmid case." He answered, looking back at the laptop and watching the footage. again and again.

"Nathaniel, go take a shower. You are obsessing over this case."

"But I- Yes, ma'am." He obliged, knowing I was right. He closed the laptop and went to the bathroom.

I didn't stop him for his own good, if he kept watching that video even more times, he would've noticed the hair accessory that 'she' was wearing.

The hairpin 'she' wore is exactly the one I'm wearing right know.

The good news was that Nathaniel didn't seem like he noticed anything at all, so I took off my hairpin and put it on the dresser before going to sleep.

I must have been really tired today, because I fell asleep right away.

At some point, I felt the bed dip and felt a familiar body lying next to me.

Nathaniel and I have shared beds before when necessary, back in our house, we had separate rooms so it was uncommon for us to do this.

But for some reason, I always end up sleeping better knowing he is right next to me.


The Next Day

Nate had already left for the morgue to go check up on that murder victim's autopsy report.

Which would be a complete waste of time, considering it will never even appear. Oh, my poor husband, working day and night for a case that will never be solved.

My day was already preoccupied as I had to meet with my boss, who somehow flew from Los Angeles to Zurich and also meet the wife of Matteo Favre and give her the video she requested.

I wore a white blouse and some blue jeans and put on a beige trench coat over it, and wore those classic vintage hats that I always adored.

After a few minutes of admiring myself in the mirror I left the hotel and proceeded to the local coffee shop.

From the glass window I could already see my boss, who was now wearing a blue turtleneck shirt and sunglasses even though he was inside, across from him was a petite woman in her mid 30s who was wearing a simple yellow shirt and jeans and was fidgeting nervously while my boss just sipped his coffee and read the newspaper calmly.

I sat down on the extra chair of the table and nodded at the woman before looking at my boss expectantly.

The woman, Anna who was the wife of Matteo was beautiful, she porcelain skin and pure black hair that framed her face nicely along with bangs.

"Ah, Elizabeth...I was just wondering what took you so long." My boss said, not bothering to look up and continues to read the newspaper.

While waiting for my boss to come to his bloody senses, I leaned back on my chair and took a glance at Anna.

She noticed me and very shyly said, "Hi..."

I gave her a warm smile and greeted her back, that was enough to make her a little more comfortable. Finally, my boss finished reading his newspaper and drank the last of his coffee before giving us his attention.

"Did you finish the job?" He said, obviously directing the question to me.

"Yes, sir."

"Good, I believe you have something for our newly widowed Mrs Favre."

"Of course, sir." I smiled again at Anna before taking out her husband's phone out of my coat pocket and unlocking it and lead her to the phone gallery where the recent video I filmed was.

The one of me torturing Matteo.

She watched the entire video silently while I ordered a coffee from a waiter that was nearby.

While she watched, Mr B wanted to talk, "I have another job for you."


"This is not negotiable, Elizabeth. This will require the help of your old friend, Beatrice?"

It was a long time hearing her name, we more or less kept in touch but I haven't seen her since I left London.

"What does it entail?"

"It's a high profile target, one that we cannot discuss as of the moment." He looked briefly at Anna who was till watching the video before he continued speaking, "You will have to talk to Beatrice about it in person."

"Yes, sir..." I said after sighing deeply. This was getting to stressful...

"Good. Mrs Favre? Are you quite alright?" He asked, turning to Anna, the video had ended and now she was just blankly staring at the black screen.

"He's dead...That bastard is finally dead." She said, looking up at us with tears welling in her eyes. "Thank you so much."

"It's what we do madam." Mr B said, nodding politely at her and smiling slightly at her joyous reaction.

After she calmed down, she left after saying 'thank you' a lot of times. I never really saw that a lot but its always nice to know that our line of work may be unethical but necessary to others and how greatly it impacts people's lives.

That thought alone was enough to make my day.

But of course, reality just had to pull me out of my trance. "Elizabeth?"

"Yes, sir?"

"You will do the job." He said, in a tone which meant that there was no room for argument. "This is a very important and necessary one that risks the world's safety, am I understood?"

"Yes, sir."

And with that he left, without saying another word. I knew I had to leave to England immediately but I couldn't do that without at least letting Nathaniel know I was going away for a while.

I left the coffee shop after drinking the rest of my coffee, I still remember Nathaniel telling me the address to the morgue. I called a cab and made my way towards there.

Thankfully, it wasn't a long ride and the taxi driver was okay with my silence and didn't bother for small talk which made me want to pay him more out of appreciation. I left him confused but he accepted the money either way.

The staff was quite welcoming and lead me to where Nathaniel was.

Nathaniel was there, reading the autopsy report. David and Ryan looking over the body and making fun of the most random things.

That woman in the bar the other day was there too, she looked at me confusedly as if she didn't remember me at all. Nathaniel had explained to me that she was the leading detective of this case, but not once had he told me her name.

I decided to just ignore seeing as how that was irrelevant to what I was even doing here.

"Ma'am, this area is occupied by the police as of the moment, please leave." She said, approaching me and showing me her badge. Nathaniel must have thought I was a random person because he didn't look up and was too focused on reading the report.

"Miss, please I won't ask you again." She repeated, shoving me slightly.

Oh, you fucking bitch.