
A Little Girl

Anastasia's Pov

After howling at the moon for so long I definitely know that pack members of this pack would arrive soon, but I didn't care I'm also surprise that they haven't arrive as soon as I cross into their pack's border.

I had long known that I have trespass into a packs border, but I simply didn't care. I for the longest while know that I was an alpha female as it was point out by Lorenzo Ivanov who not only rejected me but would have used me as a baby making machine if not for the fact that I'm half vampire. In the lycan community Alpha females were rear so some of the powder hungry lycans would see them as baby making machines and not as their equals so any alphas that has a daughter/daughters would try to hide them and let them live as omgeas in the pack until they came of age but that's the alpha who are not power-hungry do this which is completely rear because nearly all lycans are powder hungry creatures so I think I should be a little great full toward my vampire blood.

While deep in my own thoughts I suddenly realize that I was surrounded by what looks to be pack warrior by why are they not attacking and then it hit me they must have done mid link their alpha. Well since they are not attacking me, I shall just ignore them and continue to stare at the moon and howling.

"Awooo, awooo, awooo, awooo, awooo" I was venting my angry to the Moon Goddess complaining aggrievedly on how she gave me four mates that won't accept me for how I truly am. I mean I could have cover up my vampire scent by making my lycan scent my obvious by I didn't want to deceive my mates, but I learnt that lesson the hard way four times but not four time but three time the first time I didn't even know I was a hybrid to begin with. At that age I didn't even know that vampires and lycan have a distinctive scent to identify each specie because I lived with humans until my seventeenth birthday and there is where I meet Sebastian Rose until I ran away.

I was snap out of my train of thoughts by the sound of bones cracking and then footsteps coming in my direction, and I had no doubt that it was the alpha because the powder coming off him was no beta it was strong but not enough for me aa alpha female and a strong one at that to bow my head in submission but I'm he's probably one of the strongest lycan in the world although I haven travel the whole yet even though I wondered from place to place.


That was all I heard from him. He didn't even introduce himself how rude humph who does he feel he is but to be fair I'm the one trespassing but still he has no right to a guess that way, so I just ignore him and just put my head onto the ground Which I know would make him mad and it did. No alpha and I mean no alpha like being disrespected must less in his own pack land.

"Shift now!"

By the tone of voice, he used he was definitely mad but how dare he use his alpha tone on me did he think I was one of his pack's members or was it because I am female maybe it's because I hadn't released my alpha aura and with that thought I got furious and shifted.

Well by the look on his face he was shocked because I'm guessing he was expecting me to be a huge because of my lycan. I know I'm bigger that your regular alpha female alright but what's the shock reaction for and if I wasn't pissed already, he mutters out something out loud that made me more pissed.

"A little girl?"

A little girl, a little girl, a little girl that question echo through my mind like a reminder that I was short ok I mean 5'9 a little taller than your average female but you don't have to remind me that your taller my height was something I felt insecure about ok and so I got angry.

"A little girl which part of me says I'm a little girl huh I'm 20 years and don't you dare use that alpha tone on me use your alpha nose and see if I'm a common lycan as you think huh so rude"!

Then he had the balls the audacity to comment back to me with that smart mouth of his.

"Well twenty years is practically a little girl so". he stated.

Oh, dear goddess the mouth on this man it was like he was born to piss me off oh boy I was so vexed right now I could practically bite him.

Then in a blink of an eye, I disappears from where I was standing and reappear right in front of him warning, "I'd watch what I say if I were you".

Something was weird about him he seem to have two scents on him but I wasn't too sure and with that I took an inhale of the air ah a female scent it must his mate and with that step back and smile saying, "Ah it must be nice to have your mate by your side now go back and keep her company and bring her here in the morning because I shall not talk to any of males here, so I hope you bring your Luna to talk if you want information from me you can leave now you can just leave these warriors here to watch me promise not to hurt anyone and before you go I suggest you try to figure out what I am because I'm not your average alpha female or lycan because if you try to trick me I'll take over this pack".

By this time, he's fuming which male would let their mate near someone they don't even know let alone an alpha male. Without another thought I turn back because I was butt naked even though I'm 132 years old I'm still virgin and being naked in front of those warriors especially those unmated warriors would not be safe. Although being naked to lycans is nothing to be embarrassed about I still feel that my goods should only be show to my mate, so I guess I'll staying a virgin forever or so I thought.

While deep in my own world I had long realize the alpha and the warriors had long left as soon as soon another pack member I'm guessing is the beta arrive. What they dare to look down on me by putting a beta in charge of guard and watch over me that real belittle do they I'll show him.

If I'm being honest, I don't even know why I want to talk to the Luna I could have just talk to him and got it over with, but I think I just wanted a friend to talk with and I couldn't take it how the warrior keeps staring at my breast excluding the alpha he kept his eyes to himself which I like because that means that he respects his mate and from that alone I could tell that he respects the female lycans because he has female warriors patrol the bonders to he probably see female lycan as equal to male lycans I guess or I hope so.

I decided to not give any trouble since he has not cause be any problem yet. So, I would take a nap and wait to see if he will really go throw with bring his mate here or will he try to trick me with that thought I couldn't wait to meet his Luna if she is snobbish, I would leave this land immediately because my main purpose for asking for the Luna is because I want to join the pack and being friend would grantee peaceful day to come I'll stay a year in this catching up on the latest things that happen since I've fallen asleep for a century with that train of thought I drifted off to sleep.

Jacob's Pov

After leaving my beta in charge of watching over that intruder as I am heading to the pack house, and I couldn't help but think back on her words 'not your average alpha female or lycan'. I'd know she wasn't not your average female, but I didn't think she was an alpha female I didn't feel and alpha aura on her or in her words even if she was clearly angry, but I didn't expect a little girl to be so big in her lycan form I was obvious shock and surprise but shouldn't she in hiding because if an alpha male were to find he would forcedly mate with her mates or not.

There are still a few packs in the world that see females as more than breeding cow and sex toys. I'm one of the few who see female as equals in been so for generation to generation in my pack because of my dad drilling this thought on my head over an over 'woman are just as powerful as men and you are to treat them as equals and your mate should be treated as your goddess got that' he said that why I don't allow female who want to become warriors fall behind and do the same among of work as the males.

But what I can't get out mind is why would she want to me my mate and why she won't talk to any males well she talked to me, but I have a feeling that was all I'd get out of her because after she said what she had to say she turn into her lycan and continue to stare at the moon. When she mentioned mate, she seems to have sadden before she covered it with her cold demeaner could it be because she lost her mate.

Lost in thought I had yet to realize I stop while in thought until the beams from the morning sun hits my face snapping me out of my thoughts and but then I had realized it already dawn.

"Shit, shit, shit! Mia is going to kill me I promise to back at 5 at the latest but here I am coming back a dawn she is going to get mad" I muttered to myself as I race to the pack in human form as fast as I can.

As soon as I reach the pack house I went straight up to my room where Mia, my son AJ and I share there I saw Mia sleeping with my boy on the bed. AJ has his own room but his mother insisted that he sleep with us so there is a crib in my room well it our room now.

I walked to the other side of the bed and took up AJ to put him in his crib, but he started crying the moment I took him up.

"Waaaahhhh waaaahhhh waaahhhhh waaaahhhh"

"Shhh baby you'll wake mummy shh shh shh"

I try to coax him while trying to put him back to sleep he does not seem to make in his diapers may he is hungry what should I do there his bottle is but how come his milk is still warm don't she just now fell asleep oh boy I bet she is waking, and my assumptions was proven when I heard her spoke thank lord this room is soundproof because this little bundle of joy would have woken up everyone in the pack house like he woke up his mother.

"Bring him here"

"Ah Mia baby you should have some rest I'll take care of him because you have to get up just." I started.

"Don't Mia baby me right now I'm tried and why do I have to I have to get up just now can't just bring breakfast up to the room for me?" she asks.

She is tired I can see that, "So you're not mad at me, are you?" I asked

"No why would I be mad at you just doing your job as alpha to keep us safe and when to check why is there and intruder." She said before I could speak, she spoke again.

"Now tell me why I have to get breakfast in bed?" She asked again this time more demanding. Awe I love it we my Mia gets all demanding I turns me on by this point I could feel my pants tighten but I could do anything right not because baby boy just fell asleep, and she needs sleep so all I can do is a cold shower for now.

"I want you to come with me to the northwest border after you get some sleeps, so don't worry about it ok get some rest for not it's not good for you to stress because it well be bad for our bundle of happiness Giovanni so relax." I said as I put AJ in his crib.

"Giovanni where did hear that name?" She asks with curiosity written on her face.

"I don't know it just came to mind when I saw that huge white lycan in the northwest border waiting to me you we have until seven for breakfast so let's rest a little." I said while going to lay down net all thoughts of a cold shower flew out the window as I adjusted my hard on, so she does not feel it. Turning her so her back is against my chest I hugged her from behind as we fell asleep.

When I woke up Mia was not in my arms and the baby was not in his crib, I started panicking frenziedly I use the mind link.

"Mia, Mia where are you?" I asked in a frenzied manner and she responses quickly.

'Oh, my goddess Jacob I'm downstairs about have breakfast with the baby you are doing like if I ran away calm down a little. I thought you needed the sleep, so I didn't wake you up goodness gracious.' She spoke

Ok good now let's take a shower and go down for breakfast. Going it to bathroom I put on the hot water then I took my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it and started to brush my teeth thinking of how I expect today to go. When I done rinsed my mouth, I took off my clothes and when under the hot water of the shower. Putting bodywash on the crunchie and washed my body.

After my shower I got dress with a simply grey sweats and a t-shirt and headed downstairs to have breakfast. Seating at the head of the table I kiss my mate on her head inhaling hear lavender scent I relax and took my boy from her and put him on my lap and started eating while my boy drinks his milk. It surprising how much time has pass.