
Missing, Dead or Alive

Mia Pov's

Here we are on to goddess only to meet some white lycan and Jacbo is rambling about how I shouldn't make this intruder vex because it not good for pack.

"Are you done yet because if can't handle myself so much as you think why you are bringing me along with you?" I asked because ever since we left the pack house he has been rambling about Dos and Don'ts for when I'm talking to the white lycan.

"I bought you along because I know you can handle yourself, but you are pregnant and it's my job to protect you especially when your pregnant so I'm a little afraid ok." he stated.

"But why an alpha female would want to talk to me and the way to describe her is that she hates males I wonder why?" I mumbled out unintentionally

"I don't but when I address her as a little girl, she got mad and came close to me and sniffed the air and smelt I had another scent on me stepped back and smiled and guessed that I have a mate and told me if I wanted information from her to bring my Luna and not to trick her because she can take over the pack, so I decided to bring you along to talk to her and I feel like a terrible mate for deciding to put you in a dangerous spot so if you don't want to go I understand." he explains

"Hey, look at me you are not a terrible mate you are just going what you thinks is right what if that girl was abuse by men and is afraid of males or emotionally scarred, so it's only natural she'd only want to talk to a female so don't feel bad about this decision and as the Luna of this pack it my job to help you ok." I reassured him.

All of a sudden, we heard laughter coming from a few meters away for our destination we both looked at each other and speeded up the pace of walk to see who's the one letting out such loud laughter as we reach the northwest border, we saw Macus Jacob's beta chasing a little girl or should I say a woman because she was taller by 6 inches. She was running with only a shirt on as she runs along the trees. I look at my 6'10 mate and wonder if he was seeing right yesterday if she's considered a little girl than I'm considered a baby, or it could be because of his height because the first we met he told me I was very short well that true, but I wanted to slap him.

As if noticing our presents both Macus and the unknown woman stop and turn around to face us it was as if lighting struck me, and I stud standing on the spot not moving a muscle. I knew at the moment I saw her running form Macus she seems familiar, but her scent was not familiar this person is not her. She supposed to be died her family said so, but I didn't believe them, so I search for twenty but didn't find anything and the guilt consumes me every day I was supposed to protect this girl from her parents I still remember that when she was twelve.

I was working my shift when this girl walked in the store and took up beers and snacks and prepare to run out, but I her stopped in time and took away the thing she took up and looked her up and down realize she was bruised and beaten up and told her if she mopped this whole entire store, I'd give it to her because I knew the beers wasn't for but her abusive adopted parents and she did so and I told her to come every day to mop the floor to get money because she needed it and she did but she came but with more bruises and from that day I did my best to protect her but a day before seventeenth birthday she never came to the store which was odd so I went to her house too fine her but was told she was died so I internally kill both fuckers and searched for her because I refuse to accept that she was died without seeing her body but didn't find her body for twenty years I even left my pack to wonder around to find her body.

Something was wrong she didn't seem a year older than sixteen or seventeen and it been a hundred and fifteen years since so why she hasn't aged this is impossible I know was human she can't possibly live this long don't tell me she is this white lycan he was talking about.

"Jacob, please tell me she is not the white lycan you want me to talk to?" I asked as I my head turn to, I face him.

"Yes, why is there a problem?" he asks his face all scraunch up.

"Yes, there is she is not supposed to be alive she has been missing or dead in the last 115 years ago." I state with a flat tone.

"What do yo" before he could finish, he was interrupted by this imposter.

"What do you mean missing or died you don't even know so on what basis do you have to say I am supposed to be missing or died I hundred and fifteen years ago" she spits

I didn't even know what I was doing before my feet started towards her because I happen to see the same necklace, I had enchanted with magic from the Oreal from the pack I born and grew up in. I'd never forget that necklace because I have the other it has too it and because I carve the pendant for the two necklaces it's meant to come together as two lycans and without thinking I grab the necklace and pull it off her neck it was so swift that she didn't even react or is she just not doing anything and then I pull out mine from my neck and show her, Macus and my mate the two similar necklaces.

"You see this is a necklace I personally carve for a 16-year-old girl for her birthday that year 116 years age and that girl is supposed to be missing and died because she went missing the day before her 17th birthday and she is human so she should be died by now" I explain to them as I show them the necklace.

"Look lady I don't know what you're talking about, but I work up in a body bag in the middle of a forest and that necklace was on me. When I got out of the body bag I walk to the nearest city or village I don't what it was but there I met a vampire who happen to reject me by the way I didn't even what was a rejection until two years after that happen anyways back the explanation it hurt like hell and all I did was run until I came upon a cave and there, I had my first time turning into my lycan and that necklace has been with me ever since so give it back it's mines not yours and it precious to me and I don't know why so give it back." She states furious at me for take the necklace.

"Despite the fact that your pregnant I will not fight you for necklace so give it back." She says while looking at your belly.

"Hey lady is you sure that this baby in your belly is his?" She asks while point at Jacob and he growl at the question.

"I mean that this child despite being in your belly he is give off a powerful aura can you not it's in your belly and it's far more powerful than your mate." She quickly explains while still pointing a Jacob while her eyes continue to stare at my belly.

"What do you mean I don't feel anything." Jacob asks her throw clench teeth.

"It doesn't matter because you can't feel it and you'll only feel it when he comes of age, so it doesn't matter if I tell you not or you see it for yourself 17 years later it will be the same, he'll will be stronger than you ok let's get back on track of why we are here since we waste a lot of time I'll just tell you what I want. I want to be a member of your pack learn about the world and leave for the human world to make money by become model in case your wonder where I heard the model from, I heard it from your pack so that all." She says smiling.

"And if you're worried, I'll take one of your pack members with me any I promise to not cause trouble for you." She said still smiling as if that puts us at rest, I could see the black lines forming on Jacob forehead.

"Ok that deal as long as you take someone from the pack with you, but you will have a lot of online class so if you want to be a model and until then you can't go live in the human city ok if you can complete the 12 online class then you can go deal." He made a deal with her.

"Ok deal the name btw Anatasia Hale nice meeting you umm Luna and Alpha can I have my necklace back please?" She asks while shaking my hand.

"Ah oh yes, yes." And I hand her back the necklace with many reluctances.

If she is not Anne Jones, why do she have the same face as her when she was 17 years and why does she smell familiar but I'm pretty sure Anne smell human although she had odd eye colors one purple and one blue so I can't get it wrong this person in front of me the same eye color it can't be just a condense can't it let just forget it but seeing this girl make me feel guilty for not protecting Anna and I haven't even find her body and here I am happy and starting a family.

"Umm Anatasia can I ask something do you remember anything from you first seventeen years of your life" I asks her this question because us lycans has a pretty good memory we may not remember our infant memory but our teenage memories the most so she gotta remember this at least right.

"Ummmmm nah as I told I woke up in a body bag in the middle and all I remember was my name and age that all." She said sighing at my continuous questioning.

"Look lady no disrespect but the only reason I told him to bring you here so that we can become friends because I heard that Lunas are supposed to be kind and a good mother figure so I thought we could be friends that's all I didn't asks him to bring you here for you to question me about my life even does I told him he could get information if he bought you here so stop asking me questions I don't the answer to because for the last time the only thing I remember is waking up in a body bag and not how I end up there ok so stop your blasted questioning!" she said spitting the last part throw clench teeth.

"Ok that's enough Macus take Anatasia to the pack house the omegas has already organized a room for her tomorrow we'll welcome her in the pack and at the end of the week she should start online classes also you are in charge of taking her to the mall to get new clothes take Mandy with yuh because we can't have your mate being jealous of Anatasia and attack her for no rhymthe or reason and show her around." Jacob orders while staring at me to see my expression.