
Howls of Sorrow

Coming out the cave for the first time in 100 years was so refreshing in a way after my first rejection I spent 5 years roaming the earth without a purpose until I met Ricky Rucci my second beloved who somehow didn't have a problem with me being a vampire or so he led me to believe. 

Ricky was a beta of his pack, but he bought a house outside of his pack and had me lived in it I saw it as a wonderful thing but for some reason he was avoiding intimacy or any closeness with me, but I didn't know why but I stayed quiet. 

To me him not rejecting me was the best thing but it all came crashing down one morning I went out and came back home because of the pain I was getting in my abdomen and so I went home and what I saw shattered me way beyond broken my mate my beloved was having sex with another female. He knew I had arrived back home without a doubt, but he had no intensions of stopping and face me and said the words I hated the most.

"I Ricky Rucci beta of the Blood Rose Pack reject you Anastasia Hale as my mate and beta female" and with that he marked the female under him as his without waiting to see if I accepted the rejection or not.

The other two just rejected me upon our first meeting so I decide to give up on looking for love and a beloved or mate and at the age of 32 I came back to the cave I had my first time turning into my lycan and turned into my lycan and let out a heartbreaking howl to the moon and went deep into the cave and it was there I slumbered for a century.

Now here I was on the second night of coming out of the cave in my lycan form feasting on a deer which was halfway done at the edge of a cliff where there was a waterfall eating my meal. When I was finish, I let out heartbreaking howls one after another at the dazzling full moon.

"Awooo, awoooo, awooo, awooo" I guess the pain of being rejected four-times does not just disappear into thin air just so it's like a dagger that won't vanish no matter how long.          

Jacob's Pov (Dark Moon Pack)

While lying in bed with my mate Mia I couldn't sleep so I decided to go to my office to finish some paperwork. I've been with Mia for 10 years now and just last year she gave to a beautiful baby boy and today I now found she is pregnant again I mean I'm not in a rush to have babies when I am 210 years old, and she is 150 years old.

Well, it's not like I don't want kids I wand kids as much as she is willing to push out, but I mean lycans has very long lifespan so there is no need to rush to have kids. Anytime I try using a condom she would just take it off and say "there is no need for condoms" but I can say I don't like it when we have sex without protection well, I guess I'll have to get reach for baby number 2. 

With that thought in mind I focus on getting to the office to finish some of those paperwork for tomorrow. Getting into the office I look at the clock hang on the wall and read 9:30 pm so I went sat down behind the desk and started doing work. I was so focused the I didn't even realize that so much time had pass until a knock had from the door and looked up at the clock and it read 2:00 am and the I said to the person on the other side "Come in".

The door was opened, and Mia entered the office holding a teacup with coffee I looked up and asked, "Hey babe why are you up that this time"? 

She put down the teacup and came around the table and sat on my lap the replied with a question of her own and the answer, "I could ask you the same thing but when I woke up I couldn't find you and I try using the link fine out where you were but you blocked it so I just knew you were in your office doing paperwork so I decided to make you a cup of coffee".

Just then I got a message from one of the warriors on patrol saying, 'Alpha sorry to bother you but there is an intruder at the northwest border near the waterfall'.

'Ok I'll be right be there' I replied throw the link right away to be honest when Mia told me I had blocked everyone from mind linking me I unblocked it one time.

Kiss Mia on the lip I say "Mia baby I have to go there's a problem at the northwest border, and I have to go see what's the problem it's an intruder, so you go back to bed I'll probably by back by 4 or 5 to say the least ok" with one last kiss I put her down an make my way out the office and to the northwest area of the border.

On the way I turned into my lycan form to reach there faster. As I was ten kilometers away from the northwest border, I heard a couple howls that would make one's heart to break. What was that that's not from one of my pack members it must be the intruder. So, I t speeded up my pace and when I got there, I saw something I did not what I expected.

There was a large white lycan lying down with its head tilted up the moon. It was a picturesque scene by something was wrong normally intruders attack when there are people around, but this intruder is not attacking but staring at the moon and I'm sure that it's a female so why is she so larger than me. Normally Alpha males a bigger than your regular lycan that includes Alpha females too and of course male lycan are bigger than female lycan but this female is about 5/6 centimeters bigger than me.

What makes this more confusing is that she knows of our present, but she does not attack us. So, I walk up from behind the trees and shifted took a pair of boxers from tree putting it on and then spoken.

"Shift" I said but she just rests her head down.

So, I spoke again but this time with a little more alpha tone in my voice.

"Shift now!" This time she listens, and the sound of bones snapping could be heard.

When she shifted shock was written all over my face and I muttered out loud, "A little girl"?

With that statement she said with angry, "A little girl which part of says I'm a little girl huh I'm 20 years and don't you dare use that alpha tone on me use your alpha nose and see if I'm a common lycan as you think huh so rude"!  

"Well twenty years is practically a little girl so". I stated 

In a blink of an eye, she disappears and reappear right in front of me saying, "I'd watch what I say if I were you".

With that she took an inhale of the air and step back and smile saying, "Ah it must be nice to have your mate by your side now go back and keep her company and bring her in the morning because I shall not talk to any of males here, so I hope you bring your Luna to talk if you want information from me you can leave you warriors here to watch me promise not to hurt anyone and before you go I suggest you try to figure out what I am because I'm not your average alpha female or lycan because if you try to trick me I'll take over this pack".

I audible gulp as I try to process what she just said and before I could reply she turn back into her lycan form and continue to stare at the moon. The air she was cold and full of sorrow that I could not even breath and what does she mean by 'not your average alpha female or lycan'   well I had guessed she is an alpha female but why is she bigger than me. I have to go back before she really harms anyone but if I leave these warriors are not strong enough to watch over her to make sure she doesn't do anything suspicions, so I'll have my beta keep an eye on her and with that I mind my beta to be here in ten minutes.

'Marus meet me at the northwest in ten minutes' I practically roared throw the mind link because I was furious that this lycan just threaten me.