
DC: Celestial Light Human

(That's right...this is a remake.) A tired soul is chosen by God to become his warrior. R18 - If you see * in the chapter title, that means lemon. Disclaimer: - If you are mentally weak, don't read this story. It's very dark, and the mc is NOT a good person. - There's no release schedule. I drop chaps when I feel like it, which can vary from 1-3 times a week.

SwayStar · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Monster Hunting

Now that the spectacle was over, the sleepy man could finally join his two little crazies. Sora casually made his way across the manor until reaching the dressing room. It was a good thing that women took forever to get dressed. This meant that the fun wouldn't be over by the time he arrived. 

"Finally done. Ugh, that took forever! Alice, do me a favor and find me a silk collar will ya?"


When Sora walked in, Harley immediately came into view. She was lying down on the mega couch wearing only a bra and knee high socks. A lovely pale bottom was pointed to the sky. Her legs swung back and forth as she scrolled her phone. The constant smack of her lollipop resounded through the room. 

The blonde beauty was facing the other way, oblivious to the young Lockhart's approach. His shirt was already off by the time he sat down. Sora didn't even bother speaking. As he sat down, his hand grabbed a handful of her plump peaches. They were just begging to be played with after all. 

"Hmmm?" Harley looked behind her and noticed the sleepy man. 

A mischievous smile spread across her lips as she took a deep breath. Sora knew her antics. Before she could call for Alice, he covered her mouth. He enjoyed surprising the doll with his arrivals. Her reactions were always genuine. Harley wanted to ruin his fun. 

Realizing that she'd failed, she sat up and pressed against him. His hand was swatted from her mouth. A few licks of her lollipop, then she spoke. 

"Open your mouth, Puddin."


The lovely blonde stuck her lollipop in his mouth. Only then did she lay across his lap, like a bad kitten waiting for a spanking. It didn't take long before her phone was back in her hand. She was already back to scrolling. 

What was Sora to do? NOT play with her naked bottom? Yea right. His hand would remain there as long as she stayed. 

"How do I taste?" Harley eventually asked. Sora thought for a moment. 

"Mmm…like green apple."

Alice could be heard rummaging through the closet. It took almost five minutes for her to finally stop. Her form was revealed as she left. With only a skirt and silk collar around her neck, she looked quite delicious. Not to mention the collar in her hand that was for Harley.

"Collar!" She announced happily. That was when she noticed Sora. Her empty eyes widened. Every time.


The sound of her moving feet resounded as she ran. The cute doll made an athletic dive at him. Did she forget that Harley was still on his lap? It's a good thing the mega couch was big enough to be a bed.

Sora caught her and immediately fell back. This way, Alice wouldn't smack into the blonde beauty. Her large breasts smothered his face. What a life…A psychotic doll-like princess straddling his stomach, and a psychotic blonde jester lying across his legs.

"Sora." She hummed before marking him with her tongue. 


The trio would relax for a while. There was a bit of 'playtime' as well. Both beauties played dress up for him. As all this went on, Sora sent a text to Rachel. 

'Don't go outside today.' It read.

'Why?' Raven answered. 

'Many powerful beasts have fallen to Earth. Stay inside while I clean them up.'

'But the team is already going out. What am I supposed to tell them?'

'Tell them what I said. I forbid you from going out. That means Koriand'r as well.'

'You're such a control freak.'

'If the rest of the Teen Titans go out even against my words, that's on them. Grab Starfire and tell her what I said.'

'Siiiiigh. Fine, but-'

Sora put his phone away. He already knew a long paragraph was on its way. Raven always had something to say at times like this. She's a hero, after all. It doesn't feel good leaving the powerless to fend for themselves. Still, she followed orders like a good girl. 

Without further ado, the young Lockhart went into the closet. Alice and Harley were sprawled across the couch, seemingly exhausted. Their skin glimmered with sweat. 

"Are you leaving? Again?" Alice called out.

"...Yep." He responded from the closet. 


"I have to save the world again…for the third time."

A black button up, with comfortable black pants. Dress shoes with a silver buckle. He finished the look with an overcoat, which hung from his shoulders like a cape. Darklight appeared from the void, and his hair turned black. 

"Harley, Alice. Where's my send off?" He asked while approaching the couch. 

Both beauties gave him a blank stare, lying down like corpses. Sora had almost put them in a coma. He couldn't help but pull out his phone and open the camera app. 

"Give me a peace sign."




It was a beautiful picture. If anyone saw this, they would definitely have to go watch some 'videos' after. Without so much as a goodbye, the sleepy man strolled out of the room and vanished. 

Metropolis was overrun with creatures. A citywide lockdown was currently underway, forcing civilians to remain indoors. The police and SWAT teams were fighting nonstop to rid the city of beasts and monsters. This was happening all across the globe. 

There weren't too many problems for the authorities when dealing with the less powerful, like ghouls, undead and so on. No. The problem was the mythological predators. Fortunately, Metropolis had support. Supergirl had made her debut in these trying times, knocking down those she could handle. The difficulty made a sharp increase upon reaching the forest though. 


Kara's body smashed through several trees before rolling to a stop. She didn't miss a beat, dodging to the side as a massive figure slammed into the ground beside her…where her head had previously been. 

It was a massive dog. With two heads. Not three. This was the brother of Cerberus, known as Orthrus. Muscular all over and large enough to rival the surrounding trees. Kara's body shook with adrenaline, fear, and determination. 

Just a few months ago she'd been a normal schoolgirl, hiding her kryptonian heritage from the world. That all came to a sudden stop when news of Superman's disappearance was finally publicized. Batman knew she wasn't ready…but he was the first to contact her in order to fill the void that Kal left. With barely any combat experience, she was now fighting against massive beasts that could kill her. 

"ROOAAAR!" The massive dog leapt at her once more. 

Its jaws were wide open, razor sharp teeth ready to sink into her skin. With a slight utilization of her flight and a small leap, Kara floated over the attack. Her small fist came down hard. 


The ground cracked as the massive dog bounced on the ground like a basketball. Another punch sent Orthrus across the forest. Multiple trees were destroyed along the way. 

"It's not enough. Damnit!" Kara heaved. Her breaths were shaky. 

Optical blasts only sent the beast flying. Punches did the same. It wasn't enough to break skin or bone. The damn thing just kept getting up! 

Her face and hair were caked in dirt and leaves. How long would this go on? She only felt worse upon realizing that there were plenty of monsters still waiting somewhere to be put down. She wasn't as strong as her cousin…There hadn't been enough time.

Two condensed beams of fire and ice exploded through the forest. A straight path to Supergirl. With a burst of speed, Kara immediately accelerated into flight. The beams followed behind her. Half of the forest was soon covered in flames, while the other half was frozen over. 

She needed to find a way in! Maybe she could take the high route? Maybe she could-

"Look how condensed those beams are. Why haven't you tried to do the same?" A slow, annoying voice sounded from beside her. 

Turning her head, she found Darkstar flying with his hands in his pockets, avoiding the beams all the same. There was a mask over his face. Kara frowned and upped her flight speed. It didn't help her get away. He remained right beside her.

"Who the hell…" She started. 

"Have you forgotten me already? What a shame."

That voice. Yeah…she wouldn't forget that damn voice. The man who crippled her cousin. The man who indirectly forced her to take on Superman's mantle. That damn bastard who was so damn annoying. Acting as if he was her guardian. Sora.

"New hair and eye color but you still resemble a bastard." She commented. Unknowingly, the tense muscles in her body had relaxed. 

"...He's coming." Darkstar muttered. 

"Shut it! I know!" She barked in annoyance.

The fire and ice beams had stopped some seconds ago. Out of the forest came Orthrus, leaping up past the treetops. He was approaching fast. 

"Knock him down but don't send him far away. Press the advantage. The air is your playground." 

"Don't tell me what to do!"

Kara didn't even realize they were talking in bullet time. The two headed dog seemed to be moving extremely slow. How did she do that? Whatever. It's a good thing. 

Without wasting any more time, she dashed up and sent a fist down onto the beast's snout. Remember…this quick blow was in bullet time. Sora had spoken extremely fast in order to forcefully quicken her perception. Kara was a kryptonian at the end of the day. This blow wasn't soft at all.


Orthrus shot down into the ground like a fucking fighter jet. The sound barrier exploded with a bang and the earth opened up below. One head's jaw was blown to bits. Kara could only look at her fist in confusion. She'd never thrown such a powerful punch before. It didn't even feel like she'd used everything she had. 

"Condense the beam. Cut off the other head."

"Stop telling me what to do!" She barked. Her eyes quickly glowed red. 

Two fat lasers shot down onto the beast, only serving to push it further into the dirt. It was getting back up! Slowly, those beams turned thinner and thinner until-


Both heads were severed by condensed lasers. Sora gave a slight smile under his mask. She was improving quickly.

"...Good girl." He praised. 

Supergirl's cheeks turned red. What did he just say to her?! Before she could get on his case, Darkstar landed on the beast's corpse with a massive stomp. 

'A beast like you should die after losing your head. Don't ruin the moment.' He thought while disintegrating the beast. Regeneration be damned.

Only then did Sora turn back toward the girl. Just to see a fist closing in on his face. Raising his hand, he redirected Kara's punch to the side. 

"Do you expect me to thank you?! I don't need help from a piece of shit like you! I won't forgive you. Kal almost died by your hand!" She roared with glowing eyes.

Another punch thrown. Another punch redirected. It was a constant loop. 

"...And I would do it again in a heartbeat. Be grateful he isn't dead. He could be."

"He was being controlled! I saw the camera footage. You killed that THING possessing him…then you brutalized him anyway! You're the worst. I HATE YOU!" She screeched.


More attacks were thrown over and over. As the blonde kryptonian did whatever she could to hit him, Sora lazily corrected her stances. Taps on the shoulder, taps on the back of her knees, taps on her waist. Her body quickly learned and adapted. Kara's fighting prowess grew stronger by the second. 

"Why…why…why…WHY?! Stop acting like you know me! I-I didn't ask for your help!" Her voice cracked slightly as tears welled up. She finally stopped attacking.

There was a moment of silence. Only rough breathing could be heard from the girl. Everything she'd been feeling up until now…the pressure of filling Superman's shoes, the stress, the fear, and anger flowed all at once. She'd been fighting all day. 

Orthrus had been the hardest fight of her life, at least until Sora arrived. She hated it. She hated that it was Sora. The sleepy man retracted his mask and sighed. 

"Kara…if I went back in time to fight Kal again, I would do the same thing. His body will instinctually remember me now. It doesn't matter if he gets possessed ten times more. His body will remember. Also…he angered me."

"W-What? What kind of stupid logic…" Kara muttered. Sora patted her head. 

"...Come. We have monsters to slay."

"I'm not going anywhere with a bastard like you." She slapped away his hand.

Darkstar frowned and leaned closer. Their faces grew nearer. The constant eye contact…it was hard for Supergirl to maintain it. 

"I thought I told you that I don't like to hear you curse. Remove it from your vocabulary." 

"Who the he-heck do you think you are?" She unconsciously corrected her words so as not to curse. 

Blood immediately flowed to her face. As red as a tomato. Sora gave her a slight smile…one that could make women fall to their knees. He casually held her chin in his hand. 

"I'm the one helping you in this trial by fire. By the end of this, you'll feel like you've been a hero for ages."

A few seconds went by as she stared into his eyes. It was as if she was searching for the truth of his words in his gaze. Sora's thumb caressed her cheek a few times. He couldn't help but treat those he liked as if they were already his. It was working wonders on Kara.

"Sora. I really dislike you." She commented. The young Lockhart traced her lips. They were extremely soft. 

"Kara, there's plenty of time for you to decide if you hate me or not. Now get moving before I spank you."


Honestly, Supergirl's face couldn't turn any redder. She immediately slapped his hand away and blasted into the sky. It seems she couldn't handle his teasing anymore. Except it wasn't teasing. Sora may really spank her if need be. 

As the blonde kryptonian turned into a speck on the horizon, Darkstar took a step and vanished. He soon appeared beside her once more. Kara wasn't surprised in the slightest. 

"Good. It makes me happy when you listen." 

He patted her head once more, using a tiny bit of Love Tap this time. Pleasure spread through her system but it was just enough for it to feel pleasant. The sleepy man was reprogramming her nerves to desire his head pats. 

"Y-You!" She started. 

Before anything else could be said, he blasted off and left her behind. She immediately went as fast as she could in order to catch up. Why was she trying to catch up when she was originally escaping? It's because Sora knew how to play the game. 

The two would go on to slay several monsters. Supergirl's battle prowess would grow exponentially each time, since Sora utilized her kryptonian learning to the fullest. The states around the east coast quickly went from teeming with monsters to barely finding any.

Bigger chap. Eat up ! I know yall hungry.

SwayStarcreators' thoughts