
DC: Celestial Light Human

(That's right...this is a remake.) A tired soul is chosen by God to become his warrior. R18 - If you see * in the chapter title, that means lemon. Disclaimer: - If you are mentally weak, don't read this story. It's very dark, and the mc is NOT a good person. - There's no release schedule. I drop chaps when I feel like it, which can vary from 1-3 times a week.

SwayStar · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Key Players

The king of the gods sat on this throne in silence. Athena stood off to the side as she cautiously trimmed her nails. Poseidon was sitting on the steps in front of the throne, his head resting in his hands. They were waiting. Waiting on news about the mortal realm. 

Time seemed to stretch on for what felt like forever. Tension filled the air. It was almost as if the gods were in wartime. Zeus and Poseidon both eyed the goddess of wisdom as she revealed her beautiful bare feet, sitting against the wall and trimming her nails. 

Eventually, the divine presence of Hermes could be felt on Olympus grounds. Everyone stood up in preparation for the news. The god of messengers was like a bolt of lightning. He quickly blinked to the throne room and opened the door. 

"I have news."

"Speak, Hermes." Zeus commanded. 

"W-We've underestimated the mortals."

"...How so?"

Hermes pulled a list from the pocket in his armor. Multiple names were crossed off. After nervously clearing his throat, the god spoke.

"Orthrus has been slain. The Echidna has been slain. The Lernaean Hydra has been slain. The Colchian Dragon…has been slain. Hades has recalled the Chimera and Minotaur due to critical injuries…Aegaeon has been slain!" Hermes went on to name even more beasts of legend. 

With every name that left the messenger's mouth, Zeus' eyes grew colder. A storm was growing over Olympus. Lightning crashed and thunder boomed. Poseidon secretly smirked as he noticed his brother's worsening expression. This was good. This meant…war. 

Athena was calm. Her expression didn't change a single time. It was as if she'd expected as much. The goddess of wisdom had that title for a reason. Hermes had not finished speaking, but Zeus cut him off with a wave of his hand. 


There was a long moment of silence. Poseidon held his tongue as best he could. This was the moment that would decide the mortal realm's fate. He would be hard pressed to ruin it. 

"Leave the mortals be, Zeus. This is only Poseidon's war, and he's on the path of revenge. We must not stoop to his level." Athena finally spoke. Zeus only glanced at her. 


A column of fire immediately erupted within the room. Once it died down, the god of war's figure could be seen. Ares had arrived. He immediately bowed. 

"You called, Father?"

The god king looked down at his son in slight disgust. There was no familial love between them. Still, the boy had his uses. 

"Descend upon the mortals with Poseidon. We shall do this like old times."

Ares and Poseidon smiled with glee. Athena could only sigh. The time had come. 

In the far outskirts of Olympus, Hera and Aphrodite were still gazing at the edge of the realm. The mirror had not left the young goddess's grasp for a second. Both mother and daughter had been watching the man within for a while now.

"Did you see that? He dealt with them like they were nothing! Mnnn…He's so cool!" Aphrodite's legs rubbed together, her gaze never leaving the mirror.

"You fawn over him when he does the simplest things. Watching you is very entertaining." Hera commented with a slight smile. 

"Hm? That's not true." 

"Is that so…what about that time when he sat down to read a book? Or when he-"

"Stop, stop! Don't bully me." The young goddess exclaimed. Hera could only chuckle. That chuckle came to an immediate stop upon glancing to her left. 

'Wait, is that…'

The older goddess leaned over the balcony to get a better look. Two people were standing over the edge of the realm. It didn't take long before both figures leapt off the edge.

"Poseidon and Ares are descending?" She muttered in surprise.

Noticing her mother's gaze, Aphrodite looked as well. Her eyes widened upon seeing the two gods falling through the clouds. Hera immediately grabbed the clumsy girl's wrist, before dragging her out of the house. The two goddesses were now running through the golden paved streets. 

"Mother, what-"

"It's time to act. We must put that man to use."

"You want to use my husband?" The younger goddess questioned.

"He is NOT your husband. You can find another man later."

"NO! I want HIM! Not someone else."

Hera thought for a moment as they ran. How could she make this benefit her? It didn't take long for a plan to form. Her eyes gleamed with craftiness. 

"Then you will have him."

In a battlefield littered with monster corpses, the stench of blood overpowered everything else. There were countless deformities. Cracks all over the ground. Craters everywhere. 

These corpses spanned across the horizon. The effects of the recent battle spanned at least ten football fields. There was only one corpse that snatched the attention of anyone present though. A massive corpse, with limbs sprouting out of its body on all sides. 

A fabled monster. A myth. The giant of all giants. Aegaeon the Hecatonchires. Sora could be found on top of its corpse, sitting on the edge of a colossal finger. His golden eyes were barely even open. His breaths were steady, almost as if he was asleep. 


The sound of a snake reverberated nearby. It was an injured creature, a humanoid snake with blades for hands. This creature was unable to reach the sleeping Lockhart, who was high up on the giant's limb. Retreating was a better option. As it tried to slither away, a boom could be heard in the sky. 

A figure darted across the air, cutting through the atmosphere like a knife. The blonde kryptonian crash landed on the snake parasite. Her feet went straight through its torso and shattered the ground. 

"Haah…haah…haah." Kara was tired. 

'This should be the last one.' She thought while looking up at the motionless figure. 

That bastard. Who told him it was okay to sleep? Making her do all the dirty work. Kara stepped out of the corpse, her boots now covered in blood and gore. 

"Hey!" She yelled at Sora. 

There was no response. Biting her lip in annoyance, she floated up to him. Her figure stopped at the edge of the finger. Directly in front of him. 

"HEY!" She yelled again with kryptonian strength. A normal human's eardrums would've burst. 

Sora slowly opened his eyes. He could see the girl was filled with fake anger. Rubbing his temples in annoyance, he finally spoke.

"Mmm…Must you be so loud?" 

"I'll be even louder if you try to sleep on the job again."

"Such an energetic little firecracker you are." He commented. His chin rested in his hand. 

"You sound like a perverted old man!"

"...Aren't you tired? How do you still have the energy to be so mad?"

"Hmph. It's a lot of work to be a dedicated hater. You wouldn't understand." She crossed her arms with a haughty smile. 

"Pffft." The sleepy man couldn't help but chuckle. His shoulders shook as he tried to contain it. This girl…

Kara felt her mood elevate upon hearing his chuckle. She hated it. This guy was the most laid back, carefree, nonchalant person she'd ever met.

"Okay it's not that funny." She muttered. 

The young Lockhart stifled his laugh and pulled out a phone from nowhere. The blonde kryptonian's eyes widened upon seeing it. Immediately, she tried to snatch it. 

"My phone! Where'd you get that?!"

"Let's see how dedicated of a hater you are. Do you follow me on the gram? Haha!" He spoke while keeping her away with his other hand. 

"Noooooo! Give it back!"

As she reached for the phone, she failed to notice their intimate position. Sora scrolled until he found what he was looking for. Kara was following his social media account. Not only that…

"You have my notification bell on? Hahaha! Truly dedicated." He joked. 

Kara finally grabbed the phone but he didn't let go. By this point, her face was extremely red. Her eyes were watering up as well. If there was one thing girls didn't like, it was being exposed. 


"...Don't grab too hard, you'll break the phone." He spoke playfully. 

His free hand snuck around her waist, gently pulling her to his lap. She was too busy trying to pull the phone away to notice. He continued to scroll the page, seeing which photos she'd saved and which ones she hearted. There were quite a few in her bookmarks.

The blonde kryptonian was silent at this point. Her body was shaking. Fear and dread covered her face. She could already see him making fun of her. All of her previous actions were now just hot air. 

Sora pulled her in tighter, his chin resting on her head. Only then did she realize how intimate they were. She could feel his entire chest. 

"Alright. I've seen enough." He said and let go of the phone. 

"........................." Kara didn't say a word. 

She was frozen as she stared at her phone with watery eyes. She no longer had the courage to even look at him. Her gaze remained pointed down. 

"There's nothing wrong with following me on social media, Kara. Why so down? People our age do this all over the world." He soothed. With two free arms, he could embrace her much better. 

"Y-You're a jerk. You know that?" She finally said. Sora cupped her cheek with one hand, forcing her to look at him. 

"...Stop that." His thumb wiped away a tear before it could fall. "We've been fighting monsters all day. Let's finish the day off with joy, not sadness."

"J-Just so you know, it's not like that. The Justice League said that I needed to know who you were and what you were doing, okay? It's because of them, okay? I didn't follow you because I like you or something!" She exclaimed. 

"Mmhmm. Mmhmmm. I believe you." He responded to her gibberish. 

"You better!" She growled. Sora chuckled while moving a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"I like you much better when you act like this. You've shown me a sight I don't think I'll ever forget. So cute." He whispered in her ear. 

One of his wandering hands reached under her skirt and grabbed a nice handful of her supple bottom. Immediately, Kara's face turned red. Her expression immediately went back into anger and annoyance. After breaking out of his embrace and floating in the air, she admonished him. 

"You damn pervert! Taking advantage of me!" She yelled. Sora smiled. 

"And she's back. I already miss the you from ten seconds ago." He joked. 

"Shut up! That's sexual harassment!"

"...Sorry but that only applies to humans." Sora quipped. 

"Horny beast! Don't play games with me."

"But games are the best part-" Sora's gaze immediately snapped over to the horizon. 

Two divine presences had just landed on Earth. He felt it immediately. At the same time, a voice was chirping in his head. 

'Sora...…Sora...…Sora....I need your help....'

Kara noticed his change in demeanor. She quickly followed his gaze to the horizon. Unfortunately, she couldn't see anything even with her supervision. 

"Did you see something?" She called out. 

The young Lockhart flashed into a standing position. As he stood in the air, he patted the young kryptonian's head. Supergirl only looked at him in confusion. 

"Kara…go get some rest. It's been a long day."

"What about you?"

"Since when did you care about me? Oh, right. Since you followed-"

"I'm being serious here, you bastard!" She barked. Sora chuckled. 

"Alright, alright. I've got work to do. The key players are entering the field."

"What? Then I should follow-"

"No. This is beyond you. Go."

"Hmph! Jerk." She huffed before blasting into the clouds. 

Supergirl quickly left the atmosphere and reached space. The sun immediately did its work in soothing her. As she rested there, she spied on the young Lockhart with her supervision.

'You won't get rid of me that easily. Hmph.' She thought.

A certain someone made me write a chap. You know who you are.

SwayStarcreators' thoughts