
Diary, jan 1st ( Part 4 )

" Paa... are you free this week? "

" Yeah.. i think so. "

He said while scratching his head.

" Anything wrong young one? "

He asked in a worried tone..

" Pa.. I've got something to say.. "

Then someone's phone started ringing. The owner of the phone was Mr Raymond. He took the phone and patted Olivia's head and walked away..

He was attending his call...

" Yes, this is Raymond Rosario.. "

While he was on the phone.. Olivia was on deep thoughts.

' I shouldn't tell him anything now. He's already tired from the trip.. Will he be alright if i leave him alone like mom.. .. Mom only if you were still alive... '

After a while Mr Raymond came back..

He saw his daughter in deep thought and patted her shoulder ..

" What were you thinking dear? "

Olivia looked at her father with a smile hiding her sorrow and said...

"Nothing paa... "

Raymond was still concerned..

" Baby , do you have any plans tomorrow... ? "

" No dad.. Why? "

" Let's go out together.. "

" Really paa.. "

" Yes, baby.. I've booked tickets to a movie and We'll go shopping, if you want we can go to Amusement park.. "

" Really... Yes.. "

Olivia was extremely happy cause these were rare moments for her to cherish... And she has no intention of letting it go... Even her eyes beamed up....

They spent that day together..

At night..

" Are you excited about tomorrow Oli.. "

" Yes paa.. "

" Sleep early.. Good night baby.. "

" Good night to you too dad.. "

They went to their own respective rooms..



Tears surged off the man's eyes thinking of his beloved..He flipped to the next page..



January 2nd

Today is the day paa promised to take me out...



He couldn't finish it. He was disturbed by his men.

" Sir, we are here.... "

The man nodded and walked off the car.. They were in front of a beautiful villa.. The smell of White roses was filled in the air... It was pleasure for others while love and pain for him....




To Be Continued..