
Call me paa

He couldn't finish it. He was disturbed by his men.

" Sir, we are here.... "

The man nodded and walked off the car.. They were in front of a beautiful villa.. The smell of White roses was filled in the air... It was pleasure for others while love and pain for him....

He could hear his beloveds giggles in the air..

He chuckled at the thin air..

He walked inside the villa. A man was sitting on the couch dried tears were visible on his face... He walked to the man and sat besides him and asked..

" Dad, did you cry again? "

The man looked at the questioner and he chuckles...

" Dad why are you chucking, did i say something wrong? "

" No.. "

" Then why? "

" You are asking me as if you didn't shed a drop of tear for her..... "

There was a long silence between them...

" Marcus..... "

" Yes dad... "

The old man bit his lower lip a little and said....

" What was that... sh.. She left for you.. in the church? "

Marcus felt the pain of the man sitting in front of him as, he was the father of the diary's owner....

" Dad.... It was her diary and .. and our pics...... "

His eyes become teary.. But he can't cry in front of this man. He has to be strong for him. Oli left her beloved father in his care...

Raymond looked at Marcus's hand... Those hands were holding on to that diary firmly along with the photos....

Raymond extended his hands to Marcus..

" Can.. Can i see those pics? "

Raymond asked sadly..

" Here... "

Marcus gave the photographs to Raymond..

At first Raymond smiled looking at them but later broke down in tears.... Marcus patted him and said..

" Dad... If she was here, she wouldn't want to see you in this state.... "

Raymond wiped his tears and looked at Marcus....

" Marcus, son... "

" Yes dad... "

" Please... Please call me paa... at least once just like my... my Oli... please.. "

Marcus smiled

" Paa..... "

Raymond smiled back....

" Paa.. Don't you want to see the diary... "

" No "

" Eh? Why paa "

" Cause she left that only for you... You know she wouldn't even let me take a glance at it even before she met you... But after she met you.... She always said... this diary is only for her Marcus to read... "

Raymond chuckled...

" I can't let my daughter down by taking a peek at it... "

He stood up and walked to the window... He looked down at the rose garden where , his wife and daughter were sleeping next to each other...

Marcus does also wanted to go there but.. He's afraid of being broken in front of Raymond...

" Paa... I'm not going to the office for a few weeks... "

" Why? "

He didn't say anything just looked at Olivia's diary..... Raymond understood...

" ok.. But who will handle the company? "

" Xavier will dad.. "

" Mmm ok... "

"Dad I'm going to my room... "

Raymond shook his head affirmatively and went back to staring at his beloveds gave.....

Marcus went back to his room, to be more precise Olivia's room...

He layed down on the bed... He looked at the ceiling and the only thing he could see was his beloveds face.. He wanted to touch it... but everytime he does it , her face fades away... So he didn't try to touch it.. But kept staring at the illusion in front of him...




To Be Continued.