

(Reupdated Story) Aiden White now living with his father in the small town of Forks, Washington. as mysterious things keep happening around him and the people. as unexplained deaths, and attacks keep happening. all centered around a group of teens, one he can't seem to keep his eyes off of.

_ANANSI_ · Others
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My next class after gym was literature, which was a little bit weird as the posters of book covers were posted everywhere, the small classroom, as it even smelled like the bonded pages of old books. 

Mr. Mason signed my sheet and gave me the book list for the rest of the year. I have read almost all of them, such as Kenneth Oppel, Walter Dean Myers, Shakespeare, and many works from the great renaissance era.

After was American History, as we  learned about the Alamo for the second time was a great experience. As I could tell, Mr. Warner likes to reenact the fights, as if he was in the battle himself. Probably does reenactments of them on the weekend for fun.

I also had Home Econ., which was a free A+ for me, as I had been cooking for myself since I was nine. But it seems that the teacher is on a  health craze so I might have a hard time.

My last class before lunch was French class, as my French teacher Miss Hoff wasn't challenging. The old lady that lived in my old building could teach circles around her, Mrs. Palpanini. She was a French/Italian immigrant that came with her family from France. 

"Seeking Opportunity for a better lifestyle" She would say, sounding like a chain-smoking old man, imitating the words of her father. But she died from a heart attack last year, But I will never forget  what she taught me.

But during lunch I got stared at  hard by everyone and anyone. As I assumed, people told others what happened at the gym, and so on and on. Leaving me with deep stares from all around. But that didn't bother me as I made my way to the lunch-line.

Walking around the table's, I was called by an unknown person, soon to be Angela, as she gestured for me to come her way. 

Making my way over, I looked at the other, as there was a short girl with dangerously curly brown hair, and blue eyes. And fair skinned. Who sat right next to Angela on her left side. She seemed to be talking mostly, not letting Angela get a word in, something I really don't like.

As another girl on her right as she was short as well, but not like the other, with blonde white hair and green eyes. She was short as well, but not like the other girl, and somewhat attractive but paler skin. As she could have been in a magazine.

The rest of the table consisted of boys, preferably the boys I beat, as Ben, Tyler, Connor, and two other boys sat at the table looking at me with deep loathing. For what reason I don't give a fuck, shit happens and you should get over it. But hey, everyone can't be like me, so I understand. 

At the table, I met the short curly haired girl by the name of Jessica and the other cornsilk hair girl was Lauren Mallory.

As Jessica looked at me with great interest, the other girl looked, but soon went back to what she was doing as if talking to me was beneath her. 

As there was another boy as he had a baby face with pale blonde hair, and clear blue eyed, a Nazis wet dream. As he was talking to Connor about sport, not paying attention to what's happening. The girls introduced him to Mike Newton.

And the last but not least was a guy of asian descent with greasy long black hair, and a bad completions. He was drinking a bottle of water as he watched a redhead sitting at a table, before she got up and walked out the door, his name was Eric Yorkie.

Angela and Jessica had me sit down between them as they took turns (Jessica mostly) asked me questions about chicago. And what my life was like there, but I didn't want to answer so I made some stuff up hoping it will suffice for now. 

I was able to get free from their questions at the end of lunch as I had not gone to get food yet and I was starving. As they wouldn't let me go until then. As if they wanted to get every nook and cranny out of me. 

As the bell rang for the next class, I had Bio II, as well as Angela and other boys, Mike and Eric, who sat at the table. Meeting Mr. Banner, as he signed my slip and sent me to go sit in the back, as there were only three seats, leaving the other two open. 

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