

(Reupdated Story) Aiden White now living with his father in the small town of Forks, Washington. as mysterious things keep happening around him and the people. as unexplained deaths, and attacks keep happening. all centered around a group of teens, one he can't seem to keep his eyes off of.

_ANANSI_ · Others
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22 Chs


Due to building emotions, something in me just snapped. The fact of my mother is that she didn't act like one, she never cared or took care of me. She didn't do anything for me. Other than sending money to the lady that did, but not much as it would. She was never my mother per say. She was just a womb donor, and that is all.

"No, and if I did that fucking whore would be .... she doesn't deserve to be my fucking mother.. Did you know she left me when I was five... When I was five, she left me at the apartment with a fucking crack addict as a babysitter, just some random fucking crack addict... So no, I don't know, won't know, and don't care, fuck her" I wailed out, as the anger built up in me for so many years.

"I understand what you have gone through, but she is still your mother, and you got to have some…," trying to find some common ground.

"If you understood, then, then you would have been there, instead of playing cops up here" I said, retorting to the statement.

Impacted by what I said Steve looked defeated, as if he won the battle but lost the war. I could tell he was trying but the last word hit him too much, leaving the conversation to a standstill.

We both said nothing for the rest of the ride, as we arrived at the gate of Steve's house. As he pressed a button opening the gate in proper fashion. And going up the path to the house.

The house was something you would expect off a movie or a futuristic tv show, as the whole place looked unreal.

Whole place was three stories tall, looking like a spread-out book, as there was no door to what looked like the front. But Steve presses another button to find a hidden driveway to what looks like a garage. As it lifts up to the sky.

We park in what looks like a decent size garage, as surrounded by tools of all kinds to fix cars, and other equipment.

Getting out of the cruiser, and grabbing my stuff, and looking around. Find an extensive collection of motorcycles at the back of the garage.

From Honda to Kawasaki to Yamaha and to some brands I didn't even know. There they were all in pristine condition.

Walking closer to the bikes I could see some of the care taken on each one, as some of the parts were custom fitted, as well as on the other side of the glass window where an unknown bike was half disassembled and another with the same make up was assembled perfectly.

Aiden, you like motorcycles" Steve said, I always wanted one, I  got the license, but never had a chance to get one, coming closer to me, looking at the bikes as well. " Turning to find the exit.

As we headed to a looked like an elevator, as Steve pressed a button, and the door opened, we got in, and Steve pressed one of the five displayed buttons, as we were in the garage, but there was.

The house is a little trick, but I will lay it out for you like the elevator indicates there are five levels, garage, basement, Level 1, Level 2, and the penthouse where I live." he said, pointing to the button.

"Level 2 is the library, games and entertainment rooms and pool if you like to swim" moving to the next. "A Level 1 is the living room and kitchen as well as your area and guest bedroom."

As the door opened to the first floor, I got out and looked around the place.

"Mr. Steve, I just want you to know, I'm sorry " Apologizing for what I said. "I don't blame you for what has happened in my life. As you didn't even know I existed, and It must have been a shock to you too. I am truly sorry " I said, as I walked away leaving the conversation to an end.

I grabbed my belongings and headed in the direction of the downstairs, as the motion sensor light turned on as I walked down the brown wooden steps into a wide roundabout hallway. As I reached the bottom step, I could see two double doors leading to somewhere u known. Turning left to the first door on my left, I slid the door open, and entered the room.

Dropping everything at the door, I took a tour of the place. Ending it in amazement, as the room was nicer than any house, I have ever stayed in. As this whole day was unbelievable. "We ain't in Philly, no more are we Will?" I said to myself looking around.

I looked at the room amazed by the sheer length of the place as it had a full bedroom and walk-in closet, a side office with a patio and a medium sized bathroom.

I soaked up everything, as I laid down on what looked like a bed. Reminiscing of the past, looking to the future. "Maybe Forks won't be bad after all" I said, closing my eyes for the night.

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