
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 34 - Gears.

After the battle.

Joseph already applied the seal of Regeneration to Lee and Gai gave him the scroll on how to open the gates. The seal on Lee will last for 12 hours.

Joseph is sitting in a chair inside his room while Elise and Haku are giving him a blow job.

Elise and Haku are competing on who is the first wife and decide to make a record on who can satisfy Joseph more. Neither of them is backing up.

Haku already won in cooking.

Elise won in kissing and cleaning.

Making their Elise take the lead.

Joseph patting them both like a pet, making them more submissive.

"I'm gonna cum," Joseph announce, Elise quickly enclose Joseph's dick with her mouth receiving all of Joseph's cum.

"That's mine!" Haku said, then sip the cum inside Elise's mouth.

Elise and Haku battle for Joseph's cum, in the end, Haku drank more than Elise making this her win.

Joseph then bought a nurse and a police uniform from the system...

Nurse Uniform for Haku and Police for Elise then carried them both to bed.

[DDS: 16,000 Blood Points remains...]

-- Please continue with your imagination. --

After their session, Haku and Elise fall asleep, Joseph carried them both to another room. He kissed them both on their forehead before leaving and going to his backyard. The room they previously use is now unusable, it is tattered, with Ice covering the left side and burn marks covering the right.

Joseph inspects the skill that he learned from the scroll that Might Gai gave to him.

[DDS: Eight Gates - The Eight Gates exist to limit the flow of chakra within an individual's body. Ordinarily, individuals can use no more than 20% of their body's full potential, the brain's way of protecting the individual from harming their body through overexertion. With training, individuals can learn to remove these limiters, referred to as "opening" the gates. With each opened gate, individuals are given access to more and more of their body's chakra, thus increasing their physical strength and speed.]

'Too much information, where did you get this? Wiki?' Joseph thought.


Joseph flew far away from Konoha to try and open the gates.

'No one should find me here,' Joseph thought.

"Gate of Opening, Release!" Joseph shouted, he felt that his body got a little bit stronger.

"Gate of Healing, Release!" Joseph shouted, he felt his strength enhanced.

"Gate of Life, Release! Gate of Pain, Release! Gate of limit, Release!" Joseph continuously shouted. The ground around him started to vibrate.

[DSS: By opening the five gates you created a skill! Do you want to name it?]

'Second Gear,' Joseph mentally answered.

[DDS: Active Skill: Second Gear(B) - By Opening the five limiters in your body, you successfully create a skill to increase your overall power, 50% power increase when used, Noted: Extremely tasking to the user's body.]

'Great, Now, Let's continue,' Joseph thought while smirking.

"Gate of View, Release!" Joseph shouted, then a green aura started to surrounds his body.

"Gate of Wonder, Release!" Joseph opened the seventh gate, blue sweat started to secrete from his body and immediately evaporate creating a blue aura around him.

[DSS: By opening the seven gates you created a skill! Do you want to name it?]

'Third Gear,' Joseph answered, he felt some pressure coming from his body, but otherwise he is completely fine.

[DDS: Active Skill: Third Gear(A) - By Opening the seven limiters in your body, you successfully create a skill to increase your overall power, 100% power increase when used, Noted: Extremely tasking to the user's body.]

'Now let's do this,' Joseph thought, then said, "Gate of Death, Release!"


Joseph's aura causes numerous crack in the ground, some trees got destroy by his aura alone.

"This feeling...It's like my body is burning itself, my blood it's boiling," Joseph said while observing his body. A red aura surrounds his body making him resemble a Death God.

Joseph flicks his finger lightly towards the sky.


As if the sky suck all the air around the area. Little black cracks open in the sky, suggesting that this attack can even damage the space.

[DSS: By opening all the gates you created a skill! Do you want to name it?]

'Fourth Gear: Bloody Sun,' Joseph said, he felt like his body is getting destroyed at the same time getting healed.

DDS: Active Skill: Fourth Gear(Bloody Sun)(SS) - By Opening all of the limiters in your body, you successfully created a skill to increase your overall power, 100x power increase when used, Noted: Death Follows by opening all the gates.]

"So that is why I am still getting damage, Unique Regeneration can't keep up to the Gate of Death," Joseph speculate. He is done with his experiment and close the gates again. he felt somehow tired but the tiredness quickly vanished.

Joseph thought that If he uses Fourth Gear - Bloody Sun for a long time, his Unique Regeneration will not keep up, but all he got to do is close the gate before he died and all will be just fine.

[DSS: Gears created! Only one gear can be active at a time.]

Joseph went back home and saw Yugao and Shana is in front of his door. "What's up? You could enter anytime you know," Joseph said.

Joseph invited them to the living room then serves them their favorite barbeque.

"I'll be frank, we want to move in here!" Yugao said with a face full of determination.

"Ok, no problem," Joseph answered with a neutral face.

"I am feeling lonely not seeing you every day, at least let me sleep together with you," Yugao continued to talk. While Shana is just nodding with everything that came out from Yugao's mouth.

"I said, it's alright, you can move in with me," Joseph said.

"I mean, I am not clingy but...but!" Yugao continues to speak.

Meanwhile, Shana run towards and sat on Joseph's lap, she grabs his hands and put it on her head, while dumbly smiling and eating barbeque.

"Woman! I said it's alright," Joseph shouted comically.

"Ok! then we will get our things, Shana let's go!" Yugao runs and then came back again because Shana did not follow her.

"Oyyyy Shana-chan," Yugao whispered in Shana's ear.
