
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 35 - Filler

Early in the morning.

Joseph opens the door outside just to saw two almost identical men in front of his house. They are both wearing green overalls but only different in age and height.

"Joseph-san! Thank you!" Gai shouted while bowing towards Joseph at a ninety-degree angle.

"Same here! For now, I will bow in front of your house 500 times! If I can't do that I..." Rock Lee said but Joseph stopped him from continuing.

"Stop! Stop! you don't own me anything, I already got your payment," Joseph explained, then showed the scroll that Gai gave to him.

"Even so...I'm forever grateful, If not for you...Lee...wouldn't," Gai said while remembering Lee's hard work just to fixed his body.

The two didn't say anymore things and just bowed towards Joseph.

"Don't mention it, Konoha wouldn't want to lose the future strongest taijutsu user right?" Joseph said, he just wants this conversation to be over.

"Joseph-done," Lee said with sparkling eyes.

"Joseph-san," Gui said looking exactly like Lee. Both of them jump towards Joseph and attempt to hug him. Joseph skilly dodges and flew away leaving them both kissing the ground.


Joseph's house.

Haku and Elise are arguing about who has the highest score. Joseph needs to reinforce his mansion if this continued.

Sebas Tian is out exploring the world.

Shalltear started to decorate her room under the ground.


Ayame is in a bad mood, Joseph is not visiting their store these past days, making her think that Joseph forgot about her.

"One tonkotsu ramen please and a smile!" one random customer said.

Ayame glare at the customer with a terrifying look, scaring the shit out of him.

Teuchi chopped Ayame's head and said, "Don't treat our customer that way!"

"But! But..." Ayame said with cartoonist tears.


Joseph is in the sky enjoying the warm rays of the sun. Joseph knew that Orochimaru is probably alive, that guy is like cockroaches.

Jiraiya and Naruto are finding Tsunade right now, So technically he has nothing to do right now.

Joseph went home and saw Haku and Elise are in the table calmly drinking their drinks, which is weird because...erm...they usually fighting. He joined them at the table and said, "It seems you learn to accept each other huh?"

Shana started her studies in the academy, and Zabuza...umm he's doing great. Yugao is in her mission that was issued by the Hokage.

"Of course Joseph-sama, I am very professional and won't fight over small details," Elise said with a very formal tone."

Haku stopped her urge to argue and said, "Joseph-sensei, the academy wanted you to visit them, it seems the children wanted to see the Village hero...of course I am invited too." She then looked at Elise with a mocking face.

The temperature of the room suddenly increase, but Elise kept her image. "I am Joseph-sama's knight, I need to be beside him all the time.

Joseph left them and went to his room to change his clothes. Joseph wears his favorite black tuxedo and shoes.

Before going to the academy Joseph decided to refill some of his blood points. He traveled outside Konoha finding some bandits to kill.

Using X-ray vision while in the sky, Joseph manages to quickly find some thin-looking thugs in the forest.

Joseph landed in the middle of the bandits camp.

"Who are you! Identify yourself!" Some thought looking guy said. The guy has is similar to the first bandit that Joseph met in Shield Hero world.

"One light tap to solar plexus," Joseph said then punched the man to his stomach, the man pukes a lot of salivae. Clearly, he is having a hard time breathing and in a lot of pain.

"Bastard! you got a lot of nerve to do that!" the minions of the man surrounded Joseph, they thought Joseph only caught their leader off guard.

Joseph got an idea to try a new skill that he acquired when he conquered Ayame.

The thugs' dashes to him with various weapons in their hands. Joseph quickly moves and throw them all to the sky.

"Cruel Sun!" A tiny Sun appeared on top of Joseph's pointing finger, the sheer heat of the sun manages to burn the nearby trees around. Without even having a chance to throw the mini sun the system all ready to inform Joseph that the thugs are all dead.

[DDS: Earned 500 blood points by killing a group of bandits.]

[DDS: 24,000 Blood Points remains...]

Joseph acquired this amount when his clones killed enemy ninjas and the three-headed snakes. but then Joseph realizes something. When he finished Orochimaru, there is no prompt at all, this confirmed his theory that Orochimaru is most likely alive.

After grinding? some bandits Joseph accumulate a decent amount of points.

[DDS: 25,000 Blood Points remains...]


Joseph goes to the academy with Haku on his left and Elise on his right. Right now he's in front of numerous students with sparks on their eyes making him doubt that this is the school that teaches children how to kill.

Joseph delivered some bullshit about the will of fire and finding their own ninja way. After the speech, Joseph approaches his adopted sister Shana, who keeps telling everyone that Joseph is her brother.

Joseph then pulls Shana's cheeks and said, "It seems like you have some friends huh,"

Shana introduced her friends to Joseph. Joseph didn't bother to remember their name they have no talent anyway.

"She is so lucky, so that is why she is so skilled," some kid says while looking in Shana's direction. Shana is the upcoming number 1 rookie, she shows great talent in kenjutsu and throwing shurikens, she also has high grades making her an idol to anyone.

The kids thought that Shana is so skilled because she got a great teacher. But what they didn't know is the amount of effort that Shana put in training just to impress Joseph.

Haku is surrounded by her fangirls, while Elise is beside Joseph wishing something or someone attacks them so Joseph can see her cool side.

"Hey! Let's spar!" Some girl who wanted to impress Joseph challenge, Shana, to a fight.

Joseph observes the girl, then smiled at her, making her blush.

Shana pouted and accepted the girl's challenge. She also wanted Joseph to see her progress.


Unsurprisingly the fight ended in just one attack. The girl is so weak that Shana only has to punch her in the stomach to knock her out.

Joseph, Haku, and Elise congratulate Shana for her victory.

Shana tugs Joseph's clothes then pointed at her head. She wanted Joseph to pat her for a job well done.

Joseph caress Shana's head making her melt because of pleasure.