
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 33 - Hope for two.

"Give me a break, first the gay snake, now a guy with sore eyes, and a talking shark is attacking, what's next? A God that wanted to share his pain?" Joseph said, then put a temporary seal of regeneration to Kakashi's cheek.

"What is happening?" Kakashi felt his stamina is slowly returning, even the burden that Tsukuyomi cause is gradually vanishing.

"It's a seal I invented myself, It's temporary in my current form so go nuts, It will heal you indefinitely as long as the seal stayed in your face," Joseph said. It true though if his original body is here, here can make a permanent seal of regeneration, but the body he is controlling is only a clone ergo only have 1/10 of the strength of all of his abilities.

"Don't tell me, shadow clone? How long this seal will last?" Kakashi is already standing, his physical and mental strength already healed. His Sharingan is stable at the moment, meaning he can fight without the Sharingan overtasking him.

"About 2 days give or take," Joseph said.

"How nice of you to ignore me, Water Release..." Kisame said.

"Stop it Kisame we are leaving," Itachi said.

"Too bad...I was finally feeling motivated, It can't be helped," Kisame replied with a smug face.

"What? are you actually thinking of leaving?" Joseph said then vanished. He appeared behind Itachi and punch him in the back, but Itachi exploded making CloneJoseph flew backward.

Kisame appeared on top of Joseph then slashed his sword but his attempt is blocked by Kakashi. Kakashi kicked Kisame's stomach but Kisame jump backward to avoid it.

Itachi attacked Kakashi's back seeing that he got distracted by Kisame. "Amaterasu!" black flames shot from Itachi's eye targeting Kakashi's back.

Amaterasu is the highest level of fire release, once created it will continue to burn indefinitely until its target is completely incinerated. The flames cannot be extinguished with water or any other normal methods, only the user can put the flames out. Said to be "the fires from hell" and to burn as hot as the sun itself, Amaterasu burns any material, other flames included, until nothing but ash remains.

Joseph created another clone to shield Kakashi. Amaterasu connects and burned the clone's whole body.

"Impressive you destroyed my clone," Joseph said. Even instantly Joseph felt the heat of the black flames, meaning the flames can damage him, even though that clone has 1/20th of his strength. The 1/20th of Unique Regeneration cannot heal him fast enough.

Itachi looked at his back and saw Joseph in there surprising him, Joseph quickly chokes Itachi then toss him in the sky.

"Kisame let's go," Itachi hurriedly ordered while he's in the sky said. Kisame nodded, then both of them disappeared.

"Man, they disappeared, are you alright?" Joseph said to Kakashi while rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, and thanks for the seal Joseph-san," Kakashi with a drawing of a teardrop below his eye said.

"Here comes the Konoha's noble blue beast!" A man with a bowl-style haircut and thick eyebrows, who is wearing green overalls with Konoha's flak Jacket joined them in the water.

(Notes: Gai is known as the blue beast because of the aura he gives off when having the seventh gate released. The color in the nickname is not based on the color he wears.)

"Gai what are you doing here?" Kakashi said with a funny face.

"Eh? wheres the opponents?" Gai said with a clueless look.

"You're too late!" Kakashi shouted comically.

"What is that? A new tattoo? A tattoo of YOUTH!" Gai asked while shouting. He is pointing under Kakashi's eye.

"This is a seal that Joseph-san invented, The seal absorbs chakra around the area and heal the user," Kakashi explained the basis of what he observes about the seal.

"Rival-san, what did you just said," Gai asked again.

"This is the seal the Joseph-san invented?" Kakashi answered.

"The latter part," Gai asked.

"It heals the user?" Kakashi stated.

"Ah!!!" Kakashi and Gai simultaneously said.

"Exactly! Maybe it can heal Lee," Gai shouted with excitement and hope in his voice. They both then looked in Joseph's direction and saw Joseph flirting with Kurenai while Asuma's head is releasing smoke out of anger.

"Hey, clone-san you are making trouble for your original body!" Kakashi said in a monotonous tone.

"Not really, I can manually control my clone unlike you," Joseph replied, then continued to flirt with Kurenai.

"That is such an awesome technique, can you teach that to me?" Kurenai said complementing Joseph.

"I'm afraid you cannot handle it...This technique is mentally tasking," Joseph lied. Kurenai accepted his explaining and did not dwell for more.

"*Cough*, Joseph-san, this guy right here wanted to ask you something," Kakashi pointed to the guy behind him.

"You should rest for a while," Joseph said while patting Kurenai, who chuckle like a little girl.

"Well then see you again," Kurenai said, then left. Asuma followed her.

"What is it Gai-san?" Joseph said. He met Gai in the stadium where they defend the civilians.

"Joseph-san! I got a request for you..." Guy said with all seriousness while bowing at 90 degrees angle.

"I need something in return," Joseph replied.


"Itachi, your neck is glowing!" Kisame said pointing at the Knight's mark that is glowing red on Itachi's neck.

'My eyes are getting better...my body...too? don't tell me...A seal?' Itachi said while touching his neck, he feels his eyes and body getting heal although super slow but still getting better.

Itachi remembers the seal that Joseph applied to Kakashi.

When Joseph chokes Itachi earlier he applied an inferior version of the seal, the seal will vanish for about an hour.

After an hour the seal vanishes into dust, Itachi felt lightness in his body that he never felt in a long time. He decided if he saw an opportunity he will give Joseph a visit...

'Maybe...just maybe...' Itachi thought while looking around him with a much clearer vision.


Imagine Joseph using eight gates.

The final gate cannot kill him because of his Unique Regeneration. Muahahaha.

Mister_Rencreators' thoughts