
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 32 - Fire and Ice.

The sound four got captured and placed in Konoha's prison.

Konoha recognizes Joseph as a hero that saves their Village. Numerous kids imitate Joseph.

"I'm mighty! swoosh swoosh!" One of the kids said while acting like he is flying.

"HAHAHA, You looked Idiotic! This is how you do it!" the other one said.

Sunagakure reported that Orochimaru is behind them all as they completely surrender to Konoha,


Hiruzen wanted to step down on his seat because as he gets old the more his power decline.

Joseph and Jiraiya rejected Hiruzen's offer.

Jiraiya manages to convince Hiruzen that he will bring Tsunade as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Naruto is searching for his ramen ticket that seems to vanish.


Two people are walking around the Konoha, They both wearing a long dark cloak with red clouds on it. The cloak has a high collar and they also have straw hats.

Asuma and Kurenai confronted the two because Kakashi asked them to take care of them earlier.

"You guys aren't from the village, why in the world did you come?" Asuma questioned.

"I haven't seen you for awhile Asuma-san, Kurenai-san," The one with a shorter frame said.

"If you know about us, are you former Konoha's ninja?" Asuma inquire.

The shorter one removed his straw hat showing his Sharingan with three tomoe and fastened his cloak.

"humph, without a doubt...Uchiha...Itachi," Asuma said with sweat on his face.

"You're are acquaintances of Itachi-san? If then so, I'll introduce myself as well, I'm Hoshigaki Kisame," The tall one said, he also removed his straw hat, showing his shark-like features, then continued, "Hereafter, I hope to be familiar with you."

"Never mind later, I'm going to beat you now!" Asuma threat.

"Itachi-san It seems you're pretty unpopular in this village too," Kisame said.

"I know you too, Hoshigaki Kisame, Originally a ninja of Kirigakure, suspected of national convert activities and killing a feudal lord," Kurenai said.

"You're a major S rank criminal listed in the Bingo Book...Itachi, you have some nerve coming back to this village, after causing that awful accident," Asuma added.

"Asuma-san, Kurenai-san, don't interfere with me, I don't intend to kill you," Itachi said with a neutral expression.

"What are you after?" Asuma inquires while he readies his charka blade.

Kisame smash his sword, Samehada in the ground, making dust around, and said, "This guy is pretty annoying should we kill him?"

"It doesn't look like we are able to leave the village so smoothly...but don't overdo it, your techniques tend to stand out," Itachi said.

The battle starts! Kisame slashes his sword towards Asuma, but Asuma successfully dodges it. Kisame attempt again but Asuma blocked Samehada with his Chakra kunai.

Kisame sword overpowered Asuma's Chakra knife, causing Samehada to shred his arm's skin.

Kurenai used her genjutsu but reverse by Itachi making her trapped in her own genjutsu. Kurenai bit her lips to undo the genjutsu, Itachi used this opportunity to kick Kurenai to the water beside her.

Asuma and Kisame exchange moves, but this time Asuma cut Kisame's cheeks using his Chakra Kunai, which greatly shock Kisame.

Kisame jumped backward then initiate his technique, "Water Release: Water Shark Bomb Technique!"

Kakashi entered the scene and copied Kisame's attack, "Water Release: Water Shark Bomb Technique!"

'The same jutsu as me?!' Kisame thought with a surprise face.


Joseph received a new house in the south of Konoha as a reward for his heroic feet.

"Now then, come forth, Elise, Sebas Tian, and Shalltear..." Joseph used his skill, three magic circles appeared in the ground then slowly three people came out of it.

The system already notified the Three of what is happening around, and what world they are in.

"It's good to serve you once more," Sebas bowed towards Joseph.

Elise didn't say anything and quickly throw herself towards Joseph.

"There there, I thought time doesn't move there?" Joseph said with a hint of worry in his voice. Elise has a special place in his heart.

"I wish there are strong people out here, the previous world is boring," Shalltear said while covering her mouth with a fan.

Joseph already asked Yugao to inform the Hokage to register the three of them as a ninja and his subordinates and citizen of Konoha.

Sebas went out to scout the place, while Shalltear started to dig a hole underground to create her room.

After some time, Elise finally let Joseph go, and said, "Even though I saw you this morning, I felt you had left me for a long time,"

"By the way, Joseph-sama, who is she," Elise asked while pointing at Haku, who is releasing a terrifying amount of killer intent while smiling.

"I like to ask that as well," Haku grabbed her Senbon.

"I'm Elise, Joseph-sama's lover," Elise gaze at Haku's eye with a fire aura surrounding her.

Haku's aura intensifies, and said with a tone devoided of emotions, "Is that true Joseph-sensei?"

"Of course, but aren't my lover too?" Joseph said straightforward.

"Me?" Haku's terrifying aura vanished in an instant.

"Yes..." Joseph said with a straight face.

Haku cup her face and a huge blush appear on them. "I see I'm you girlfriend huh, girlfriend, he,he,he, Joseph-sensei girlfriend hehehehe," Haku slowly entered her room while repeated saying that.

Joseph looked at Elise, who is looking down with steam coming out of her head.

"What's wrong?" Joseph asked with worry.

"I didn't expect that you would truly admit it, It makes me super happy," Elise said quietly without lifting her face.

Joseph suddenly felt an unknown chakra signature, he decided to create a Sun Energy Clone and manually controlled in. The Clone swiftly flew away.

"What is that?" Elise asked.

"Nothing important, just sending an exterminator for some pest," Joseph said, then grabs Elise's hands, then continued, "Let's cuddle."


Josephclone was flying towards the Chakra signature he felt inside of Konoha.

"Now, now, what do we have here," Joseph landed beside Kakashi and in front of Asuma and Kurenai, who got their eyes closed.

"Joseph-san, I'm glad you came," Kakashi said with sweat on his forehead. He just experienced Tsukuyomi.


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