
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 13 - Party.

In the castle.

Elegant Music can be heard while people are waiting for the King to start the celebration.

The nobles learned to accept Joseph's authority and even trying to win his favor, by giving him girls, but Joseph didn't know that the nobles are sending some girls because they never passed Elise.

Joseph then stands up and announced, "This is all our victory, I am delighted to announce that we have no casualties in this month's wave! Enjoy yourself!"

"Yes!!!" Everyone shouted with happiness on their face.

"With the king with us, there is nothing to worry about," Random A said.

"Yeah, did you saw those knights? they are so strong," Random B replied.

"I agree, I mean Sebas-Sama killed three giant monsters with a pen, with a fucking pen, who the fuck does that!?" Random Gay Person said.

"I almost felt sorry for the monster, HAHAHA," Random C said with a loud voice.

The party was more fun because even the commoners and adventurers are invited, the nobles wanting the king's favor didn't oppose the idea at all.

"Kid, this is a good party," Naofumi looked at his side and saw Erhard drinking a glass of wine with his usual attire.

Erhard is a middle-aged (or older) Caucasian male whose well-built body, notably face and arms, is full of old scars. He has a shaved head, Amish-style beard without a mustache, brown or black eyes, and partially darker skin. He wears an off-white undershirt with medium-length sleeves beneath a beige overalls-like forger apron (with a brown pouch-like bag on the waistline) hung only by the left shoulder, black gloves, dark brown pants, and brown-beige upturned boots.

Erhard is openly a cheerful and nice person, he would go out of his way to get angry for someone else's sake. He can generally tell most of the time when someone is lying to him or not.

He doesn't believe in Melromarc's religious views about treating the Shield Hero as a devil and discriminating against demi-humans.

"Yeah, It is quite nice," Naofumi replied but still can feel the discrimination of almost every person in the room because he is a shield hero and sigh.

"Boss you came too?" Raphtalia enters the scene while carrying a plate full of food.

"Ohh young miss, I thought I should personally see King Joseph," Erhard replied smiling.

Raphtalia nods, and looks at Naofumi and said, "Have a bite Naofumi-Sama" then feed him, Naofumi just opened his mouth and ate the food.

Naofumi then looked at Erhard and said, "So what do you think of him?"

Erhard replied while shaking his wine," The king? I don't know there is something very wrong about him, but I can't seem to point it out."

"I know I can feel it too, he is too kind," Naofumi replied seriously.

"hmm, Naofumi-Sama the king already helped us is a lot of ways, how can you say that," Raphtalia said while pouting.

Erhard then noticed their new armor, and said with a shine in his eyes, "Kid can I examine your armor when you have time? you too young miss"


Malty was walking in the party she can see the Spear Hero talking with the ladies and the shield hero is having fun talking with his friends.

She looked above where is Joseph sitting up and he saw him talking with Elise while smiling, which made her cursed inside.

"Oh, Malty is that you?" Motayasu noticed Malty.

"Motoyasu-Sama, aren't you angry at me?" Malty replied while showing her innocent face.

Motoyasu can't seem to resist Malty's charm and said, "No no I was just confused at that time," then he walked forward Malty.

"How are you? I didn't see you in the wave." Motoyasu said then put his arm around Malty.

Malty faked her blush then glace a peek in Joseph upstairs, but Joseph still talking to Elise and appears he doesn't have any interest in her.

Malty need someone to take out her anger, and the shield hero seems to be the perfect candidate for her, after ten minutes of flirting with the spear hero, Malty then whispered in Motoyasu's ear which made Motoyasu looked at Naofumi with hatred.

Motoyasu then goes forward Naofumi's direction and said, "Naofumi..." then toss his glove at him then continue to speak, "Duel me."

Raphtalia and Erhard looked at Motoyasu with a frown.

"I heard that Raphtalia-Chan is your slave," Motoyasu state his reason.

Erhard wants to intervene but Naofumi just looked at him with a look that said he can take care of it.

Erhard just let out a sigh and allow Naofumi to settle this.

"and what if she is?" Naofumi replied to Motoyasu.

"You..." Motoyasu grows angrier at Naofumi.

Naofumi kept pushing his button and clearly state, "Raphtalia is my slave, so what?" without changing his expression.

"Listen! it's not right to enslave others!" Motoyasu said righteously.

Naofumi closed his eyes and said, "Listen to yourself, slavery is legal in this country, anyway."

Motoyasu replied, "But we are heroes from another world! We can't behave that way here!" Malty is just behind Motoyasu smiling.

"That is just your opinion, I disagree" Naofumi stated.

Motoyasu pointed his spear towards Naofumi and said, "Battle me! If I win, free Raphtalia-Chan.

Naofumi looked at him without changing his expression and said, "And what if I win?"

"Then...you can keep things as they are," Motoyasu said calmy.

"This is ridiculous," Naofumi replied then proceed to leave which pissed Motoyasu to a greater extent.

"He has a slave in his party?" Mitsuki questioned.

Ren then said, "I thought he couldn't stoop any lower, but he has."

The black knight blocked Naofumi's way surprising him, then Joseph's voice resounded from above.

"It's very ridiculous right Naofumi? Motoyasu gets to free Raphtalia-Chan but you don't get anything when you win?" Joseph said while his arms are crossed making everyone looked at him.

"I don't mean like that, your Majesty, " Naofumi said, he just wants to leave.

"Accept his challenge," Joseph ordered then continued, "Show me how important Raphtalia to you," Smiling at them both.

Raphtalia looked at Joseph with a slight blush, then look eagerly to Noafumi suggesting that she wants Naofumi to accept it.

"Alright, alright," Naofumi sigh while rubbing the back of his head.